Well we are still in Texas, will leave here tomorow around noon sometime and go to Colfax ,La for the weekend and then home on Monday.
I am hoping to see two of my grandsons today that live down here in Houston, I have been calling and there is a message machine on and they havent returned my call so i dont know if they are not home or just not returning my call. They are 18 and 20 so it is possible they just dont have time i guess. Sure hope i get to see them before leaving here at least for a few minutes.
Yesterday was a great day. Sunny and 65 degrees but windy Went shopping and found some really good bargains and some cute things.
Today other than trying to get hold of the g=kids will be spent relaxing and not doing much.
My sister teaches aerobics classes at a gym a few days a week and i have been going with her to them , cant keep up but i try lol. She is in great physical shape . At least she has given me a lot of pointers to help build my muscles back up some.
I thnk i am beginning to be ready to get back home, Dont know why with it still being winter but i guess i have been gone long enough to really miss my little house, my dog and my grandbabies up there.
TAMMY: glad you survived the wind and stuff, have you gotten snow ?
Wanted to tell you i love your new picture, you are such a pretty pretty girl and you are looking great.
Tell Janet in your next conversation with her that i love her and wish she could use Mikes computer to at least post once in a while and let us all know how she is doing.
TRACI: whew sounds like your family has been all under the weather but sure glad it looks like the tide has turned for you now.
I know your new support group will be great.
CONNIE: You sound like you are doing great with your weight loss. Cant wait to see you at the next meeting.
Did it snow in Springfield yesterday?
DEBBIE: so glad that you are doing better and not in pain anymore. Things can happen after this surgery that no one thinks about ,cant it? Everyone should be aware that pain should be checked out, not that all pain is caused by the surgery but check it out anyway.
Well who won the B-ball game? I know you all had fun watching it anyway.
NUTTI: that is great that you have found a job and are working and like it. Makes you appreciate work some better doesnt it after all this time off because you couldnt work.
Hope all is going well with you and would love to see you at a meeting in Springfield again.
BELANNA: So glad that everything is going well with you, weight, boyfriend, divorce, and work.
What is your job, do you travel a lot?
Would be great to see you in Springfield sometime soon.
Really be carefull with meats since they are such a dense protein, especially beef , to me it just gets biggere and bigger the more i chew it lol
CHIPSTER: great to hear from you and thanks for the well wishes.
Hope all is going well for you .
Well I am going to get off here and go back to bed for a little while and wait for all the others to get up I think. Well maybe not my brother in law just got up lol. So will go get dressed i guess instead.
Love and hugs to all and God Bless.