I'ts your long-lost Lana
Just have a few minutes while my boss is teaching a class but wanted to say Hi, I'm fine, and thank Glenna for a great meeting last night. It is always good to see the COF group. And to have two newbies join us - far out!!! (How old am I???)
It was also great to see folks at Next Step group before the COF. You all are important to me and I enjoy keeping up with everyone.
I have to go now, have lots to do. Hope to have a new person starting to help me out within a couple of weeks.
Hugs to you all.
It was also great to see folks at Next Step group before the COF. You all are important to me and I enjoy keeping up with everyone.
I have to go now, have lots to do. Hope to have a new person starting to help me out within a couple of weeks.
Hugs to you all.
Hey Lana you been gone too? good to see you. sure was sorry to miss another COF meeting, but will be at the next one , i promise, I am haveing a great time tho. No worries and no cares, letting others wait on me hand and foot lol no not really. Tomorrow is my birthday (yuck) 39 again LOL
I cant wait to see s0me of the newbies and how much they have already lost.
Miss you. Jan
LANA LANA LANA LANA!!!!! YAY Glad you're back...Ive been wondering where you were....now stay put.. LOL
Leave it up to you girls to leave once i get my DSL up and running then you all take off on me LOL...Just glad you guys are back ...........God Bless Craig Lee
Craig Lee Watts
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"
426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________
267lbs PRAISE GOD.....
Lana, It was great seeing you, you teenie tiny thing you. I think I might have to drop in on COF sometime to see everyone. Hope your shoulder is doing ok, I didn't get to talk to ya one on one. I can't get on during the day any more due to the new St John's computer system. It has blocked OH because of the "other" areas on this site. Keep up the good work you sure have done well my friend. Hugs, Tara
Watch out world here I come!!