So sorry I haven't been hasn't been treating us real well here lately but we are hanging in there!
I have lost 56lbs since this time last year with the help of my Lap Band surgery. Not a real good number but hey....that's the last time I will ever see those 56lbs! Praise the Lord!!
Stressors have been high but I just keep handing them over to the Lord, where they belong!
I hear Jan is on a Cruise (NICE!!) and Janet is sick AND having computer problems, that poor girl!
Good to see you up and around Mel, it's been awhile since I have seen you but then again I haven't been on here much!
Good to see all the other regs. and a hearty WELCOME to all the newbies!
Craig....nice new pics! All those that have up new pics....WOW!! CONGRATS!!
I feel so much better with my loss....wish I would of done it years ago! I'm starting to get a lot of extra skin....don't care much for that part but hey....I don't feel like I'm carrying an extra person around with me, every where I go!
Update on my Family....
David is doing good, they have him on meds for his leg and foot pain, they also have him on meds to take care of his heart condition and all seems to be working together okay.
Jason and Wendy moved out of our home, they are pregnant again. We wish them all the best.
My daughter and I are talking again...we have finally agreed that we are not going to agree on everything and that's okay. She still needs to grow up a lot but we pray that will come in time.
Roy, my stepson that I have raised as my own since he was one and a half has finally decided that there is life outside of being gothic. He is actually wanting to settled down and start a real life. He comes over to visit his ol Mom quite often!
I was trying for a job with the IRS, everything was looking good but then my doctors decided they wanted to run all kinds of tests on me before I go back to work (the swollen lymph nodes and thyroid nodules) so I emailed them (the IRS) and explained that I would have too many doctor appts. in the next few months and didn't feel that it would be fair to them or the people I would be working with. I told them I would try next year!
Jake and Gracee....well...we're going to have puppies! I guess I must of been a little too busy! Little did I know what those two were up to. I will have no problem selling the puppies, everyone wants one. Both dogs are very smart, easy to train and great around kids....good hunting and guard dogs too! As far as I'm concerned they are perfect but I am
Well, that's about it for now around here! I did want to thank everyone that sent out Christmas cards, I got them and loved everyones!! I'm sorry I didn't get mine out....things got real bad here around Christmas. I have plans to get everything started early this year, maybe August.....just in case!
Love you all...take care!!
Deb M.
Sounds like things are going pretty good with all your kids...Congrats on the lbs lost....your right...a few or a lot at least they are lbs gone!!!
Hope things go well for you and you get your health lined out so you can go back to work...
Keep us posted....Luv & Hugs..Tammy~ammy
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!