Primary Care Doctors in KC North that Support Bariatric Surgery
I am a nurse that is working in a Saint Lukes facility. Since Lukes has the bariatric surgery program, they are very big on referring their patients for surgery. I would suggest that you get on the saint lukes website at www. and search for a primary care doc in your area. I think a doc that is affiliated with lukes would be more likely to reccomend the surgery. My almost friend who is 300 # has a primary doc that wouldn't support her decision for WLS either, so don't feel bad. Just find a new doc!
Thank you for your quick reply. I just ran off a list of family practice docs and internists from Luke's and compared it to the Aetna website for providers. I work in the business too, but on the peds/administrative side downtown. Have you heard any gossip about any particular physician on the St. Luke's side that would be supportive of the surgery and that would provide a referral? Thank you again for your input. Hot-Flash