Jan C.
on 1/15/08 9:36 am - Cedar Creek, MO
Hey everyone. We are really having fun helping Renee do things to her house. Today Joe put her a new tub surround around her tub, tomorrow he is going to be putting up plastic over all her windows and weather stripping around her front door.Im going with her to her doctor and then we will probably go to church with her tomorrow night .She wants to introduce us to all her friends.  We will be leaving her Thursday to go to Fla. I think we will be going to St. Augustine Thrusday night and look around there and then go onto to the port and stay all night friday night so we will be in that town to be able to board the ship about noon. What is the temp at home? it is cold down here.  is suppose to get down to 21 tonight.?  Janet sure wish i could here from you. Thanks for the warm wishes. Hope your family gets better soon and the computer get fixed.  Bev. You will be having surgery soon. Good luck and do you have an angel that will report to us when you are thru surgery??? Hey Craig good talking to you today and hope you are feeling better.  Angie honey one cut as in open surgery isnt easier to heal from . the little cut they make to do Lap. surgery are small  and donthave much pain at all to them ...the open surgery is 6 weeks of healing for most people Everyone stay wqrm and dry...love to all of you HUGS AND BLESSINGS JAN



on 1/15/08 2:59 pm - Joplin, MO
Hello MO Peeps            Yes, It is really me. I know that I havent been on here. But have really had my hands full. Everyone here is doing good. Just after Christmas we all came down sick BAD!!!! I had the lil ones out to the ER they were so sick. And I wanst going to wait to get in to see their doc. But thankfully we are all back on the mend and doing sooooo much better.          I go in for surgery on my 8th hernia on the 30th of this month. Not looking foward to it but it has to be done before it gets to bad and bigger. My PCP referred me over to my new surgeon and he is WONDERFUL!!!!! He even has another doc in his office that does surgery with him. So I will have 2 instead of just one. Which makes me feel better. I will proabley just stay over nite and Lord willing be home the next day.      I went to see my new Ortho about my back. NOT GOOD!!! He is referring me over to a pain mangement doctor for LONG TERM & CRONIC PAIN. Cause there isnt anything else he can do for me. He would like to do surgery but he is hopeing I can lose a little more weight just cause of the serverity of the surgery. He has talked about putting a steel rod and screws in my back and I will lose 20 -25% mobiltiy in my back. I cant even begin to say in word how I felt when he told me that. Last time I saw him I had 2 herniated dics today I found out I have 3 more so 5 in total. Doc said it was almost like my back was eating away at it's self. So now I am just waiting to hear back from them as to when my appt in Springfield is going to be.    My mom is doing pretty good. She has decided at this time not to have her surgery. She is still hemerageing at times. But my sister & I both sat her down and talked to her and told her both sides but in the end it was her decision and we would be behind her all the way whatever way she decided. So we just keep her in our prayers that God will take care of her.     We had a great Christmas with all the family. My neice and her hubby and daughter moved to MN. Broke my heart for them to be so far away/ But Janet talked to me and made me open my eyes that she is a mother and wife. And her place is with her hubby. We talk more now then we did when she just lived in Arkansas. Or actually we txt each other. But she is happy and that is the most important thing. She just txted me today saying they got their house totally furnished and all utilitys paid for 1100. per month. I about choked to death. lolBut at least they will have a house for the baby instead of living in a motel. Her hubby works for a survey comp and they travel all over the states. So that will be kewl for her to get to see so many new states and different places. They are keeping their house in Arkansas so when they come back for a visit they have their home to go to.    Terry & I still have both the kids. Clara got to start school today. We kept waiting for head start or the school to have an opening but none opened up. So we put her in a private christain school part time. At least she will be better prepared when she actually gets to start kindergarden. She also is still in Daisy's which is the first step in Girl Scout's. I would like to check into dance or gymnastics for her cause this girls always danceing. But will have to see what it cost. Since we STILL DONT GET ANY help from her mother or her brother's father at ALL!!!!     I was going to start back to school in Feb but due to surgery I will have to wait for the next classes which is in 12 weeks. Then it will depend on how my back is doing. But Lord willing i will be able to go.     Janets computer is still down. She also had the yucky flu bug going thro her family as well. But everyone that way is feeling better flu wise anyways. Janet was have some MAJOR back pain today. So if anyone that reads this would put her in yourprayers. I would be greatful.      I will try to get on here more now that everything is calming down. I pray everyone is safe and healthy. And that you all have a blessed week. I'm going to get off of here and go check on the kids. Terry is out in the hottub I was going to go but my back hurts way to bad. Well I will post more later and keep up post as to how my surgery goes. God Bless Mel & Family
~~God has seen you struggling, God say's its over, A Blessing is coming your way!!~~
on 1/15/08 9:17 pm - pomona, MO
Mel it is so good to hear from you I was worried about you and I will keep praying about your back, you have to be careful lifting..I know with little ones around it is hard to keep from doing so.. hang in there it will get better..love ya ...vesta


on 1/15/08 9:19 pm - pomona, MO
Jan have fun...I am jealous..lol..we had a good meeting last night..how is your knee holding up?.....love ya ...vesta


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