surg. 1/8 home 1/10,er 1/11 now what
Had my surgery on 1/8 all went well, up and walking within 12hours. PCA of Morphine made me nausea, so took no more after about 18hours post op. (no pain meds x 4 hours). Was told for the first time ever that for 40 days i couldn't have cpap. (have slept on cpap sine 2001). Day #2 went ok, the methlon blue test wasn't something i would want to do again. Up walking on Tylenol #3. Day #3 (1/10/09) had dye x-ray test, three 15cc shot of clear x-ray dye yuck!!!! This test was ok and i passes little gas so i got to go home around 4pm on Thursday. Started recording everything that happened on my log once i got home. By Friday am was feeling that my Drainage from my JP tube was alot (320cc in 12hours). Called mo bariatrics till i finally got a hold of (1030am)Natalie told about this jp drainage seemed like alot and that i had low belly pain toward my left hip. She called me back saying that dr??BOO??(that is what it sounded like) wants me to go to univ er for bloodwork and check out increase jp tube drainage. Why not the office or thru out patient i now wonder??? So by 11:15 on friday (18hrs after orig d/c) in Univ. Er. Saw a PA was very nice lady. To make a looonng story short. Paged surgery and they finally arrived for consult around 3pm did another dye x-ray test only this time had to drink 3 30cc shots of clear dye, yuck!! No leak. Then the Methlon blue test again, no blue in drain tube. Yes I had more drainage but they don't know why gave me bag of IV fluids and sent me home While waiting for d/c from er lower abd pain became worse. So sharp in tears at time. (Did not want to be looked at as a drug seeker, but it was appearent i could not stand straight at times). Any how finally got my d/c and home i Went to curl up in ball. By the time I got home I had explosive diarhea, releving pain at times. So all day saturday and today. MY surg cuts are up high on my abd wall-don't hurt. I feel nausea, don't want to eat or drink but trying to get fluids in. this low abd pain moves around a bit sometimes a 2 other times a sharp gas pain of 8(tears and can't stand up strait. While typing this had a second attack of extreme pain , again blow out black thicker diarrhea lots of gas and pain has decreased. My question to you is the gas/ low abd pain with black stools normal after bypass??? I am a nurse and know what black stools can mean. I have a appt @9:30tomarrow w/ my surg. Unless i might die tonight don't want to go to the ER. Lora
Anything WORTH having is WORTH working for !
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!