Answers to some Missouri Bariactric patients
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog:
Hey everyone, it's me Amy K! How is everyone? I just wanted to respond to Bobbie's post about what is going on with Missouri Bariatric Services. I no longer work for them, because Justin fired me, and he also fired Kelly as well. The other's that she is talking about are 3 temps that have been with us for several months now. I just wanted to get on here and post a message to all of my patients. I wanted you all to know that you will be missed greatly. I loved my job, and I loved my patients. As all of you know, I am overwieght also, so you know that I know the struggles. Yes, like Bobbie said Justin has had the surgery, and others. I just know that it takes compassion to make a business like this work, I mean real compassion, not "fake". (Tell ya what you want to hear type things. Understand?) I got fired because I became temporaily without transportation for my 2 youngest daughter's to get to school. I asked if I could break up my lunch hour to get them back and forth. He wouldn't accept this, I am a single mother, just like some of you. I had no other choice, but to go to school and get my daughter's. I was wrote up the next day and told that if I left that afternoon that I would be terminated. I was forced to resign because I didn't want to have to put "terminated" on any of my future applications for employment. He wouldn't even give me anytime to get anything arranged. I will miss all of you so much. You were all an inspiration to me. There are still a couple of good ones there so be easy on them, they are working so short, and no one will get any help out there. I will be on and check my messages. ~Amy K~