Jan C.
on 1/9/08 12:18 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Another day closer to going on our vacation, wish I could take you all with me but I will post most every day and put in a picture or two or try to. Don’t know if ill be able to since it will be the ships computers. Lol I will try and if I cant I will show them all to you all when we get back. I hope to come back all brown and tanned and feeling good.

I hope it isnt too bad of weather for you all while we are gone. Lol it will probably wait till we get back and then come a 2 ft snow lol but that would be sort of fun I think.

As long as everyone had food and didn’t have to go anywhere it would be fun anyway.


Well took out all the clothes one more time and paired all of them up, I have 3 extra blouses , hey that isnt too bad, lol

We have to find Joe some more shorts, he only had two old pair and two pair that Sugar bought him the other day , all of them are denim I want him to get a pair of the green ones and a khaki pair too he always wants them all just alike lol Oh well if I buy them he will wear them anyway.


I went and had a pedicure done today. Boy that feels good. And looks pretty, got a pretty coral pink nail polish, looks like summer and the beach…


The Grandkids are coming home tomorrow, that is good since we will be leaving Friday morning.

Thursday we are both getting haircuts and mine colored too. Sure needs it lol. Silver is showing thru.


Can you tell im getting excited? My kitchen floor where all the suitcases are landing is beginning to look pretty cluttered.




TAMMY: so glad that the storms didn’t get you or blow you away. .

Know that all of your Mo. Family will be praying for you and  what is going on with your family. Hopefully this child that is about to have a child will learn and be ready.

Maybe her mother moving here will help her know what , how,,and all the ifs,     



NUTTI: sounds like you and Pixi had fun at the Castle…lol 

Would love to see a picture of your new hair do.

Great on the 6 mo labs. It is about time for me to do mine again I think.


Yeah Belanna is a beautiful woman isnt she? I love the red hair but love it the other color too.

It sure is a shame that kids act so ungrateful when you try to help them isnt it? I know what you mean .tho. and don’t let them stress you out anymore.




TRACI: sounds like you were glad kids were back in school even it they weren’t so tickled with it.



CONNIE: sounds like your month checkup went perfect. Sounds like there were some good wow moments there that you didn’t think about.

Being able to breath, down a pant size in one month.


So glad that you and the kids are all ok , thank God you had a closet to hide in.


Hope everyone will keep us in their prayers while we are gone.



BEV: wow not many more days till your surgery. The dizziness and all is partly because you have stopped all carbs, no sugar, no caffeine, etc etc and your body is yealling about it.

It should straighten out in another couple of days tho.

Yes you can get the protein powder and mix it with your type of milk to make shakes and they might taste some better. Sound like you have found a good way to make them extra tasty tho.

I hope you are able to take your dream vacation soon too. When you get to feeling better you will be able to do more.



KELLY: what are the plastic disk for and why do you have to have them taken off at the doctors office? Don’t know what they are.

Tell your hubby that it is ok if he laughs at me , im use to it. Lol








Traci K.
on 1/9/08 8:37 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone It's going to be another crazy busy day here.  I barely have time to check in here.  There's a new feature they just opened up to OH Support Group leaders yesterday:  our very own OH Groups!!  I have mine available, I just need to find time to get it setup.  It's basically like our own mini-OH within OH with our own message forums, chat rooms and what-not.   Very cool!!!!  I'll send you all a link to join my group, if you'd like, once I get it all setup.  Jan - I sure wish I was going on vacation soon!  We won't be going until end of June!! Have a great day everyone!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 1/9/08 11:47 pm - BUFFALO, MO

Jan, I hope you have a great time on your vacation.   I came through my surgeries fine.  ended up having the reversal, hernia repair & partial hysterectomy,(told Dr. Edwards he should of done a full one while he was at it but ...) I got pnuemonia while I was in the hospital. but I have a wonderful pulmonologist and he got it cleared right up.  I had some really good nurses but I also had some of the worst.  I knew something was wrong I was coughing up blood and couldn't take a deep breath.  I kept asking the nurses to call Dr Kim, but he is not a St. Johns staff doc so they wouldn't finally Dr. Edwards came in the next morning at 5:00 a.m. and I ask him to.  Dr. Kim had already told me that he had priveledges at St. Johns and to have the hospital notify him as soon as I had my surgery so he could follow me, I kept telling them... anyway  finally a nurse came in that evening and said your pulmonologist called and wants a chest x-ray and sputem sample.  so by the time I got back from X-ray he was there,  He walked in and said cough I did he said you in bad shape I should have seen you two days ago. I go order treatment.  and that was it   He ordered this treatment that actually shakes your lungs and causes all of that junk to come up.  the Respitory therapist came in with the nurse and gave me a nebullizer treatment and in the process tells us that the Dr. has ordered this other treatment but she was going to over ride his order and just stick with the nebulizer.  My sister Jean (nurse) says no you are going to follow her drs orders the nurse says we don't have to my sister says get me your supervisor the nurse says shes not here my sister says get me somebodies superviser now.  needless to say I got what my dr. ordered that nurse was not allowed back on my case nor was the rt.within 24 hrs the pneumonia was gone. I'm healing pretty good.  I had gotten an infection in the site where my colostomy had been and it kind of busted open but it is clearing up fine, my daughter is doing wet to dry packings 2x a day.I saw Dr Edwards Tuesday of this week and he said everythiing is looking good.  He is such a good Dr.  He is so confident.  My really puts me at ease. !He said he will do my gastric bypass, hopefully this summer..Yeah......  But he said I have to quit smoking now!!!!!!!!!!!!   He wants me to star****er aerobics now, and he said I have to understand that I am very high risk and that there is no way I can have lapriscopically it will have to be open...  but in the long run there is no long run...  I am not looking at much of a future the i'm in now I can't take care of myself. and my pulmonologist says if I don't get the weight off and quit smoking that the pulmonay hypertension and chf are just going to get worse.   Dr. Edwards is also going to do a lap band on my daughter, her boyfriend is against it but he will come around.  she too has to quit smoking first.   sorry I went on & on so long.   Thanks to everyone for their prayers. Thanks, Janet Logan

on 1/10/08 1:05 am - Wichita , KS
Good morning OH!  Well, I survived another day of my liquid diet and this is now day 4!  Yesterday wasn't as bad as day 1 and 2 so lets hope that it will get easier? I came into work this morning and this lady who knew I was doing the liquid diet phase brought me a gift basket full of broth, little diet coke cans, tea, and a very nice card.  I thought that was very sweet of her. Yesterday when I got home I made my shake using the powder with skim milk and omg it was so much better then the premade cans.  I thought I was drinking chocolate milk it was so good!!!!!  I still don't understand why after I drink a shake about an hour later I still feel like I need something like my blood sugar is low?  It's not just due to the liquids because even before the liquids when I would eat then about an hour later I would feel like I needed food so I don't know what that is all about? I have to go shopping for some slippers to take to the hospital was going to go last night bu****ched Big Medicine instead.  They have all new episodes now.   I was talking to my mom yesterday and she actually brought up things about my liquid diet and asked me questions.  This was a new thing because usually when I talk about my surgery or surgery related issues she tends to change the subject maybe she does care? Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!!! God Bless Bev~

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