I sure hope that all of our
Today we went to
Had her to help me with some of my new camera. She is really great with all of that stuff and knew she could teach me some of it. When I have more time I will have her to help me with more of it.
BEV: I know you didn’t post on here but please honey it will get better that liquid diet I mean. And I know it has been said already but that catch phrase of mine,(Keep Your eye on the prize) that is really true. If you feel yourself slipping or something just remember the bigger picture. It really does help.
I know you haven’t many that support you other than us but you do have us so you aren’t alone. And remember those other people that don’t support you don’t have to walk in your shoes daily. We on the board know what it is like to live a life of the M.O. and it isnt a walk for the timid or faint of heart but it is a horrible life ,,,Myself I knew that if I didn’t do something I would be dead I a short time anyway and didn’t really care one way or the other but now I have a life that is great , wonderful and full of job and happiness.
If you need any of us just holler.
TRACI: I am hoping you and your family are all feeling better by now. I know you are glad that the kiddos are back in school lol love the little buggers .
Hope all is well and you didn’t find any storm damage.
TAMMY: well are you all ok from your tornado warnings ?
Oh my on Janets computer. Those stupid dial ups are a pain in the butt and cause so much damage to computers.
I hope we hear from her soon she has been gone so long.
Stay safe from the storms.
KELLY: Tell your husband that you wont break that you are ok and that if he doesn’t believe you for him to come with you to your next doctors appointment and see for himself. Lol
So glad you are feeling well , rest when you get tired , walk as much as you can ,even if you have to do it a few minutes at a time, rest and then walk some more. It really is important to get your body moving again.
BELANNA: lol oh leave it to me I think I am suppose to be mama to everyone . Love you and want you to have a great and happy life, just be careful who you allow to have the chance to hurt you ok? Have fun and know that you are a beautiful woman.
Cant wait to see success pictures of you later.
CRAIG: Yep I have all of my vits and protein and stuff packed and ready to go.
Wish I was going to Disney land with you lol. Course I wont ride on any of the rides so don’t know that would be a good place for me or not.
I bet Leta looks good and feels so mch better now.
Keep praying and so will I for each other and all of our wonderful friends and loved ones on the OH board.
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Helloooo Mo! I hope all is well after those big winds...I had worried pets for a few hours but not to bad here. took Pixie to the Castle today....that is what she calls our courthouse and my mom happens to work there so I took her for her first visit. we went in through the basment and rode the elebator....thats all she wanted to do once we did it the first time. so we did all 3 floors and looked out the windows. she had a great time. you know our courthouse Elevator is quite old...and is open....very kewl even to me. wonder how they find the operator? that would be a fun job!
she didnt put up to much fuss about taking a nap when we got home.
I cut my hair about 5 inches had it layered and it looks and feels much better.
but it is much too short for my liking....I dont put my hair up with hair ponys...I usually twist it and tuck it in itself. I do this when it bugs me!!! now I have to put up with it! grrrr why didnt I think the whole haircut thing through???
oh some good news....6 month labs are in and all are within normal ranges!!
I have been worried about it. so it was a relief to know.
I went and looked at Bels photos and I didnt recognize ya without the red hair!
ya look so different. I need a change....what color shold I go?
I did red 3 or 4 times over the yrs but never that vibrant of a red!
so proud of you and how far youve come! enjoy yourself! you deserve it.
Educate your family! if they refuse than tell them they refuse to support you in your adult descion...than thats on them.....you have worked so hard for soo long to let anyone stop you from what you want/need.
I too was like Jan and when push came to shove...it was about dying while trying to live or die without living at all! because I knew that I was on borrowed time....still feel that way coz I have a long way to go...but I WILL get there! and why??? because June 27th 2007 I recieved a 2nd chance! WLS!
I knew once I got past all of the issues and I did loose some real weight I would say this!!
You can come here for support! we know how you feel!
you can do this if this is what your truely want to do!
Im at a loss to which project I want to work on sso Im going to pull out my daughters big monster house and work on it till Im bored. because of all the bad weather we didnt get to do anything before the holidays and we were busy during them that didnt do anything to it....
I do have the roombox/bike shop for my brother I have been working on. he will get it for his birthday this yr. in March so I need to go find it...yes I said find it...
Thursday I am going to the Career Center for some job counsling type thingie...hopefully they can help me find something!
well have to sleep. Pixie will be here to play today....she brought candyland to play with me....I get to teach her how to play....we played once already. have pity on me!
Tammy! hugggzzz
lots of kids grow up ALOT when becomming mothers!
with her mother close it could give her something more than herself to think of....
you can only do so much....at 18 she is allowed by law to make her own choices....and by law is suppose to take responsibilty for those choices.....
she is now going to be the mother....the law will hold her responsible for the wellbeing of her child.
....Ill pray for/with you. Jason was 17 when he fathered Miss Pixie...and I know how hard it is to let them do it....because they dont do it like I would/did. UUUGGGGGG
Pray for me that Jasons Gf gets into the apt she is trying to before they get evicted so she wont have to come here....and the ONLY reason I would let her come is because she is 1 month away from birth. Pixie can always come but not the parents....
they STRESS me out....2 hour showers a day...2 fresh towels each time no turning off lights leave dishes everywhere...I cant do it again! I just cant.
see Im already stressed at the thought!
Yall have a nice day!
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Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
WOOOOHOOOO I am home again.... I hate these trips where we are gone up north for three or more days!!! I like my house..... my things and mostly my rules HAHAHAHAHA things are pretty good here....just really tired from working my booty off and then showing off to the KFC dude! All in all it was a good week I made it through 3 jobs in one day which is hard hard physical labor but I did well and didnt even cry! lol you all have a great day I am off to the bathtub!
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334