OMG Liquid Diet melt down
I completely understand.. About the family thing. There is really no one that I can talk with my DH is always changing the subject etc too. That is why I am now obsessed with these boards. lol
Luckily I do not have to do the 2 week liquid thing, but I here that after a few days you will get more used to it.. I may even try the slimfast type diet 1 week before, just so I can try to get in the habit.
Just think about all you went thru to get to this point & you will see it is worth it. I look at it this way (when I am feeling like I am being selfish) I really don't do that much for myself, don't wear make-up, don't get my hair done. etc.. This one thing I am doing for myself! You should too. And if after I start feeling better about myself, & start doing my hair & make-up. Yay me. In fact here is another resolution I am going to make, when I return to work after having surgery I am going to start wearing make-up every day no matter how crappy I feel. So there.
So, enough......KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE PRIZE!.......Come here if you need support. I do.
Hope this helps......
Bev, Alot of people who go thru WLS has been in the condition. Family members can be brutal. But, you have to remember. They know nothing about this WLS..As well as you didnt until you went to see about it. If they were more educated about WLS then Im sure they would be more considerate if your choice. Yes it is your choice, stick by it. This is your life, This is your time to shine and be healthy. Ive heard alot of cases where people tell their loved ones bad things to scare them out of it. Another thing is some people dont like changes. Or, they can be scared for you as well...Iam sure if you sit and educate them in this matter they will come around. Its sad when people get this far and then quit because, of this and issues of being scared...Alot of people get turned away each day, because of certain reasons...God has given you the chance please dont get discouraged. No one can tell you how to live your life but you. I had to send my mother diagrams of the surgurey before she understood....My eldest Sister was very cross with me as well...she was just scared for me is what I finally found out..Now she is so proud of me when she sees me...Your family just loves you, so just educate them. Be happy and proud that you will be getting your life back...God Bless you Bev and Hang in there.....Craig Lee
Craig Lee Watts
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"
426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________
267lbs PRAISE GOD.....