Jan C.
on 1/7/08 11:39 am - Cedar Creek, MO

We got two more bushes and another tree moved yesterday….Or as Joe says he did. He just ask me where I wanted them, I have laid it out and watched the sun and shade this past year so now I know where I want them.

He also lay rocks out to outline some pathways in the shade garden. Now I have got to get lots and lots of hostas will be an on going process for awhile since they are sort of expensive.


Knew it was going to rain , just didn’t know when, my knees hurt too bad for it not to.


Went and met Sugar and Rick in Ozark for supper. Joe says taking me out to eat is a joke lol. Oh well I don’t have to cook for him then.

Picked up the shorts and the Capri she had bought for Joe and me, now to just add the blouses to them to match, That shouldn’t be any problem since Michele my youngest daughter has given me so many of them, almost every color there is.


I sure hope none of you were in the storms they had around different places last night? I guess we should have expected that with temps in the 70s like it was. All we got so far is lots of lighting but nothing else much. A little rain but not enough to do much good.


Well Tuesday and it is Loras surgery date. Should have been Tammy V too but she canceled. We will be waiting to hear some good news from her.


We are going over to see the two daughters tomorrow. One live in Holiday Island and the other in Rogers . It will probably be late when we get home tomorrow night.

I don’t know if P.T. was intending to come this week or not I still haven’t heard a thing from them. Oh well.



TAMMY: Well did you hear from Janet today? Is her computer messed up or did she just quit posting for some reason? I hope they are all ok.


Yep you would know I would find something to do outside when it is the least bit pretty out. I have about 30 seed and flower catalogs now stacked up by my chair. Lol Joe said now you know good and well you only order from one or two of those, I told him yeah but I like to look and see if any of the others have something that the main ones don’t have. Lol.


Hope you get over those allergies and can get back to work soon. It will be spring soon and they will get busy again.



VESTA: LOL LOL  woman where are you going to put all those clothes. You will have to have a house build with nothing but closets but isnt it neat to be able to wear cute stuff again.

We are sailing out of Port Canaveral. In Fla. On the 19th wish all of you were going with us.



SHELIA: how much protein can you get in a days time by trying to eat food to get it? No matter how much I try I cant get more than about 50 grams a day down. and that is only about half enough.

Well lose enough weight and we can find a big suitcase for the next trip.. lol



TRACI: hope you didn’t get any of the wild weather last night.

How did your meeting go?

Im glad that you enjoyed your Sunday school class that is really good.



CHIP: when you hit a stall like that , it is usually your body trying to catch up and the inches may be coming off. If it doesn’t start back up soon  then up your protein , water and exercise that will jump start it again.

That was nice about the praise team and the singing. You must have a really beautiful voice for them to invite you to come  join them. Would love to hear you sing some day.







Traci K.
on 1/7/08 8:47 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Oh my goodness - what a wild ride with the weather last night!  Yikes!!  Yes, we got some seriously strong storms here all night long.  I haven't looked outside to see if we got any damage.  Naturally, my side of the bed is the side by the skylight   Hope everyone fared through the storms okay. I did not make it to the meeting last night.  By the time we got back from the ENT doctor visit, I was feeling awful with this sore throat/head cold thing going on, and my hubby and the children all have it too.  So I opted to stay home and rest.  I hope the meeting went well.  Today the children finally head back to school after their long Christmas break.  FINALLY!  YAY!!!  So I can get some work done today.  Have a great day everyone!!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Tammy H.
on 1/7/08 10:52 pm - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Yall.... Well if we got much of that stuff last night I guess I slept thru it lol lol...We just went under a tornado watch and they say there is a line of stuff coming up from Ark, so guess I will keep a eye on things till this afternoon since all my brats are out and about with school and work. Jan....Yes I did talk to Janet yesterday. Her computer is down again...She said she should have it back soon. She said in the next night or two she might have Mike bring in his lap top and post on it to catch up on things.  But things are ok their way...She's just not on cause of her computer. Hope you all have a wonderful day... God Bless each of you... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 1/7/08 11:13 pm - St. Charles, MO
Well it is now Tuesday. We did hear and feel a lot of the storm but we didn't get any damage.  I am going to get out of the house today.  I am getting pretty bored.  Its quite funny though.  My husband is so afraid he is going to hurt me.  He won't even sleep next to me at night.  Now he is worried his driving is going to hurt.  I keep telling him I am fine.  I know my limits.  I was outside all day Sunday.  Granted I was leaning a lot of the time, I felt pretty good.  I really need to get out of the house today.  Well I will try to post more later. Love ya all, Kelly
on 1/8/08 12:21 am - Chesterfield, MO
Jan, Thank you so much for your words of wisdom last night.  The new guy is just for fun now.  He completely understands I am not ready for anything serious right now.  It's just nice to know that someone finds me attractive.   I love you gals and guys you are so supportive!

Peace in all you do,
I'm so excited, I just can't hide it, I'm about to lose control and I think I like it, I like it!
Starting weight 350 / Surgery Weight 314
Current Weight 183 as of 7/1/2009
Target Weight 150
Lower body lift 6/1/2009

Craig Watts
on 1/8/08 2:07 am - Green City , MO
Jan, I hope you have a great time on your cruise. Make sure you take plenty of Vitamins and Protein mix.  Here in a few weeks, Leta is taking me to California. We get to go to Disney Land. Ive always wanted to go there since I was a kid. You're never too old to go to Disney Land. When I went to Nursing Acedemy in L.A. in 87. I got to go to Univeral Studios it was really fun. But, I never got to go to Disney Land.  I was in Columbia at the UMC yesterday when the tornados were around the area. They closed off the hospital coridors. Made announcements over the speakers. It was like pitch black outside like nighttime. Iam glad everyone is ok and getting healthier.  Ms Jan you so deserve this cruise. Iam so happy for you. You have really worked hard over the past year. God has really blessed you in so many ways. You're right. One has to keep the faith even after he answers your prayers. Lets pray that we all keep the faith and tell of his wonderful blessings. God Love ........Craig Lee

Craig Lee Watts 
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"

426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________

267lbs PRAISE GOD.....


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