Jan C.
on 1/6/08 12:15 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Wow did someone say spring??? It got to 72 today , I transplanted all sorts of bushes and small trees today. Lol that is what Gardners do in the late fall and nice days in the winter like this.  Every year seems like there is something that got planted in the wrong spot,.so have to move it. We either make a pathway too close to it or it gets too big for that spot or it is getting too much shade/sun so hence we move stuff .


I had an e-mail from Tammy V. today saying she has been getting so much hassle from all of her family and husband about the surgery so she called and canceled it. I cant imagine  what she is going thru. So sad. We will all just pray for her that she have peace about her decision. My husband was and is my biggest supporter so I cant really imagine it being otherwise but I know for what ever reasons that a lot of spouses and family don’t want their loved ones to do this. I think usually that if they know more about it then they are ok with it but there are some out there that aren’t. Anyway I hope she is content with her decision. After all she is the one that it effects the most.



TRACI:So how did your first day as pre school Sunday school teacher go? Those are the best ages I think.

I don’t know what season it is either but I will take more days like this that is for sure.


SHEILA: Honey you don’t have a choice about the protein, you have to get it back into your diet , if you aren’t eating protein what are you eating. You will make yourself really sick if you don’t get this by the tail soon. Plus you will start losing your hair by the handsfull.

You have been doing well and know you have had some problems but you didn’t have this surgery to fail at it. You know what you have to do ok??Love you and want you to be healthy and happy.

Got a big suitcase I can put you in? you can always sleep on deck in a deck chair lol I wonder if they have ever had anyone to come on ship like that?



BOBBY JO: hey congrats on the size 18 that is great. Keep up the good work you will get there soon.

 Sounds like you get plenty of exercise cleaning all of those vent a hoods in places.

I bet it is a lot of hard work . Sure sounds like it.



RIANNE:Sounds like you are keeping really busy with school and the board you are on and babysitting too. Yeah Pharmacology isnt easy is it? But you will be surprised once you are working how easy it becomes.

Congratulations on all the weight you have lost.

You are doing really good . keep it up.


Sure wish you would consider coming back to one of the support groups, it is something I cant feature being without. Alto I will miss the ones this month.

Well im not sure about babysitting being an easy job lol. It can be very tiring if you do it all the time. But I guess if it is once in a while it might be fun.

Glad that you are getting back on the board with us. Yeah!!!!



NUTTI: sounds like you had a wonderful time with miss pixi and her birthday party.

I know you did a bang up job with all the stuff for it.

How did she like the doll house you made her?


Wow you are going job hunting? You must be feeling wonderful . I know your hair will look so pretty when you are done with it.

How about some more pictures when you get it done. Ok?



LANA: Well I knew they couldn’t keep you off of here for long. So glad that you ar doing well. Hope the pain isnt too intense. I think I am doing well and then I over do and im back to square one on pain and pain meds. Don’t do as I do , ok?

Will miss seeing you this month but will be at a meeting as soon as we get back. I am hoping the sun and surf will do my leg some good.

Let me tell  you P.T. isnt fun that is for sure. Looks like they could do these things without the pain involved lol. Wouldn’t that be nice. Maybe the gas is from not being as active as you have been before? You think? I have found that this surgery is really a fickle thing.



Love and






Tammy H.
on 1/6/08 1:04 pm - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Yall... Wasn't it so cool to have such a nice day? I have been sick with bad allergies so I wasn't out in it but I could see out the window and could tell it was really nice out.  Jan...I knew you would know of something to do out in the yead with it being warm lmbo! I got a catalog the other day with different flowers and veggies you can order. While I was looking thru it I was thinking about you lol lol... Nuttie....Wow...I am so proud of you...Sounds like you are doing so great with your weight loss. And just tickled to death for you that you are going to start looking for a job. My first month about kicked my buttl. But once I got use to it, it was wonderful. Things really slowed down during the holidays for the resteraunt so I am layed off for now. I hope it picks up soon and I can go back to work. I miss it soooo much.  Tammy V....Sweetie I am so sorry you felt pressed enough to cancel your surgery....Have you educated your family about the surgery? Mine was alot more supportive once they knew more about it and understood things have changed so much since they first started doing them. They have really come a long ways with how they do things now. Yes there are still risks but there are risks with any surgery.  I hope things work out for you and you can reschedule and go forwards with your surgery. If it would help you could even take your family to one of your Dr. appts with you or even attend a few support meetings where they can meet others that have been thru it all.... Lana...Good to see you feeling up to droping a few lines. Hope things go great with therapy and you get back to your old self really soon. To all the new loosers..Congrats and get well soon... To all the newbies on the board...Welcome...Jump right in. It's a wonderful board and full of caring & supportive friends! Hope you all have a wonderful Monday.... God Bless each of you.. Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 1/6/08 5:19 pm - pomona, MO
Hello everyone...well it is 3 am and I am doing this...somebody stop me I am turning into a late night shopper for clothes, I never did this before..I guess I have an addicition for clothes..it is so neat to be able to wear some of the cute clothes, I love Newport News clothes, but I gotta stop.   Jan you are all ready? where do you have to drive too? have fun... everyone have a good day...love ya all.....vesta


Sheila H.
on 1/6/08 8:17 pm - Marshfield, MO

JAn, ive already made my self sick in some ways but i went to walmart yest. and got me LOTS of tuna to make salad, and they had a sale on fresh frozen shrimp so got that....will be doing it right today...thats the problem i havent been eatting much at all...

Dont have a suit case that BIG  lol but oh it would be so cool to sleep in a deck chair  lol

when do u leave i forgot?

was gonna order ur protein bars but u have to have a credit card so that sucks...

anyway hope every 1 has a GREAT day!!!

love and hugs


Traci K.
on 1/6/08 9:30 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Yep, this weather is wild and crazy.  I'm showing 61 degrees still this morning.  I'll take the break from the cold.  :) Jan - I was thinking of you and figured you'd be out doing gardening of some sort.  ;)  The first day teaching Sunday school went well.  I had 9 children, with two more absent, so it will be a fairly large amount of children - considering the room is pretty small.  I'm going up this week and working on the room and getting it cleared out and the way I want it.   But it went well.  :) Vesta - girl, how much closet space do you have?!!!     Don't forget tonight is the WLS Achievers meeting in Fenton, MO 7:00pm.  ;) Have a great day everyone.
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 1/6/08 11:58 pm - Concordia, MO
Howdy all I haven't posted much lately, have been lurking though. Every thing is going good, all though I have been on a stall for about 6 days with my weight loss. Stuck at 338, down 63 lbs. It's all good. Was invited to sing with Calvary Baptist Church's praise team (in Odessa Mo) this past Sunday, I had a blast. The people there were very nice, and invited me back to join them on a regular biases as part of there praise team. I am and have been involved in the music ministry. I hope and pray that every one have a great day.......
In Him, Chip<><

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