Jan C.
on 1/5/08 2:40 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

WOW never got below 50 all night last night, I know I woke up once last night and had to turn the heat down , I was sweating. That is unusual for me anymore. Hope im not getting sick right here before going on vacation, oh well if I am will just lay in the sun and bake it out. lol Sure hope we have lots of it . We did go on a cruise once that over half of it was cloudy and rainy and cold . was sure glad that we had taken windbreaker and at least one pair of long pants.

Yesterday was up to 68 degrees here. Wonder what today will be since my left knee is hurting like it is going to rain.

I planted a dozen tulips in a small area of the tulip bed that didn’t have any in it. I couldn’t squat but had no problem standing and bending at the waist to do them.

Helped stretch the hamstring out some on the right leg. Not a lot cause im use to doing that .

Joe cleaned the truck up yesterday for our trip. Took him all day long cause he really details it out when he cleans it .Did a great job.

I have been packing up the clothes to take on the cruise since we aren’t wearing them now it is easy to get those packed.



CONNIE: Have you been getting all your water and protein in? the lack of either one can make you get light headed or it does me.

Lana wrote me an email the other day and said she was doing good, sorry if I didn’t report it.

Lol I remember when my kids were little and the times I went thru with them on cleaning their rooms. Lol they were all slobs I thought. And they all thought I was a drill sergeant too lol

I hope you have had a great day and tomorrow will be just as nice.



TRACI: hey there you are. Congratulations on your certification now. I know you will be a super leader of another OH group.



RIANNE: wow will you all look who is here. So glad to see you on the boards again.

How is school going now?

91 pounds? That is amazing girl . I bet you are looking great. Sure wish you would come to one of the three meetings there are a month, Surely you could get to one of them.

Make sure im going to be there when you come tho. Would love to see you.


Well im going to post this and get it on the board.







Traci K.
on 1/5/08 8:27 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Is this weather crazy or what?!  It's supposed to get up to 70 degrees today!!!!    What season is this anyway?!  Today is church for us, as usual; but it's my first day as the children's church preschool teacher.  So I've been preparing for that new task/change in my life as well.  I'm excited, and so is my 5 year old as I'm going to be her teacher!  Have a blessed day everyone!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Sheila H.
on 1/5/08 9:25 pm - Marshfield, MO
good morning ALL have missed younes....im doing better day by day since break-in but not doing to good on losing weight so id say i NEED to get protein back in and water upped again.. Jan....im so happy for you    to get to go  on the cruise, can u sneak me in and i will be a stow away?????  lol


Bobbie Smith
on 1/5/08 9:28 pm - Ashland, MO
Hi all!!! Well up and getting reay for church this morning and man this weather is wonderful wi**** would stay this warm. Went to the park yesterday and walked around the area they have there for walkers and we walked it two times which is a mile each time so I felt great after that walk then we went to try on clothes.... I was like my pants are too big dear and its to the point that the belt will no longer help either lol and we went to the mall in Jefferson City so I can just try on I do not buy new clothes I only get at goodwill and from friends right now with losing so fast;... anyway I put on and was comfortable in a 18 the last time I wore an 18 was in my high school graduation picture that was 24 years ago this May....then we went to the movie and seen One Missed Call I love scarey movies and what made this movie so great was all the little teenage girls sitting in front of use that screamed loud when something would happen I laughed more then I do at comedies lol Have 3 jobs to help DH with today two in Columbia then we are off to Quincy Illinois for  KFC cleaning tonight then Keokuk Iowa tomorrow night for a Mcdonalds and then back to Quincy for a mexican food place cleaning on Tuesday let me tell you cleaning the grease from the stacks and hoods and all will keep you from eating out much lol its nasty but its great exercise for me and i feel really great after the physical work so much better then I do when I do paperwork all day lol you all have a great week

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


Rianne D.
on 1/6/08 7:05 am - MO

Hey hey.... School is going great...I passed last semester and I am very excited...I had my worries about Pharmacology...that class seriously sucked bad!  But, I'm going into a new semester and I am totally psyched about it.  I'm ready for it to start already so I can start going to some of these new clinical places....we're doing hospice, psych evals and lots of other things this semester so should be interesting definitely. I've also become a board member for the Student Nurses Association, which I'm really excited about as well.  I didn't get very involved last semester because I was too worried bout work and school...but since I'm not working this semester other than babysitting I'll have time to get involved in that.  Not only does it look AMAZING on my resume, but it's a lot of fun as well and a great way to network and make new friends :-) As far as the meetings, I will think about it.....I'm still not sure if I want to get involved in that after all that stuff went down.....but I will think and pray on it. 91 lbs is definitely something to be happy about....I have 20-30lbs to go....I don't have a specific weight I want to get down to...I just want to be in the 120s...which is right in the normal BMI for my height....I'm going to start finding more time to exercise...I've just got to.  If I don't, then I'm not going to lose the last of this annoying weight....but hopefully not really working will help me have more available time.

I have 3 families that I am doing occasional babysitting for...so that should be fun....babysitting is a fun and easy job...and there's always an adventure when you're hanging with kids....oh...speaking of that...I need to go get ready b/c I'm babysitting from 6p-12a tonight.....

I love you all and I miss ya'll bunches!  I'm also going to start making time for OH....b/c having a support system is also a REALLY good thing....especially a support system as awesome as ya'll!

*hugs and love*

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"I come this way only once, so let me do all the good I can, for I
will never come this way again."
scales.gif image by strawberryswirlnet
on 1/6/08 9:19 am
Helloooo Mo!  well another unseasonably gorgeous day! today we celebrated the Granddaughters 3rd birthday...I made her a kitty cat cake with blue icing,purple trim and SPRINKLES as per her instructions! made the mistake of taking her shopping with me.  I finished her little dollhouse and found the last copy of candyland at wal-marts. since it was so beautiful outside thats where we had her party! there were about 6 kidos there helping them eat cake! it really was sweet. tonight I am sitting here alone...the kid is working and so is Dean. so I am cleaning the kitchen...it hasnt been done to my specs for awhile so Im doing it...I need more excersize....I have a nice size kitchen its wearing me out to sweep and mop it.....of course Ive already cleaned up the cake decorating mess loaded the dishawasher and cleaned out the fridge and microwave....wish I had some bleach. didnt know I was out.    tomorrow is monday and Im going to go job hunting and cut my hair...I think...yup...well...probably. lol...Im going to the salon and see how it goes before I start letting them wack on it... before WLS it was nice and thick and healthy looking....well its thinned out so much it doesnt look very full...so Im gonna get some layers cut and see how that works.  I hope the day is as nice as its been. I hope everyone is doing well and have a great day tomorrow! nutti





on 1/6/08 9:56 am - Nixa, MO
Don't faint. It's the one handed wonder woman. I am doing great really, just very frustrated with not being able to do things at my usual speed. Start physical therapy 1/15 and hope to get out of the sling 1/31. Miss you all like crazy but will be back soon. Havehad two recent episodes of killer awful gas pain. Haven't figured out the cause yet.
Hugs and love,

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


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