Jan C.
on 1/2/08 12:32 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr sure was cold today, and more of the same tonight and tomorrow looks like, At least it isnt raining or snowing lol

Hopefully I will be at the Angels meeting tomorrow night since I will miss the COF meeting this month.Dont know how im going to miss it but I will be on vacation. I don’t think I have missed one except the very first one. Sorry Glenna wont be there for the January meeting but will see you all again at the Feb meeting.

Does anyone know where I can get some shorts for Joe at this time of year in Springfield ? He needs some for our trip and I have no idea where someone will have some.. He only has about 2 pair that are good enough to take on the cruise. Need a few pair more than that. Lol

Unless I want to wash them every other day and I don’t think so lol after all it is a vacation.


Has anyone heard anything from Renee about her foot surgeries that she had today? I hope she is doing well.


Kelly Thies is having wls today. Everyone please keep her in your prayers. Dr. Hornbostel is a great doctor but never hurts to pray for her and the Doctor.

Kelly we will be waiting for you on the losers bench, I saw someone heading that way with a dust cloth to clean you off a spot.



TRACI: I sure hope your kiddos are all getting better. It is so hard when your babies keep getting sick isnt it? I had 3 little at once too and they sure could pass stuff back and forth a lot.

Hope you got your new bed moved into your bedroom


NANAGAYLE: wow so great that you made your goal of 100 pounds lost by the end of the year. Great going keep up the good work , You will get it all figured out about the vits and water, neither one are negotionable and are to be a part of your life for the rest of your life. It gets easier and easier all the time.


BOBBY JO; hey there you are sure did sneek in on us didn’t you? Hope you enjoy your Christmas vacation. Lol  wow!!!!90 pounds at 14 weeks??? That is great. You must be doing stuff right. Keep it up

Cant wait to see you posting more.



I know that it has been a busy couple of weeks here lately but now that it is all over and all hope that more of you will be posting again.


I look forward to posting about our vacation and where we are and what we did daily . There may be a couple of days here and there that I wont be able to get online but they will be few. I think it will be neat to be able to share some of my experiences with you all.






Traci K.
on 1/2/08 8:22 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Another frigid morning.  Brrrr!!!  I'll be praying for Kelly today!  I too hope others get back to posting, now that the holidays are over.  Have a great day everyone! 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Britt W.
on 1/2/08 10:04 pm - Republic, MO
jan, my husband wears shorts year round and i have to order them from walmart.com b/c i could not find any shorts in the dead of winter.ha  good luck. britt
Tammy H.
on 1/2/08 10:39 pm - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Folks... Well I'm waiten to see how many get sick down this way.. We have been below freezing and now it's fixen to pop up in the high 50's!!!!! And we are suppose to get thunderstorms around tuesday!! A few years ago when the weather jumped like this we had tornados in January! Totaled a big section of a trailor court about 10 miles from where I live. I pray it dont end up like that again.  Jan...I know you have to be getten soooo excited!!! I can't wait to see pics of the vacation!!! I hope all goes well for you and Joe and you have a blast!!! Britt...Left a message on your post but just wanted to say CONGRATS again!!!!  I've had alot going on and alot of people in and out of my house since around Christmas so I haven't been on alot to keep up with all that's going on... I hope all the new loosers are doing great and wish all those about to become loosers the best of luck!! And a big WELCOME  to all the newbies.... Got to run for now....Got to get around for a hair apt. It's grown out quite a bit and wont fix to good so it's time for a trim.... Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday God Bless Each of You!!! Luv & Hugs....Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 1/3/08 4:23 am
BBBBRRRRRRR its cold outside and Im colder than I have been in YEARS! I am wearing 2 shirts most of the time now and socks with pants....I have worn shorts yr round for many years....NOT this one! all the shorts are packed. and I dont want them....have to buy more socks...my feet are the coldest...why is that?? I have been working on getting Miss Pixie's dollhouse done for her Birthday which is Sat. and if I wasn****ching her for the last 3 days it would already be done.  I updated my webshots albums yesterday with our Christmas photos. cleaned the computer and washed all the dishes...out of dishsoap for the dishwasher sooo poor lil ole me had to do them all by hand....standing up!  I know yall know how much it means to be able to clean your own house. this morning I went out to the woodpile and carried in enough wood to start the stove again and than proceeded to sweep and mop the floor....Catriona got herself a job so if mommy dont do it...it WONT get done....but truthfully I used to enjoy cleaning house and am very glad that if I feel like it I can! and the house smells good....pinesol/bleach leaves a nice clean feeling to the whole house. I have laundry to fold and more to wash so I should be occupied while Pixie takes a n-a-p! which she has already had a fit about....she just hates naps at nanie and papaws....too much to do.  but I got her a computer thingie that Im hooking up for her and trying to teach her this afternoon...  its by Fisher Price plugs into your USB port and with the "keys" will take the kid to a specific website for them to play...using your mouse and the controls on the console...it says 3 and up so I hope itll be something she can do...Soon...she already plays on the seaseme street site with me and one of the "keys" is a direct link there. so we shall see.  other than piddling around my house I havent done to much....have to go to the PCP tomorrow having some issues with my left arm....not sure what he will find if anything but its been hurting quite alot recently. some of the symptoms sound the same as my grans bone spur she had in her shoulder that cut through her muscles she had to have it repaired... I dunno if Im having that but the weakness and the pain when lifting anything is starting to wear thin on my nerves. and now its getting hard to lift the arm.....of course I probably made it worse with trying to excersize with my new hand weights I got for Christmas...batwings yanno....I thought at first I was hurting because I havent done anything like that for yrs but while the lft arm burned with pain and is now almost imobile the right arm was weak after the effort but is now happy to do the reps....I dont want batwings on one side of the body! so Im off to check it out! thank goodness the kid is back in school. went back today.  since she got her license and the van she wants to go go go....uuuggggg and before she starts getting a paycheck its to mom she comes f******oney or mall money or whatever money.....if she is at school she cant run all her gas out. LOL. I hope all the surgeries went well for those joining us on the loosers bench. Ill find out tomorrow just how many pounds I need to loose before being in twolander...in a perfect world Im already there but dont know it.....LOL....but as close as I am Im probably not quite there. YET! Jan I listened to you and did not push the sugar thing to much...I ate 2 no bake cookies over 3 days but the cheesball was hard to resist!  I used lowfat cream cheese with no dumping...but real glad its gone out of my fridge. no temptation is always best for me. if I could reist temptation I would not have had to have WLS. next big food day around here will be SuperBowl Sunday....I do no****ch the game but I do prepare them lots of snacks to eat....I am going shopping...LOL... not many posters lately....I hope no one is sick...just tired out from all those holiday activities! have fun on your cruise Jan....Im sooo envious! but if all goes well June 2009 will see me and Catriona and Dean in Europe for her graduation gift. with the new homeland security stuff have you checked into needing passports?? Have a great day nutti





Bobbie Smith
on 1/3/08 7:30 am - Ashland, MO
Can we all say graceful!!! I fell not once but twice and I have a hairline fracture on my right ( which I am right handed) wrist... to top that off when we were being seen at the urgent care they said your heart rate is awfully slow and low we need to do an ekg and this and this and that and that and well now I am wearing this cute little holster monitor for them to read my heart rate and all for 24 hours I told them it was just my heart deciding it was time to rest from the holidays but they wont listen to me!!!! Anyway my PCP says she thinks its becuase I was a it low on B1 and it says can cause low heart rate but we shall see now that I am taking more suppliments and all this good stuff heck who needs foods when you eat so many vitamins lol hahahahaha anyway I am good and not hurting a bit just feel like a clumsy fool for falling two times

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


on 1/3/08 8:39 am - Wichita , KS
Good evning OH family, I hope everyone had a good new year?  I haven't been on here in a while right now I'm trying to get well I have bronchitis almost phenomnia (sp?)  I went to my dr. Mon. told her I was sick she said it was viral and refused to give me anything so I ended up at urgent care last night and was told that I have bronchitis close to phenomnia.  That dr. at urgent care gave me an antibodic and some tylenol 3 effixor.  Now I want to call my dr. and tell her off and tell her how bad a dr. she is and that I don't ever want to see her again.  I want to get well before Mon. I have my pre-op assessment in Sedalia on Mon. and I don't want to be sick when I go.  I start my liquid diet on Tues. not really looking forward to that....lol  Of course it's supposed to rain on Mon. the day I have to travel to Sedalia.  I have lost a few pounds from being sick and unable to eat much I guess that's a good thing oh and I haven't had a pop in 2 days now, wow I must really be sick....LOL Jan I read that you were going on a cruise and it's the same time frame that I will be having surgery.  My surgery is the 21st.  I hope you have a good trip and be safe. Well, I have to go lie down I think my temp. is coming back I'm starting to feel bad again.   Take care everyone and be safe. Bev~

on 1/5/08 6:27 am - Concordia, MO

Hi Bev,

   Hope you are feeling well.  Do you have an angel?  I think I offered to be your angel so let me know if that is ok.  I am hoping I will be able to get to the hospital to see you.  If you have someone else you wont hurt my feelings, if not I would love to be your angel.  Time is really going fast.  Colette

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