Today was certainly pretty wasn’t it? I got outside for a little while today and now my leg is swollen and hurting. But it was worth it.
Joes niece came down today with her two girls. One 7 and the other 10 months.
The 7 year old is the one that Joe and I practally raised for the first 4 years of her life. Is hard that we don’t see her often anymore.
We got the tree down and all the other inside decorations today, tomorrow we will get the outside stuff down and get all of these bins and boxes put up .
Im glad to see our house get back to normal. It always looks so much bigger after Christmas lol I usually leave everything up until after New Years Day but just didn’t want it up any longer this year. I guess I had gotten it up so early and we had Christmas so early that my clock said it was time.
So now I can start cleaning , get the summer clothes out to pack our cruise suitcase.
And will have to pack another suitcase for in the traveling we will be doing before and after the cruise.
TRACI: so glad you got some sleep, you think you might be needing another iron infusion? Hope not but might be so . Good that you have someone there to help you with the dog bathing that can wear anyone out.
RENEE: so glad to hear from you. Know that I will be praying for you for your foot surgery on Wednesday. You are getting both of them operated on? Wow that might be a little tricky putting your weight on both of them. I know it will all work out tho.
So glad you had a great Christmas with your family and friends.
Oh Im sure Joe and I will do a small little dance on new years eve if I can keep him awake lol
JANE: hey looks like you are doing really well with your weight loss.
Sounds like you are doing everything right. With the walking and all . Keep up the good work.
Well im worn out and tired and my ice machine is calling my name to have some special time with my leg lol
Good morning Missouri,
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and will have an even better New Years....I have a whole list of resolutions for the coming year....One is to get to know my God better....I have kinda shyed away from church this year and can really tell that I need to get back in touch with our Heavenly Father.....
My dad wound up in the hospital in Columbia and the Friday before Christmas with severe chest pains and elevated blood pressure. He almost didn't make it home for Christmas and I was very sad and cried alot. But they were able to do his cardiac cath on Christmas Eve morning and was home around 630pm....He was very tired on Christmas day but you know what he was with us and that was the most important thing I could have had for Christmas. I have never been without my "daddy" for Christmas.....He is my stronghold at times and will always listen to me objectively....Thanks be to God that he blessed me with such a wonderful "daddy"....
My kids made out like bandits for Christmas....Dalton got a new BB gun from his dad and you would have thought my DH had given him a million dollars.....Jaiden got alot of toys and clothes but she didn't really understand that she needed to unwrap her gifts so we all helped her out...Just finished putting together her little kitchen set that we got her last night....
This coming Sunday (6th) my son will be 10 years old and it is so hard to believe that my little boy is growing up so quickly....He does not want a party this year he has asked that we all go out to eat at Ryans for his birthday....Jaiden will be two on February 17th, that is really hard to believe, seems just like yesterday I had her....She is so independent right now...she has learned to get out of her bed, so last night was the worst, she would not stay in her bed and I was up off and on all night.....and I had to be at work this morning....I am the only one here today because I did not want to go work at the ER....shift work and I just don't get along anymore.....I will probably leave around noon and take three hours leave time this afternoon because my DH has to go do his little side job this afternoon and then I think we are just going to hang out at the house tonight and watch Law and Order:SVU, Dalton got the first two seasons on DVD for Christmas....that is our favorite show...may make some nachos or something....
I hope that everyone has a wonderfully safe New Years....and always remember that just because I don't always get to respond to post, I do read them when I am not busy here at work....and as always I pray for each and everyone of you....Melissa sent me a prayer in my email and I wanted to share it with you all....May God bless each and everyone of you and your families in this New Year....
Dear Father
It is just me again. You know I have this group of friends that I need you to take care of and watch over. They are not all from my town, and some not even in the same state. They are scattered all over.
We send e-mails to each other, speak on the phone at times, and there are a lot that I have been lucky enough to share a real hug with over the course of time! There is so much going on in the world, and it scares me, you see I care about these friends, and God that is why I am asking you to please watch over them and protect them.
I would never have imagined that I could care and even love these special friends so much ~ they HAVE made such a difference in my life!!
The truth is loving and truly caring about a person begins in the heart, and it stays inside of the heart. I ask you God to give my friends health, happiness and peace, please take care of them, and guide them.
I have been so blessed to have found so many 'special' friends from all around. I have learned that although some of us have different beliefs and we live differently, we are so much alike, all hoping for the same things in life, true happiness.
Please God,
Bless each one of these friends
that have touched my life in one way or another.
I know that each one of these folks
has been placed in my path for a reason, so I ask you once again God, protect them, guide them, keep them safe, love them and Bless them throughout their lives.
~Author Unknown~
God bless
Hoping to lose my last 90 pounds by my birthday this year...