I'm grateful for all of you
I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day with their family and friends.
I want to say that I am so grateful for having had met so many of you this year while preparing for surgery. Your support and guidance has been so very valuable to me.
I especially want to thank Britt. She’s been my rock these past few weeks. On the morning after my surgery it was Britt who listened to me blubber on and on as I irrationally complained and whined about everything and everyone (thanks to the morphine) .Only a true friend could have put up with that!
I want to say that I am so grateful for having had met so many of you this year while preparing for surgery. Your support and guidance has been so very valuable to me.
I especially want to thank Britt. She’s been my rock these past few weeks. On the morning after my surgery it was Britt who listened to me blubber on and on as I irrationally complained and whined about everything and everyone (thanks to the morphine) .Only a true friend could have put up with that!


I hope you are doing well now. I have been so glad to have met you and look forward to getting to know you even better. I hope to see you at the cof meeting in January.
By the way......your picture of your little Chihuahua looks sooo much like our little Joey. Only his nose is red instead of black.
Talk to you soon,
Hey Kelly ---
Just been sitting around healing and resting. I'm feeling really good. So far no complications whatsoever. I just started puree on Tuesday and all has gone well so far --- of course I'm never one to test the limits so that may be way I'm not getting sick after eating. I havent yet tried the samples you gave me... thanks again for them btw. How's the liquid diet going? Was it hard during the holidays? How much weight have you lost so far?
Take care : ) Amanda