Jan C.
on 12/20/07 9:49 am - Cedar Creek, MO

GREAT News   got my staples out of my knee today, well it is great news to me lol. My knee feels so much better now. It really does, don’t know if it is all mental or if it really does feel better. Lol knowing me I psyched my self into that.


Went looking for a new stove today , we are thinking about seriously getting a new gas cook stove instead of elect. I like cooking on gas better too anyway. Is an easier stove to cook on. Found one at our local appliance store. That is the cheapest one around. A sealed gas range that normally sells for 425 on up this  one was 329. I am pretty sure this is what I am going to buy . any way good to know that my local appliance store is cheaper than anywhere else is.


Kim, my granddaughter came over this afternoon to do some laundry and said she promised Mikaela that she would come back and get her. She kept sitting and saying mememememe oveer and over. She is 10 months old lol love those little ones dont we.? So easy to spoil them when they are that age.

She is saying more and more words daily too.


Well I need to go get on my leg machine soon since there isnt much on tv,.but I need to get going on my leg more and more.




TRACI: glad you finished with all that shopping. Must be a lot of others out today getting all of that done. Christmas songs, pagents and plays , I miss all of them to tell the truth. Even if they aren’t the best in the world I remember when I was young and putting them on and all the work we did to do them ,



BOBBIE: be careful it is very very easy to get dehydrated after our surgery. Even when you are doing all you think is right you still can do it , don’t know why so be ever vigilant about it. Have fun on your vacation and all the annual joys and pains and all that goes along with the trip. Have fun.



TAMMY: yes we either have too much rain or not any at all. that is the Ozarks .

Yes they still say the top is cosmetic lol well I disagree and have called the attorney general about it to see what he says.

Watch out for all that baking and treats. You will be eating away before you know it lol

I made me a pie and have been keeping it refrigerated and nibbling on it. Makes me feel decadant and still not defeating my diet lol


Yes Janet sent out the names and addresses here while back. Lol

Is ok tho noone was meant to have to send them out if you got the names. Ok? Just was there if someone wanted to. ….speaking of which/////


SHEILA: I laughed and laughted at you about the Christmas cards , that was better than any one you could have sent to me . lol thanks for the laugh.

I hope you are feeling better and not so discombobulated now. Keep asking God for strength to help you make it thru the night. Do you have a nice nosiey dog? Not a mean one especially but one that is loud and makes lots of noise. Have your lights set to come on when he barks….scare the be-gebberies out of those kids.

Love you honey.



RENEE: So glad you are getting something done about your feet. And glad they feel better today. Glad you got all of your presents done.

I got a really good (at-a-girl) from my surgeon he was really pleased with how well I was doing.






Going to endocrinologist in the morning to see about this lump on my neck.




on 12/20/07 12:55 pm - Joplin, MO
Howdy **** Peeps     Figured I would get on here and check in and say a quick Howdy. HOWDY!!! It was so good to see alot of you at the meeting on Monday. Well worth the pain before and almost after. lol Had the scare of my life on Tuesday when my lil one complained of chest pains!!! No I know in my head that it proabley wasnt heart related but I was a worry wart when it comes to my kids so she was going to go get checked out no matter what. Doc said she just brusie her chest muscles more then likely while playing at BK. Okay a few more grey hairs to add to my head. lol She didnt get to go to her party but her troop leader brought over her present.     Then Wed I went to Physical Therapy. Yea the young man about got cold ****ed. Bless his pea picken heart. I know he means well. Then we go out to my sissy's house (Janet) for our Christmas party. Had such a wonderful time!!!! Clara loved her presents and everytime she would get to open one up her and Jon would hug. It was so cute. I will try and put them up on my page before we leave for Christmas. I got the most AWSUME PILLOW HANDMADE FROM MY SISSY!!! I slept with it last night in bed and in the chair. Terry said I looked like a 5 year old walking thro the house half asleep dragging my blanket and carring my pillow. lol He said the only thing I needed to do was suck my thumb. NOT!!! And it was an Eeroye MY ALL TIME FAV caracture. Today I had an appt but slept off and on all day long. My hands and feet have been swelling for the last 3 to 4 days and I have gained approx 10lbs. Dont know what the deal is but I go see my PCP in the morning.   Today is doc appt. the mall to take the kids to see Santa and get Clara's ears periced. Then grocery shopping, then Friday nite is delevering presents around the area. Saturday is Christmas with the Sperm donor and Womb. Saturday afternoon Clara and I are baking and getting everything packed so we can leave EARLY Sunday morning (Lord willing and it doesnt snow bad) to head down to my sisters house to join up with the rest of the family.    Well I pray that you all have a Blessed and Safe Christmas!!!! And a WONDERFUL NEW YEAR!!! Come on 2008!!!! God Bless Mel Sherr: Congrats!!!! I knew you would meet someone that curled your toes. All I can say is it's about time sweetie!!!! Jan: It was so good to see you hobbling around at the meeting. Lana: As beatiful as ever!!! Im hopeing right after the new year Janet & I can get to Springfield and do lunch and go shopping. Chell: Have a merry christmas Frack: Gurl you know I love you with every part of my heart and soul. I had so much fun with you Mon on the way to the meeting, Tuesday w the kids play date and Wed night. Thank you for everything you do for my family. Love ya gurl!!!! Brenda:Love ya sweetie
on 12/20/07 2:54 pm

Helloooo Mo! ok tell me what do you take when you get a cough and cold?? I have been sick off an don for the last week....been taking nighttime cold med liquid but last night it burned going down and after it was down now I am weirded out and wont take it again! any suggestions....Im tired of coughing...I asked the pharmacist and he of course recommended mucilex DM...all well and fine for him at 15$ so I passed. spent Thursday in KCMO in court about my grans estate...what a mess...its going to take more trips up there to get it all taken care of.   not that I mind since its always like going home...and my remaining gran still lives in Liberty. so we had dinner with her before heading home. Today is Dean and I's anniversery....23 yrs. we will do what we do every yr and go to dinner/movie and Christmas shop till we are finished. a couple of wow moments for me the last couple of days....another new pair of real shoes....someone finnally said something about my weightloss and told me how good I looked...I was haveing serious doubts if anyone but me could see any difference or that maybe I looked like I was sick or something. and than at dinner with my gran I sat in a booth! I didnt want to but I did and I FIT! with room to spare. what an awesome feeling. I also walked the whole Excelsior Springs Wal-mart...suppose to be the largest in the US went to the cemetery cleand head stone and took some silk poinsettas for my Grandparents  pumped gas and climbed stairs at the courthouse. went to dinner...lots of walking and I did it all...no chair and no cane....the wobbles are going away slowly but surely.   it seems like I am constantly busy. before we take Catriona to her friends for the night I am going to have her take photos of Dean and I in front of the Christmas tree.  we havent had a nice couple photo in some time. next yr  if Jevin is home I plan on retaking our family photo with the new me and our new grandson as well. Im tired from my day of driving so Im off to bed!   Jan so glad the knee is doing well! I hope all is well for all *****ad this post! have a nice day! nutti






Sheila H.
on 12/20/07 8:24 pm - Marshfield, MO

Morning nutti i to have had a bad cold this last week after being stressed out over my house being broke into...my daughter n law gave me a couple of her mucinex dm and they work GOOD..had Dr call me in some and they was only 10.00 but well worth 10.00 cos like some of the other stuff it doesnt hurt my stomache..

congrats on WOW moments

and HAppy Anniversary!!!!

merry christmas


Traci K.
on 12/20/07 8:38 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Are you all having this heavy fog where you are too?  It's like pea soup here!  My kids' Christmas break starts today, so they're home, my grandbaby will also be here.  I have to take my dd in to the hospital for that chest x-ray.  I was going to do it Tuesday after school, but I had a migraine and wasn't feeling like doing it then, so we really need to do it today.  The poor thing had that asthma-like cough all through-out her Christmas play last night.  :(  So we need to get the x-ray to see if there's something else besides asthma going on.  The inhalers are not working.  she oral meds are not working.  I guess the next step is a nebulizer.  Anyway- have a great day everyone.  :)
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Sheila H.
on 12/20/07 8:50 pm - Marshfield, MO

morning Jan and OH peeps

im sure u got a good laugh and it is funny now but it wasnt yesterday knowing i spent over 8.00  to mail ME cards...but its funny now and kids are calling me a looney toon lol ya each day gets a lil better and with gods help i will get thru this merry christmas


on 12/20/07 9:01 pm - SAINT ROBERT, MO
Good morning Missouri..... Thought I would check in with everyone.....I have enjoyed getting all the Christmas cards...It has been so dead here at work, I even brought in a puzzle book to work on today.... After work today I still need to go finish up a few more things for gifts. I can not wait until Christmas morning so I can watch my kids open their gifts... Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and never forget that everyone is always in my prayers... God bless Rachael
Shannon C.
on 12/21/07 8:47 am - Kirksville, MO
Just wanted to tell you all Merry Christmas! Will be heading out for the  5 hour drive to Springfield around 5am so I can beat the bad weather coming in here. You all take care and will check in late Christmas day when I get home. Take care and stay safe! Shannon



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