Help ......................
Hey Oh Board,
I feel like sh*t. I got my drain out Wed. and ever since then I've been sick to my stomach. I'm not getting much protein in and my vitamins I'm trying.It starts as soon as I wake up. Any smell makes me sick to my stomach. No vomiting, but close. I feel weak and bloated. I had a low grade fever yesterday (99 ) with chills. Is this dumping ??And how can I dump if I'm not eating much ??
no it isnt dumping, sounds like you may have an infection , go see your doctor and tell him all of this. how are you doing on your water? concentrate on that and getting that in. are you getting in your thiamine in. untill i got started on the super B complex vit i felt sort of like that, sick but not sick
what are you getting in for protein? it isnt an easy thing to do but you have many of us that went thru the times you are talking about right at first. it will get better believe me. keep trying on protein and water continually trying but if the low grade fever persists go see dr. please. Jan
Glad it's not dumping. My dr. says I need a fever of 101.I'm getting in about 40 to 50 grams of water a day. I was getting in all 60 plus.Same with the protein drink (70 grams****il Thursday .I am taking the thiamine I got from the dr. Boy, I was doing so good at first. I don't know what happened. My hubby has a bug of some sort, so maybe that's what I have. I feel a little better this afternoon.I've had my vits. and a shake (30 grams)and gatorade. The gatorade has saved me this last couple days. Boy I definetely was hating what I did, but I teel myself this is what we all go through and it's gonna get better. Thank you Jan for answering me, and I will watch my fever. I haven't had one since last night, so cross the fingers.
Like you I'm recent post op on the 7th. I have my good days where I can eat all my protien and water and feel all full of energy and go for my walk, clean house and shop.
Then there are the days I feel like I was run over by a truck and don't want to eat anything or do anything. I want to curl up in a ball and die.
So I can tell you those days are coming less and less. It could just be you recopping. But keep an I on the temp. If you get really upset about it. Tell the Dr it reached 101 and when you go to the office if it's lower so what at least he has seen you.
Take Care
Peace in all you do,
I'm so excited, I just can't hide it, I'm about to lose control and I think I like it, I like it!
Starting weight 350 / Surgery Weight 314
Current Weight 183 as of 7/1/2009
Target Weight 150
Lower body lift 6/1/2009
be really careful on the gator is full of sugar. . yes im afraid there are days that you will feel like crap for awhile. after all you just had major surgery. rest any time you get a chance. lay down and actually give yourself permission to sleep and rest. do what you can as much as you can and each day try to push yourself just a tiny bit. it will all get better i promise. Jan
It took me all of six weeks to feel human and I am tough.I was very upset and discouraged but at about six weeks it turned around and I have been okay.just do your best each day with the water and protein.I was amazed at how tired I was and how much energy it took to drink the water and protein.Hang in there it will get better.