Jan C.
on 12/19/07 12:06 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Well all the company is gone. All the presents unwrapped, all the mess cleaned up , bags folded and put away. Linens washed and folded and put away. Foods cleaned and all the dishes washed and all is well

Today was our wedding anniversary and we celebrated it by taking a two hour nap after everyone went home. Lol

Went to cook us some lunch and the elect. Went out don’t know why just did. Probably a squirrel on the wires or something. Anyway left the burner on with the pan on top of it and was in the bathroom when the power came back on and with in seconds after the elect come on heard this horrible crashing noisy in the kitchen….The stove top shattered into a million pieces. Was so thankful that everyone was gone and that there was no one standing around the stove or babies crawling on the floor.

Called Lowes where I bought it from and guess what a new glass top will cost me? 495.00 and that doesn’t include the installation and you cant use the stove without the glass top it will short out the burners they say. Well I can buy a new stove for the price of the glass top. What the heck. !!!!!

I told them I have an extended warrantee on the stove but that is considered cosmetic now you tell me how it is cosmetic if you cant use the stove without it????

Another way to get your money I guess. Anyway I guess I will be getting a new stove now. I don’t see any sence in putting a new glass on there when I can buy a new stove for the same price. Oh well easy come , easy go right.?


I get to get my staples out of my knee tomorrow. Oh boy! Im sure looking forward to that. Lol NOT!!! I hope they will at least swipe it with some novicane or something ?


Joes Cholesterol is way elevated again. They have put him back on Vitorin again. I get so upset at him for all the junk he eats it will never go down even with the meds. If he would just quit eating all the junk foods he probably wouldn’t need the meds. GRRRRRRRRRR!!!


TRACI: slow down girl it will all happen even if you aren’t completely ready. I know the feelings you are talking about tho. I just got mine done really quick. Over an done with.

Hope things keep going right for you to get yours all done.



SHERR: wow congradulations girlie. You have come a long long way since you had wls. Haven’t you? To not allowing anyone to hurt you ever again to getting engaged to get married.

I hope you and your honey will be as happy as I am with mine.  Love you.



CHELL O6: we are really glad to see you on again.

So how many grandbabies do you have already? We always wish we could keep our babies from hurting during pregnancy and labor don’t we? I guess that is a natural mother instinct.



TAMMY V: so good to see  you on now and know it wont be long till you have your surgery now. Only what 18 more days? Not long, not long.

You are moving again? wow that is a lot of moving .

Lol your kitty doesn’t sound like something I would care a whole lot about. All those scratches. Make sure none of them get infected.


Will be praying for you Tammy.



JANET: well sounds like you are busy running like a turd of hurtles ererr I mean a herd of turtles again

Well that was nice of them to put the fur on the red bra you did buy lol

Yeah until you get the boobies fixed there will just be less and less of them all the time. I don’t even try with mine any more there isnt even very much skin even left there. Lol

Im really glad that Mels little girl was ok and nothing wrong with her. Did she go to her party after all ?

Will continue to pray for Mikes Dad and for your whole house hold. One of these days things have to turn around.



REBECCA: good to see you on the board and know that things are going really good for  you.I hope all continues to go along fine…love the songs you are singing very good .



GLENNA: So glad that baby Joey is doing well again. maybe one day he will realize he isnt a Doberman or something. Lol

Hey those honey baked hams are really good…..is that what you got?




SHANNON : So good to hear from you and know that you will have a great Christmas with your kids and grandbabies too.

Congradulations on all the weight loss and the loss in sizes too.

Isnt it great?








Traci K.
on 12/19/07 7:59 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone I'm DONE with the Christmas shopping.  YAY!  I have to wrap everything, but with kittens, I am not wrapping it and leaving anything under the tree for long - I'll do it Sunday or Monday.    The Christmas performance at church last night went very well.  Tonight is the children's school Christmas pageant.   I'm looking forward to next week with my children and hubby all home for Christmas break.  Happy  Anniversary Jan!!!!!  Sounds like you had a good celebration with family.  And hey, right about now, a nap sounds great to me.  Have a great day everyone!!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Bobbie Smith
on 12/19/07 9:12 pm - Ashland, MO
Hi all... well went to PCP yesterday and I was dehydrated..have done something to the muscles around my ribs either pulled them bruised them or something not really sure how though I havent fallen or anything...she said it looks like I may have a viral infection becuase i have gotten a fever blister in my mouth and a couple of bumps on my tongue so thats why I havent been feeling all that well...she said lots of fluid and plenty of rest so I went to bed at 930 last night and like clock work 8 hours later my eyes flew open it was get up time even if I didnt feel like it...this morning I go for my 3 month lab work... tomorrow will be 3 months since surgery and I have lost 84 pounds!!! I was folding clothes last night and found a pair of my "old" panties and held up a pair of new ones against them it looks like I moved about 5 families out of my underwear they so little looking now hahaha.....we are leaving tomorrow for our trip and I am sure my sil will let me get on her computer to talk to you all but just in case I pray you all have a safe and happy holiday and remember the true meaning of this glorious day...Merry CHRISTmas to all

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


Tammy H.
on 12/19/07 11:07 pm - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Folks... RAIN RAIN GO AWAY....COME AGAIN ANOTHER DAY!!!! Darn if we aren't going to get rain for Christmas !!! All the rain we are getting the kids are going to need boats and paddles to play outside any instead of snow sleds!!! Jan...Congrats sweetie on the 20 years!!! The way things are nowdayd for folks and relationships...Maken it 20 years is really something to be happy about... Wow...I would have been P O'ed with the stove situation. I agree how is it cosmetic when you need it to cook with?! So happy to hear no one was near it when it shattered. So glad you had a good gathering with your family....Hope things are going good with the knee? Janet....WOW....I think you will make a great Mrs.Santa hehehehehehheee.....YOU GO GIRL!!!!  Hope things go better for your family and the ones around you with the other weather coming in....looks like ours will only be rain again. So glad things were ok with Clair!!!  I am soooo sorry all the prayers going out for the pain your dealing with is not helping!!! I want to say hang in there but I can't even imagin dealing with the the pain you have at times......Will continue to pray for you sis.. Well so far I have managed to get part of my sweets I was going to do for Christmas...So far I have made...wedding cookies (mom requested), PB fudge, Choc fudge, no bake cookies, blonde brownies, 123 cookies, rice crispy treats. Still have some peanut brittle,divinity and a few cookies to go then I will be done. Hope to get it done tonight so I can have it out of the way. I only have today and Friday to wrap it up because Sat I am going to help my boss'es sister get soem things done for her Christmas...She is just wrapen up getting new floors put in and their plans got changed and Christmas is going to be at her house...So now she is trying to get her house put back together and has to cook and bake all at the same time...So she is hireing me to help her get some of her cooking done. Then I will be coming home to get the stuff done I am taking to Joes sisters house in Illinois Sunday. And if I can manage to get it worked in I am going to get some chopping and etc done for my families dinner we are having at our house Monday....Joe and Ada are off Christmas Eve so we are having Christmas that day....Then I guess Christmas I and the girls mother will just set and be lazy and maybe run around to visit here and there and check out all the goodies they have lol lol..... Sorry I didn't get to get out Chritmas cards to everyone.. Couldn't find the few addresses I had and then I guess with the ice storm and stuff Janet didn't get to get out the list she had or I didn't get a copy...So incase I don't find time to get back on....I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas....Will be praying for safe travel for all of you that will be traveling or haveing family that is traveling... God Bless each of you... Hope you have a great day and a wonderful weekend and holiday... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 12/20/07 2:07 am - Purdy, MO
 Hi Everyone,  It seems like forever since I've posted. I try to read every day, but by the time I'm done reading I have to lay down because of the pain in my feet. I went to the doctor yesterday and he cut 3 corn like thing's off the bottom of my feet and relieved alot of that pressure. They are still hurting but not as bad. I go in for surgery Jan.2 for surgery on both of my feet. They are going to scrape the bones and hopefully this will take care of this problem and the nerve damage in my heal's. I've lived with this pain and feet problem for 10 year's and am so thankful I finally found a doctor who is willing to help me take care of it.  I felt so good after getting those thing's off the bottom of my feet yesterday I decided I would do some Christmas shopping, and luckly I think I have most of it done. I think everyone else will be getting money in a card. LOL   Jan- Good luck today at the doctor's, I know everything will go ok. You are really doing great with your recovery.  Congrat on the 20 year's.  Janet- I missssss you girl. Have you tried out the new outfit yet. LOL HOHOHO!!! To all those who have had surgery CONGRAT'S, I hope you all have a speedy recovery.  I hope Everyone has a great day.

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
Sheila H.
on 12/20/07 5:49 am - Marshfield, MO
ok 1st off i wanna apologize cos nobody is gonna get their  christmas cards...Yes i mailed em all tues,,, and when i got home today i had over 20 envelopes in mail box and i was like wow...so i opened the 1st one and it was from ME....i guess with the break in and my bad azz cold i sent ALL the cards to ME and put younes name on top as sender,,   i just copied all the envelopes off the ones i got from younes and other friends...need less to say i feel like a FOOL  lol but anyway i cant afford to resend em so MERRY CHRISTMAS to ALL of my WLS friends love ya


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