Jan C.
on 12/15/07 12:39 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Oh my gosh was I ever wrong about having a couple of days off from the tortuturer…Joe the Jailer stepped in for him.lol. he didn’t let me slide as much as the rest of them do . Iguess cause he sees what I can really do  I guess. Maybe he just sees a day that he can torture me and not get into trouble for it. Lol you know hide behind the fact that he is really helping me to get back on my feet quickly. Lol

Better watch out I will get on my feet and be able to kick his butt.


Well so far we have gotten no snow. I was hoping that we would have some , at least it so far has left a lot of you alone hasn’t it?




DEBBIE  D: wow I love your new picture. You look like a teenager…It is great to see your smiling face too. I hope we all get to see you one day soon.

No Tad the torturer isnt really cute, yeah it would make it so much easier if he was a doll to look at. But no such luck lol

A CAMPOUT!!! In this weather!!!! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Stronger stuff than I am .


Your inlaws need to get someone to cut that stuff and haul it to Co. you can put any price you want on fireplace wood there and they will pay it. If someone had a semi flat bed trailer that could haul it out there and then cut it up after there they could make a small fortune.

Sounds like fun the making of the gingerbread house and cookies for him and the time with him will be fun too.



JANET; Oh im so excited to get to see you again. I know you have lost more and are probably getting to be a skinny little thing now. I remember when I first met you I thought you were were so tall but , you don’t seem to be as tall now for some reason to me , I wonder why? Weird huh?

I am so so so glad that your propane dealer came and delivered you some gas , now at least if your elec does go out you can still be warm right? That is an awful price to have to pay for propane. I still don’t understand how they think poor people can make a go of it.

Oh wow I am praying overtime that Mike wins that money. That would be so great. God knows that you need it and it isnt like gambling so hopefully he will see fit to grant it to you.

Im glad that I gave you a chuckle about the Theripist lol Don’t know how they can make you do stuff when you are laying there with tears running down your face tho do you?

Im sorry that we will miss seeing Megan again but Aaron is great to bring you. Have they decided anymore about getting the surgeries?

Yes will bring the pictures and the hug.




TRACI: How much snow did you all get? We had a few flurries this afternoon but nothing . Hope you are warm and cozy and all are safe.










Traci K.
on 12/15/07 7:43 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone I'm not sure how many inches we ended up getting here at our house - I haven't gone out and measured.  I'm guessing maybe 5-6 inches.    It sure looks pretty outside.  Since we live within the city limits, they keep the roads pretty clear, so I guess we'll go to church this morning.  The church Cantata is this evening and I guess they'll still have that as well.  My husband does the sound at church, and my one dd is playing Mary for the performance, so we need to go.  Have a great day everyone! 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 12/15/07 8:50 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and Peeps~

Im ready for spring ALREADY! Our roads werent clear for 48 hours and they are ice and snow covered~Now instead of being impassable due to trees-its an ice skating rink on our country roads. I went to help my parents yesterday and was there MAYBE 2 hrs when it started snowing pretty heavy. Mike came to get me at 8-and once we got to the highway it wasnt too bad (was praying the WHOLE TIME) but once we turned on our country road-we slid all the way home! I dont think we got above 5 mph and started braking for our driveway 1/2 mile before we got to it-and slid right on past it anyway!!! That big old 7 thousand pound Suburban is NOT going to stop until its ready-thats for sure!!! No anti lock brakes, no pumping, no putting it in neutral, its just not gonna do it! Id rather drive in a foot of snow than drive on the ice! Living in Minnesota most of my life and driving up there is so much different than down here! After we turned on our country road-some little car with an idiot driver almost plowed into the back of us-he was hauling butt over the railroad tracks and we couldnt even see his headlights-and he veered off to the side-where the Undercliff restaurant is-and plowed into their parking area rails!!! He was going WAY too fast and lost control!

We had our 4 check out vacancies filled before housekeeping was finished cleaning the rooms! It stayed hopping until 7 or so-and the phones were still going then!! I was half tempted to rent out my rooms at the house (4 of them!! LOL) Some easy money and Id even drive them here and throw them a donut in the morning!! Coffee extra-LOL....I literally didnt even get time to finish my Christmas cards, we were so busy all day long. I never just had one person in the office-if one person was at the desk-there were 5! They are painting the office right now-so my paperwork and things I am used to seeing up on the walls or the do-not rent list, things like that-are gone in the 2nd office....What a mess. I think they will be done by next weekend, that would be nice to feel organized again.

We got a call from Mikes birth mom last night. She said it was an emergency and we needed to call her back. Mike called me and asked me if his birth mom had called me too-and I said yes, but I hadnt listened to the voice mail she had left yet, since I was helping a customer (we havent talked to her in over a year and it was months before that)...anyhow-Mikes birth dad (lives in Lake Havasu City, AZ) is in induced coma, he is having heart failure, is on life support AND has pnuemonia. They were letting Mike know that he isnt doing good. The next 3 days will tell whats going to happen, but they wanted to prepare Mike that he may have to go there since he is NOK and just like 9 yrs ago-they had him on life support and said Mike needed to come and sign papers to take him off it. That was so hard-but we went to AZ for 9 days and his dad pulled through. Could you all please say a prayer for him now? We would appreciate it so much. Thank you. We have stayed close to his birth dad-and his one aunt-but thats about it for his side of the family-but his dad has always been one of my favorites. He is such a sweety.

Today I am going to finish up the laundry, and just do some basic cleaning and the boys (including hubby-LOL) and I are baking some cookies-they started yesterday while I was at work, but saved one batch to make with mommy. That was so sweet. Mike had made 2 batches - and they brought their baggie of cookies when they came to pick me up-and shared with their grandma and grandpa. Jon was so proud of himself when he pulled a cookie out and gave it to them-he said-Look what I made you!!! They dont look like the figures of the cookie cutters though-not sure what they were doing with the cutters-but nothing looks like the reindeer or santa.

I wont be going to the dentist on Monday. I couldnt get ahold of my PCP or his nurse practioner to get the antibiotics I need to take prior to having any dental work. My PCP leaves early on Friday and I never heard back from the nurse practioner. So, I have to cancel the appt and then will go back after Christmas, its too close now. Besides, if I go have that done, I know I will NEVER make it to Springfield to the group-

I hope my back will slow down pain wise because I have a really busy next week and a half and a bunch of stuff I need to do and I still have shopping to do. Being stuck at home for 4 days during the ice storm didnt help anything.....

Its not looking like I am going to hit ONELANDER by January 1st like I was hoping for. It was a MAJOR goal for me-and instead of losing it-I gained because of those stupid steroids they put me on for 2 weeks (2 different kinds) and then I lost it once, gained it back and am losing it now for the 2nd time. Im so frustrated. I know its not me, its the medicine-but I was thinking to myself-this whole year has just been overwhelming and frustrating-surely I can have that one little thing? Just dont see it happening. Not enough days left in the month now! When I got those injections in my back-I lost and gained the same 6# forever it seemed!

**Jan-as soon as you described Joe the Jailer-I thought, well, then, why not play escaped convict and wardens wife-LOL LOL!! Im glad he doesnt let you slide-cause you wouldnt let him, right? Anyway-Have a little fun, if you want!! I love how you give them all names so fitting of how you feel about the situation!!

Yes, Aaron and Megan are still talking about the surgery-and I cant say I blame them, but have told them to MAKE sure this is what they want-there is NO take backs! Aaron I am worried about, because he likes his food and Im not sure that he will be able to handle NOT eating...Its hard to deal with the mental aspect-sometimes more so than the physical! You that have been there-know exactly what I am talking about - and so I truly see that as a big obstacle for him. I know that Megan is dieting right now and she is doing good. When I talked to Aaron he is walking the track and trying to lose 30# right now by March. They are both making efforts, and I know they are frustrated, so I am trying to help them any way that I can. They have a good support system and I know that they can come here and find it from others as well.

Cant wait to see you!! No, Im sure not skinny! Im still considered overweight on my BMI...but at least its JUST overweight and NOT morbidly super obese or whatever they call it when your off the chart. Too damn fat-whatever!! I will take overweight and I will do it with a smile on my face! : )

Well, I am gonna get off here and go sit with Mike and drink my cup of java and finish waking up-LOL...Let me think-did I sleep last night? Dont remember LOL...Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday-and if you have to travel-I pray for travelers mercy and be careful for the ice!! Take care and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

on 12/16/07 12:16 am

Hellooo Mo board! the sun is shining today....a definate contrast to ysterday but it is COLD! the dog didnt want to get out this morning to do his thing and that is with a sweater.  I myself am suffering with the cold as I have never done before....why is it that when I was this size before I wasnt cold??? I have worn shorts all winter in the past....this yr I moved them into a drawer...I am wearing long johns and socks and 2 shirts! whats up with that? OOOO and yesterday I bought hand warmers.....to wear in my house shoes! my feet were like chunks of ice! I am trying not to get sick.but I have been so cold I fear its inevitable. today I will make up the chicken noodle soup I started yesterday. going to have the kid help me coz she needs to know how to make comfort food also. been teaching her how to make chili so she has that down.  I dont think we got as much snow as they thought we would get but we got more than enough....I hope it melts off soon. I hate driving in this stuff and the dog hates peeing in it! I finished my mini project I have been working on....and I got the photos sent in to the contest yesterday...I know I wont win but I sure did enjoy working on it. now Ill just have to wait for the results and to recieve my free consolation gift...which is next yrs contest entry! which is really why I participate at all!  you can view my entry on my webshots  http://community.webshots.com/user/nuttiwebgal its the houseboat. after I finish cleaning my work area up I will finish a couple more mini items for Christmas, Like my brothers bike shop and my granddaughters suitcase house. but the house is her Birthday pressie so I guess that means Ill finish my brothers bike shop first. got all my shopping done but for the stocking stuffers....I will go shopping on friday night the 21st. that is mine and Deans 23rd wedding anniversery...we usually go to dinner and a movie and SHOPPING! always have those last minute things to get. I make a list and we finish up than... not sure where we will eat this yr as not many places to eat that offers a WLS friendly menu we like to go to JimBobs...I suppose I could enjoy a steak....my 4 or 5 bites...LOL but since he would order and I would nibble the onion blossom I think we will choose someplace else. we are going to see the new National Treasure movie...we LOVED the first one. so very eager to see its sequel!   Dean got out Thursday and did a mass limb removal to the back yard and Jasons front yard. so now our wood pile is nice and BIG which is good because it is COLD. when this snow leaves he will go and they will clean up Jasons backyard which is a big mess of limbs....how I wish I was of a weight and physical abilitiy to cut the limbs because I bet with my help we could cut ALOT of wood right now and stock up... its hard to believe that there was a time I could cut,split,carry and stack wood...while I was 9 mos preggo no less.  well Ive written a book while Ive started my soup and tried to wake the family. stay safe and warm folks! nutti





Bobbie Smith
on 12/16/07 3:05 am - Ashland, MO
Jan glad you didnt get the snow.... we got only a little amount you know 6-8 inches lol I swear its gorgouse outside but the roads are nasty and the kids are mad it isnt the "good" snow the kind you can make snow forts and snow balls and snow men out of so instead they are all staying in the house and being loud and all but all in all its a good day Sunday school was cancelled but Church service went on and it was a good sermon. Just getting ready for our trip and thinking of going and taking a nap!!!   I seem to crave beef all the time..... my favorite thing right now is the meat off ribs but they have to be super tender and I buy the ones they have at our local grocery store that they cook they fall off the bone and they are the best!!!!! We had those at unch today since I was craving them :) I am spoiled since this surgery its what ever I want to eat or I can have that we tend to have unless I cook but if its DH taking us out or what ever then he leans my way lol I love him I have the best HUBBY in the world

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


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