Tad the torturer was here today. Move your leg here , move your leg there. Hey its my leg !! It is always so sore after he leaves. Thanks Becki for all the prayers you have given me this past week on the phone. Don’t know if I could have gone on with out them.Thank you thank you , thank you. So many thanks to so many people since I had my surgery , thanks for the cute and funny get well cards, both snail mail and email. Thanks for the Janet and Tammy for doing the whats happening post. And keeping things together for us. I really appreciate it. Oh boy I have two days off now until the terriost come back on Monday. Lol
I hope everyone is ready for the snow storme we are suppose to get tonight. So far we havnet had any of this bad weather that others have had this year. I wish you all the best an am praying for everyone.
KAREN :hello to you too. Hope to see you again soon.
BARBARA: yes hubbies do seem to fuss a lot about things don’t they. He will learn because he has to and will do a good job of it too. I think they like to huff and puff sometimes about stuff but know they have no choice.
Im glad tht he liked my shake that you made, they really are good.
I will take it easy since I don’t have much of a choice
TAMMY: lol yeah it was a funny story, I know it wasn’t to you but it was just what I needed that day. So funny. I could just see you and that dang buzzer. I still say the only reason that it was showing up on that shirt was that someone that does laundry was smuggling dope into the prison , they do that all the time.
Do you think that if we all pray really hard tonight that we can keep the nasty weather away from everyone? Wont hurt to try will it. ?
BOBBY: Hope you get to take your trip north this year. But it is worse up north isnt it? Maybe all of you ought to go south and go camping. Tell Santa to bring your stuff down to sun and sand.
I will be praying for your daughter that she get hold of this eating bug and take it on full force. As we know neighter way is the easy way out. It isnt easy what ever you do but for her to think that the weight loss suregery is easy is so sad.
LANA: hey there so good to see you rejoin us too.
Will keep Gail in our prayers too , what sort of surgery did she have? WLS?
Oh that would be absolutely great if you got your daughter to come to the meeting with you. How much fun to get to meet your daughter.
JANET: oh my Lord sounds like you have really had a mess at your place. Im so sorry that all of that has ben happening to you in this weather.
You know you are in my prayers all the time for your pains and different medical problems. Oh I hope you went while you could and get those teeth taken care of just in case we are blocked in again
At least that will be one pain that you wont have to deal with. Is Your daughter and son n law coming to the meeting?on Tuesday ? I sure hope you get there I really need a big ole Janet hug.
I have been trying on clothes since I got home and have felt like it. Have decided I will wear this A shaped dress since all my jeans are too tight on the one leg that is swollen. Iguess it wont be noticed too much. Lol
SHEILA::::: WOW WHAT A HORRIBLE WAY TO WAKE UP!!!!! Are you ok? Calmed down? Text me if you want. That is really bad and I don’t think I would be thru shaking either.
COLETTE: YES!! Isnt the gift of sight wonderful , we don’t realize how precious it is until it starts getting away from us do we. I have had that done to both eyes. But It can be a little scary but is well worth it. So glad that all is well now. Im glad that you weren’t in any of th bad suff. I hope this wont be a bad storm for anyone in our area. I will keep saying prayers for everyone right now. Cant get down on my knees yets so will go find me a closet where I can pray . As of right now here it is raining. .
Love to you all.
Welcome Back, Jan!! Wow, it's so great to "see" your smiling face again every morning! Janet and Tammy did a GREAT job filling in for you....just nice to have the "original" back! lol! So is Tad the torturer cute? Would make it a little easier if he was. I'm proud of you for doing what the doctor tells you to do and for taking care of youself. Praise the Lord you are doing better! Well, my dh and youngest son just left for a BSA campout. They were forecasting 4 to 6 inches of snow, however, now they are saying between 1 and 3. Thank goodness! My inlaws who live in Stockton, MO were without power for almost 3 days. They had a wood burning fireplace that helped them make it thru. She said there are so many trees down on their property. They'll have to hire someone to come haul it all away. We will help but we don't have the tools required. I'd better scoot. Have to clean the kitchen and living room. My 2 year old grandson is spending the night with me tonight and we are going to make a Gingerbread House and bake some cookies. Should be fun! You all have a great and SAFE weekend. Debbie D. P.S. Sheila - what a horrible thing to have happen to you! Apparently, the Lord was watching out for you. Glad you're safe. I can only imagine how scared you were....
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Good Morning everyone.....I hope if your reading this-that you are warm! We didnt get the up to 6 inches they were calling for last night. Some people in OK lost power late yesterday afternoon-and my last 4 rooms while I was clerking for my parents-went to OK residents without power. I dont think I got to sit for more than 5 minutes at a time because of the phone ringing off the hook. They used to have a cordless-but it broke-so I have put a new one on the shopping list!
We got a dusting of the snow-but nothing major AND.....Our propane company MADE IT OUT HERE YESTERDAY!!!! WOOOOO HOOOOO....We now have heat. Propane was 2.20 a gallon yesterday-can you believe that??? What is one to do? Gotta have it-and they know it too!!
I hope that all of our recoveries are going well-has Janet Logan been released from the hospital yet? I sure hope so!! How is everyone else? Bel, Connie, Jane? My prayers are with all of you...Jan, you too-but I am writing to you in a second...LOL-so I didnt forget ya!!!
I am going to cut this short today as I am going to work early, we closed at 8 pm last night and will be doing the same today...... So-I am working early to make up as much time as possible. Too close to Christmas and need the funds to help with presents. Have 4 kids plus a SIL to buy for. The adults actually drew names this year-but I still have kids to buy for-LOL....
Mikes Nationals Race (for his slot cars) that was scheduled for today has been cancelled. They will be rescheduling for the end of the season. Too many folks coming from KS and OK where they havent had power and then we are under a winter storm warning with heavy snow fall until tomorrow morning.....So-no racing today. He did qualify for a drawing today to win $25,000.00 on a radio station so he has that this morning. There were 105 qualifiers-some may not make it-and you HAVE to be in attendance! PRAY WE WIN...I can afford doctors AND medicine then-AND get a different, economical car. We could use it, thats for sure!!! What a wonderful thing that would be for us right now. I cant even imagine how good it would feel to have a little extra and not have to put off surgery and such!!!
**Jan-I about wet my pants when I read what you said about the therapist-Tod the terrorist!!! I remember when my grandma broke her hip and in rehab at the nursing home-and she would literally be screaming at them-and one time she asked me to PLEASE beat them up for her so they would learn to leave her alone!!! It wasnt funny at the time, but now I look back and laugh. They tag teamed her though, cause she was a hand full!!! I also have a cute card for you-but I needed stamps and didnt get it out until last night-Im sorry!!! You know your in my thoughts and prayers. Becky is such a special lady-isnt she? Megan cant come on Tues-she has to work and since she is supervisor-she cant request it off this late in the game. In fact-their schedules are in concrete now until the 3rd of January! Aaron is coming though. Or thats the plan right now anyway-and I will take that hug. See ya monday-will you bring the pics from the reunion? Love ya and hope your better soon!
**Everyone else-I am thinking and praying over all of you. For recoveries-preop diets for strength and peace of mind, for travelers mercy-for aches and pains - and for all who are suffering without heat and electricity. We still have 13,000 people in our area who dont have electricity-and thats just in Joplin-not the surrounding areas. Have a safe Saturday and if the roads get bad-PLEASE stay home if you can!! Love and prayers to all-Janet

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY 7/27/04
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