2007 in a Nutshell.
January started us out using up the massage certificates I bought us as a present to ourselves. Was that ever enjoyable.We both sort of got hooked on them and became really attatched to our massage therapist but they were students and about the time that we were all theirs they graduated and moved on , oh well good thing we weren’t more attached than we were lol The girl that did mine was so good I really wish I knew where she went to. And Joe was just as attached to his therapist. Lol we use to have these, mine is better than yours , fights. Lol.
About the middle of January we went to see Jeannie in Fayvetteville and went to the diamond minds. It had been raining and was so muddy that we couldn’t do much except knock the mud off of our feet so we could walk. But it was still fun.
On the 12th of January last year came the big ice age storm . We were really lucky down here where I live and had none of it but so many of my friends and family were without power for so long an there were so many trees damaged beyond saving. There is still piles of limbs and downed trees down , almost a year later.
My right shoulder continued to hurt me a lot so finally went for an MRI which showed that I had arthritis in it with bone spurs, went to the Ortho doctor and he put a shot of cortisone in it which made it feel so much better.
Oh and on the 30th was my birthday.
Feburary 2006
This was a month of new babies,,,,lots of babies. On the 16th was a new great neice, Alexis, her mother Jessica is like our own daughter so she is more like our grandbaby than a neice.
On the 21st a great granddaughter, Mikeala was born, Her mother Kimberly is our granddaughter,
On the 23rd we had a great grandson , Josha, born and his mother Sarah is my oldest grandchild.
Was a great month.
March 2006
My sister Sugar had her WLS on the 7th She had lots and lots of troubles and near death a couple of times. She has now been out far enough and gotten over all of that enough that she aggreas with the rest of us now that it was the best thing she ever did for herself.
We also had another great nephew born this month on March 10th Kaiden Trevor, his mother is one of Joes nieces.
April 2007
Flowers, flower shows, flower starts, and digging in the dirt. Lol. This is the start of a really busy time for me and my flowers. Planting, digging and working all day in the garden without a worry one in the world. So much better than I could do last year. This year with 77 pounds less than last year at this time I’m able to work all day long once again, Life is beautiful.
Joe made a trip to
So April ends with 2 babies next door to us , of course I don’t enjoy that at all . No way . lol
May 2007
May was just a beautiful month of us planting flowers and staying in the garden for hours at a time. I thought last August when I had WLS that it was the greatest time in my life but now that I have lost some weight and can move around there is no comparison of what my life is like now. Of course the knees still hurt and I had really hoped that it was just all the weigh only but now I know better. Saw an Orthopedist and had x-rays done of both knees. Not good, No cartledge. Have been getting the Synvisk shots in them, the first 3 rounds seemed to help some but 6 months later when the second round was due and I got all three of them it was a waste of time and effort , no more help and just seemed to really aggravate more. Started thinking about surgery, wanted to do both of them at once. Uh Oh the doctors I have checked into say no on that process. Don’t know.
Had mammogram and bone density test done this year to get base line on the bones. Mamaogram they found what they thought wass something, turned out to be nothing after 3 more mammogram, and 2 ultra sounds . What they were looking at was one of several little fatty tumors I have all thru out my body, nothing to worry about.
All just good working outside summer months. People stopping by all the time wanting to see parts and all of my gardens. Everything is growing so pretty and looks so good. Before things got too large this year I put down soaker hoses so wouldn’t have to be spraying and watering all the time. Sure does take care of a lot of problems that way.
On the 8th and 9th of Sept. we had our first annual reunion of the Missouri Weight loss board. Had it in
Oh I forgot another addition to my life in Sept was that I went to work , Only 2 to 3 days a week but not bad. A lot more fun than it use to be when I had to work. Lol
Moved our daughter from Shell Knob down to
On the 19th when to my brother and his new wifes wedding reception in Eureka Springs at the Basin Hotel. Joe and I danced over and over. My knees held up and lasted the whole evening. But I certainly paid for it the next day.
17th we both got our flu shots. I thought since I had gone back to work in and amoung the elderly then I should be getting it.
On the 29th went for a consult with dr. Talley in Branson he does surgery out of Skaggs and I chose him because it is skaggs so Joe will go home at night .
Had a session at the heart clinic then stress test and all the other test that go along with that since I hadn’t had one done for WLS.
We had our Thanksgiving a week early as all the kids have other things they have decided to do on Thanksgiving or either have to work.
On the 29th had pre ops done at the hospital for surgery next week.
Had rt knee surgery done on the 4th. All went well until they were getting ready to release me to go home on the 7th and they found I was anemic so they kept me long enough to run in 2 pints of blood and got my rbc up to 10.
Joe had his second shot for his back the day before I went into the hospital so I could drive him home. This series of them seem to really be helping him a whole lot more.
I am doing really well I think on my exercises.
We have our wls support meeting on Monday night and I intend to go , no matter what so I have to get my knee to working a little better than it is I think.
Then on the 18th we will be celebrating Christmas with the our kids. That way they can all have their own Christmas with their own kids on the 25th. As soon as all of this is over we are going to sit down and plan some tripping and cruising. Too.
Hope everyone else had as good as year as we have had and That the year 2008 will be a great one for us and for you too.
God has blessed us so very much this year and hope He has been the focal point in your life and your year too. Thank You Lord Jesus for everything you have done for us.
Jan And Joe Cook
The above was a yearly letter I sent out to several of my family and friends not on The Missouri Board didn’t know but what you all might want to read it too
WE have had so many people this past year receive a new life , Altho I have most of you listed on my calendar there are many that I never got down so I would hate to make a list and leave some out so if you want to come on here and let us know that your received your wls this past year and how good you are doing it would help out all the newbies and the ones trying to decide.
TAMMY: thank you so very much for doing the Whats Happening post, Bless you sweetie. I hope you are doing well as are all of your family. Have you had any more funny episodes at the prison with your camouflaged shirt? That was one of the funniest episodes I have heard all year. I think you win the goof award with that one.
BELLANA: congradultions on having your surgery. Have you gotten moved into your new place yet? Remember no heavy lifting right now. IF one gas x strip doesn’t help on your gas pains, I have taken up to four at a time of them. We are looking for such good things from you on your weight loss. We hope you can make it to Spring field soon too. Would be so great to meet you face to face.
TRACI: So glad you had a great birthday. Continue on with your celebrating.
BARBARA: So sorry to hear about your hubby being dignosed with diabetis. Yes at least you know how to cook for him at least even if he doesn’t want to eat that way.We will all pray that he get it under control.
BOBBIE: sure hope you get to do your Christmas run up north , Hopefully the weather by then will be settled down some.
BEV: so glad that your electric came back on before you got home and had to deal with all of that I am keeping you in my prayers about your liquid diet. It wil go ok. Wait and see as I tell everyone. KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE. . it will be fine.
Are you ok from your fall? I know you are probably bruised up but if that is all it could have been a lot more you know.
Thanks for worrying about me , I am doing well , the exercises are a pain in the u know what , but they have to be donw.
I will be fine. Wanting to hurry up and get well enough so I can start walking and get this extra water weight gain off ….
What to take with you and to have at home,,,,,EDY no sugar added popcicles, for home and take the gas x strips with you. , You can take more than one at a time too.
I hope everyone that was in the ice storm have now at least gotten their electric back on I know that is really hard to stay warm when you are out of that. If some of you in the
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.
Hey Girly...Welcome back!!! Goof award??? Well somethings better than nothing lmbo! My nephew should have another visit by mid January. He was suppose to already be moved but hasn't been yet. But his mom may be back here by then and may be the one going to see him. So I might not have a cute lil story next month lol lol...I do admit that it's funny now but at the time I sure was freaking out!!! I hope you all keep the prayers going for all those dealing with this nasty weather. We may get a few flurries down here in the bootheel saturday. I am thankful it's not going to be any of the ice stuff! Had a busy day today so I didn't get to text with Janet much. She usually buzzes me between 8-9 am, so hopefully I will hear from her in the morn and they are all doing ok. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACI!!!! The girls mother will be traveling from Texas saturday to come stay with us for 3 weeks and spend Christmas with both the girls. Please pray they have a safe trip. And my son is in Indiana working now and is determined to come home this weekend and he has to come thru from mid way of Illinois and they are going to be getting snow to snow and ice. So please pray if he don't change his mind that he too will have a safe trip! My prayers are with you all... Hope you all have a great Friday God Bless each of you.. Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334
Jan, so good to see you back where you belong. Tammy did a great job filling in but we missed you.
Stacy and Adam arrived at our house about 9pm last night. They had been without electricity since Monday night and were doing OK with the wood stove but she found out yesterday that the water is being turned off because the sewer is backing up from no pumps running so they packed up the dog and cat and came to Nixa. I think they just got tired of each other and ran out of things to do - how many times can you play Charades???
Her M-I-L had surgery on Monday in Detroit and is having a hard time. She is hurting too much, I think, and I don't think she's walking or drinking properly. I'm going to call her later today and give sympathy and advice. She usually is a good patient so I don't think it has been made clear to her about what she's supposed to do. Prayers would be appreciated. Her name is Gail.
Love you all and will see you Monday night at the COF meeting. I hope Stacy will come with me so you can all meet her.
Hugs and love,
Dear Jan and MO Peeps~
First of all-WELCOME BACK JAN...You have been MISSED!!! I had text Tammy to let her know I didnt have a phone and asked her to post-and she was already starting the post-Smart girl-said she figured because of the ice storm, I couldnt get on. She kept me up to date on you, Janet L, Bel, Jane and Connie. I was praying and still am, for all of you and speedy and uneventful recoveries. So glad to have 3 more on our bench with us!!!
Hello.....Its a LONG time since I have been on here-havent had a phone. Our phone line went down in the ice storm. We lost electricity a couple of times. This go-around, we suffered property damage-along with Mikes parents and grandma. The one big, beautiful tree, that sits outside the fenced area-and was very full and gigantic-every limb busted on it-and this time, it hit the mans lodge (building that holds pool table and some arcade games) it did damage to the lodge-and it crushed the swingset and the boys' go-kart. Mom and Dads garage wa**** (they just built it) and then grandmas house-her white picket fence was damaged. None of us got hurt-so we are thankful-but it sure is a mess out here-and in Joplin, it truly looks like a war zone! We still have some friends in Joplin without power-and the motel my parents run has been a zoo. My dad said he could have had 1,000 rooms and it wouldnt have been enough for all the calls they got. They finally turned the phones off because they were ringing non-stop and it was only 2 hrs into the power outage and every room was rented. The motels on Rangeline-which is our main road (4 lanes AND a middle lane) they all lost their power!!! We only had 2 gas stations at one point that still had power-and they were out of the city limits. Believe me-you have only seen things like that in the movies-40 cars or more-and people trying to fill their gas cans for their generators. No one had generators left-it was a complete mess. Walmart was running out of milk and bread-things like that. We offered our home to Mikes friend-but he has pets-and he wanted to stay with them-I had no problems with him bringing the dogs out here with him, because they are indoor dogs-but he also has a 6 ft long Ball Python snake....I even went as far as to tell him that he could bring it out here BUT it had to stay IN HIS CAGE and in a room where I couldnt see it-but he didnt want to have to move that big tank and he also knew when he was at work (he works with Mike) that it would be in the house with me all day and I would ******vous wreck...At least I offered-LOL...Thank God he didnt take us up on it. He may not get his power back before Christmas they were telling him. All of his neighbors already have their power back on. He is running an extension cord from the neighboring business to keep the snake tank warm-and uses the generator for his heat. We let him use our generator since we didnt need it right now. We had ordered propane before the storm hit-and they couldnt get out here-so we were keeping our heater on a lower setting and praying to God we didnt run out before they come out. Mike got a call from them last night and they said they will be here today or tomorrow. We had all exits from here blocked with big trees across the roads, so had to wait for them (and the buses) to come out until all of that was removed. Its been the pits!!!!
My dentist office was closed for 3 days due to them having no power either. I just got a call from them yesterday. Not sure when I will go now-they said I could come in today-but I have to go help my parents and since I am the only one they have anymore to help clerk-I told them I would call them back and let them know when I can come in. We are expecting up to 6 inches of snow tomorrow. I can tell you one thing-I have NEVER been in this much pain in my life. These storms are kicking my butt in a huge way. The ortho doc told me that the pain from my Osteoarthritis and DDD and DJD will be there forever-this is no cure-and the ONLY thing that is really going to help me out-is to move to a better climate. So-Mike and I may not be buying this house after all, we may be moving to Arizona or somewhere the climate is better for our bones and joints.
Well, I am going to cut this short and get ready to go to town. I did find my box of ornaments and such that was lost!! YAY...they had sentimental meaning as a lot of them belonged to my grandma and great grandma. I was so happy to find that box. We got the rest of the house decorated, with the kids help-since they were home until yesterday-now we just have to finish the outside-which I told Mike to leave it the way it is-the big stuff is up-the icicle lights in the front-our big snowglobe with the carousel in it-and the big Santa and Rudolph. Jon and I wrapped a lot of presents yesterday-and that one hour job became 3 hours with his help-LOL... I am going to start a load of laundry and get ready to head to town.
If I could-I was wondering if I could ask for some prayers for the pain. Its really been so intense and excruiating that I cant hardly catch my breath at times. Mel took a nasty fall the day after the ice storm and landed right on her tail bone-so she has been in pain too-so if you could squeeze some out for her too-Im sure she would appreciate that. Thank you so much. I dont like to even ask for prayer for myself anymore-because it seems like it doesnt matter-but I know it does. Thanks so much. As always-your all in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you are ALL safe and warm!!! Love, Janet