Whats Happening Thursday (for Jan & Janet)

Tammy H.
on 12/12/07 1:08 pm - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Folks... OMG! Can you believe there is more crappy weather headed towards all those that are already in a mess with all the ice!!???? I seen that on the news today and I almost cried. The death toll just keeps climbing!  PLEASE EVERYONE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE DEALING WITH THIS TERRIBLE WEATHER AND FOR THE FAMILIES THAT HAVE LOST LOVED ONES IN THIS MESS... Jan..Heck No I don't mind helping you out a bit longer. I can't do the post the justice you and Janet do but at least everyone will still have a place to come to and post like they do about thier day and etc... Don't worry about rushing yourself. I will check and if you have not posted by 11pm then I will do it for you and if you happen to get on you can add to it what I might have missed. Then when you are feeling like you can set long enough to type like you want to,you can let me know and I will stop....Thanks for asking me to help! Janet...My prayers are with you guys...Hang in there!! I sure hated to see that there is more on it's way! Please be careful when any of you have to get out in that stuff. Thanks for sharing the pics with me today on my cell phone. Between those pics and the stuff I have seen on the news I am shocked at the damage that the ice can cause! Mel..Was good to see you post today! My prayers are with you as well girly! I hope things shape up for you and your family soon.  Brenda...Sorry you are going to stop posting. I got your email so I will drop a line to keep in touch with you. Please do the same with me. And remember you have my phone number, call anytime! Traci..Sorry to hear about your son being sick and about your migrain! Hope you both feel better soon..Our prayers are with you! AND A BIG YEEEEEEE HAWWWWW...FOR CONNIE AND JANE!!!!! WELCOME GIRLS TO THE LOOSERS BENCH!... So happy to hear you both done great...We will all be praying for you both to have a speedy and healthy recovery!!! Keep us updated and let us know when you get home... Please keep Amanda in your prayers...She is going to have her WLS Monday the 17th!!!...Amanda can't wait to have you on the bench with us...Our prayers are with you....Hope you doing good with the liquid diet...Haven't heard from you in a bit...Drop me a line or give me a call if you get a chance before surgery.... Well I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday God Bless each of you Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 12/12/07 1:45 pm - Chesterfield, MO
Congrats to everyone who's surgery has gone well!  and I offer up prayers for those about to sit next to me on the bench!  My God guide your surgeons hands and have an uneventful recovery. To those who are living without power and have died to due the Ice storms my thoughts and prayers are with them. I have been told in both the area where I currently live and where I am moving to it will flurry on Saturday.  Hopefully not too much and if so I will have everything loaded and unloaded before the majority hits. Since surgery I have only had problems with gas pains.  My surgeon says I can take any sublingual or liquid gas x type of product.  I am trying the strips but they don't seem to help much I think I just have too much gas.  I am walking and doing things pretty much as normal and it does seem to help.  I now know how my little grand baby feels when she is colicy.  Both of us complain we can't burt or pass gas!  LOL.   I am hoping to make it to one of the Springfield meetings after the New Year and give some hugs to those wonderful pray warriors! Stay warm and dry!

Peace in all you do,
I'm so excited, I just can't hide it, I'm about to lose control and I think I like it, I like it!
Starting weight 350 / Surgery Weight 314
Current Weight 183 as of 7/1/2009
Target Weight 150
Lower body lift 6/1/2009

Jan C.
on 12/12/07 3:24 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
its just me again....I am feeling better and better. Was able to do my exercises today all the way thru today and even added the second set to all of them On the torture machine i am up to 110 bends now consistantly., and do that for 2 hours at a time.  I am pushing myself a lot since there will be 14 people at my house on the 18th for our Christmas. we are having it a week early. that way as soon as the doctor releases me to Joe and I are taking off on a cruise somewhere.  The 19th is our wedding anniversary. wow 20 years. can you believe that. ?  In the next day or so i have got to try and get my end of the year newsletter written up when i get it all finished i will maybe put it up on the whats happening. lol might be a little boreing for that tho.  Thanks to all that have sent me get well cards too. and the emails that i have been send bless you , it really has been nice to konw that is so neat to know that you all think of me often. love and miss each and every one of you....Jan



Traci K.
on 12/12/07 7:26 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Today is my birthday!!!    A friend is taking me to lunch and I plan to have fun today.  I'm continuing to pray for everyone.  We dodged bad weather here, the rain held off/went further south until the after the temps dropped, otherwise it could have been bad.  Whew!  Have a great day everyone. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Barbara S.
on 12/12/07 10:02 pm - Freeman, MO
First of all....I have everyone in my prayers!!! and love in my heart!!! My poor hubby has been working 12 hour night shifts since last Friday due to the ice and now they are predicting snow. He was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes just this last Tuesday and he is on medication and diet but, his energy is low. What a time for the ice and snow. He will be fine. With my surgery and low tolerance for sugar, it isn't taking much to change. He just eats like I do now. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACI AND WELCOME NEWBIES TO THE BENCH! Love ya all! Stay warm and safe!!
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

Bobbie Smith
on 12/13/07 1:13 am - Ashland, MO
It is still so icy and nasty here that we can not even get outside to clean the tree branches and stuff....hopefully it will melt enough today that we can get them piled up and off to the side to decide where when and what to do with them from there...we are wanting to go to Illinois to my SIL house for Christmas and if we do we will leave on the 21st and come back on the 28th....Seems that the weather might stop that trip though since it takes two vehicles for us all to go if it is icing and all I wont drive :) so DH said that if weather is to bad for me to drive in then we could stay home, but if its just snow I would be okay in driving in that. So many electrical crews are driving around our area trying to make sure everyone gets the electric back and tree trimming comapnies are all over the place tking branches off the power lines... I am use to the devestation from Tornadoes being originally form Texas this whole Ice Storm thing is mind boggling to me.... Have a safe and great day all  Bobbie

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


on 12/13/07 1:52 am - Wichita , KS
Good morning OH family!  I know we all have been going through a lot with this weather I just wish the sun would come out and melt all of it and get warmer out!!!  My dad was without power for 4 days but it finally came back on yesterday evening he was so happy.  I fell Sat. on the ice while taking out my puppy, I stepped off the porch couldn't see any ice but I fell and couldn't get up.  My dog started barking I know he was trying to get me help.  I finally got myself to a grassy area where I could get some traction and stand up.  I fell on my right side so my hip hurt for a few days and I cut my hand.  It never fells I always fall at least once every year.  I haven't been in the Christmas spirit I don't know what is wrong with me we don't even have our tree up yet which is unusal for us.  I am thinking that maybe once we get the tree up that I might feel better so I will work on that this weekend. Happy Birthday Traci I hope you have a good one! Jan, we really miss you I hope your recovery is going well?  Keep up the exercise..... I'm getting excited about my upcoming surgery.  I have 38 days left and 23 before I start my liquid diet.  I'm a little nervous but I'm sure that comes with the teritory?  I just hope and pray that it doesn't snow/ice when I have to make the journey to Sedalia both on Jan. 7th and 20th.  For those of you pro's out there maybe you can share with me what to take to the hospital and also what to have on hand once I get home?  I want to get prepared..... Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful day and stay safe if you have to get out.   Bev~

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