Whats Happening Wednesday (For Jan & Janet)
Howdy Folks...
Wow! That darn ice storm is something else! Janet just text me saying she heard it could be as long as to around Christmas before everyone gets their electric and phones back!!!!!
I have seen some of it on the news and the ice really got the trees big time. I think that is where alot of the damage people are getting is coming from.
Down here in the bootheel we are only getting rain and fog. But we never know when we will get it like that. I always keep a eye on the news incase they start talking about it. That way I can make sure we stock up on things we might need.
When Janet text a bit ago she ask me to tell you all HI!
Janet...Our prayers are with all of you that were hit by the ice storm! I hope it clears enough for you to get out soon and get that tooth taken care of.
Jan...Sorry you not bouncing back like you would like to. Our prayers are with you! Don't push your self too much!
Lana...Our prayers are with your DD & DGS.
Will be waiting to hear about Connie...Heres the site Lana listed for Connies surgery support page incase you didn't catch it yesterday when Lana posted.
Nuttie...Wow you have a house full girl! It's great you live near enough they all come home in a time like this.
Vesta...Our prayers are with you too sweetie. Take care of your self and don't pu**** too hard.
Layla...Congrats on the 1 month check up...sounds like you are doing great!!!! Keep up the good work!
Bel...Hang in there sweetie...The gas pains will get better soon. Hope your using the gas-x strips?
Bobbie....Thanks for the pics you posted...Wow the damage the ice can cause is unbeliveable! So glad to hear that all your family is safe!
Well guys I have to wrap it up...Got called into work. One of my boss'es lost a close friend a few days ago and he is going to go to the funeral.
Please keep your prayers going for all those that have lost love ones in the ice storm. And for all those who have had damage to their homes.
And Please keep those that are still recovering from surgeries in your prayers.
Pray for Connie and Jane...They are both suppose to have surgery today...Girls...we are looking forward to having you on the loosers bench!
Hope you all have a great Wednesday
May God Bless each of you...
Luv & Hugs....Tammy~ammy
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Hi everyone
I'm praying for those recovering and with upcoming surgeries.
I'm home today with my son throwing up and me with a migraine. I had to keep my girls home from school as well, since my son was sick, I couldn't take him throwing up in the van to get the girls to school and then I've also got my grandbaby today too. It's a wild day.
Hopefully those without power will get it back on soon!

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Good Morning MO Peeps
Just checking in to say Howdy. So much has been going on that I havent even had the strength to get on here. I just want you all to know that your in my thoughts and prayers always!!!!
God Bless