Whats Happening Tuesday (For Jan & Janet)

Tammy H.
on 12/11/07 12:21 am - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Folks... When I got on this morning I noticed there was no Whats Happening post....I know Jans probably not up to it yet and I got several text messages from Janet last night telling me how bad they got hit by the ice storm, so I figure since she still hasn't posted this morning that she probably don't have internet... I have never done the Whats happening post and know I wont do near as good as Jan or Janet but thought I would give it a try to help them out. Please remember to pray for all those who are still recovering from surgery and those who have been ill lately. As well as those who are about to have surgery. Also I would like to ask you all to pray for those who have been hit by this crazy ice storm! Janet mentioned to me that they were hit pretty hard and that there was alot of damage around them from all the falling trees. They have even had damange on their property.  I heard on the news that there had even been deaths due to the ice storms. Please pray for those families. Janet...My prayers are with you and your family...I hope you all are safe thru this nasty ice storm and don't have anymore damage than you all ready have had! Jan...Hope your doing good this morning. I know you miss being able to get up and get around. How long do you have to be down keeping your feet up and doing the ice thing?  Traci...Hope you and your family are doing ok thru this ice storm... I know what you mean about the cookie thing. I have plans to make fudge, divinity, drop cookies, rice crispy treats, peanut brittle and hairy eyeballs. I making enough to take to Joes sisters the 23rd and want to make enough for everyone in and out of my house thru the Chirstmas holiday...But I am trying to wait till right close to time or I might not even have enough to take to Joes sisters house lol lol...Hope your exchange goes well. Lana...Our prayers are with you...I hope Connie makes it ok to have her surgery Wed. With this weather being crayz she might have to put it off...But will be praying things go well and she don't have to do that. I know how excited she has to be about now and it would be such a dissapointment to have to wait after getting this far. Our prayers are with you DD as well...Please up date us as soon as you feel like it. Jean..Glad things went well for Janet. Our prayers are with you, Janet and Jane. Keep us updated on how all of you are doing. Renee...Not sure where Purdy is but hope you are still clear from all that ice mess.  Connie...Sweetie I hope things are still a go for you and that things go great!!! Will be waiting to hear from Lana to see how things went. Our prayers are with you. And I agree the Mo Board is a wonderful place and it is so great to have a place to go where others know how you feel and the things you are going thru. I have met so many wonderful people on here and have it feels like family.  Just got a few more texts from Janet as I was typing this up....She text me to ask me to post and to let me know they were ok... she said they do have property damage but they are all ok. She said there is very few places that have electric and only two stations have electric and its kinda crazy since alot of people are using generators.  She didn't get to go to the dentist yesterday cause he was closed. So that means she will be dealing with that darn tooth longer... Please pray for her that the pain will ease till she can get to the dentist to get it out.  She said to tell everyone HI..... Well guys going to wrap things up for now and check a few things for Janet and get back to her on how a few people are doing. My prayers are with each of you. Please stay safe and take care...Drop in as soon as you can and let us all know how you are all doing that are dealing with the ice.... God Bless each of you.... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Traci K.
on 12/11/07 1:31 am - Sullivan, MO
You did great Tammy!!!!!  I'm good here.  Temps are way above freezing.  Kids are in school and I'm trying to get work done.  I did not get any baking done yesterday.  I decided to wait until Thursday or Friday to do that so I'll have the cookies still for Saturday's cookie exchange.  Have a great day everyone! 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Jan C.
on 12/11/07 2:09 am - Cedar Creek, MO
Tammy bless your little pea pickin heart honey,, It isnt that i have to stay down with ice on my leg all the time but when i am sitting i do need to have it elevated with ice and that is hard to do at the computer. with it down like normal i only last about 3 minutes and then it starts to pounding and getting bigger. so i reallly am trying to limit the time on here. As soon as i feel up to it i wil start up again but right now my most important thing is to getting this leg to working right.  We didnt get any snow or ice down here , too warm. it is 59 degrees right now. . is foggy and misty but that is all.  PLease all of you continue to keep me in your prayers. I can really use them believe me. Im not bouncying back from this like i thought i would ...,..love and hugs to all i am praying for all of you.



on 12/11/07 2:12 am - Nixa, MO

This is the address for Connie's surgery support page. Please send her good wishes and prayers. She has her laptop with her I think. Her Mom is with her and will report to me.
I'm thinking of all of you without power and with all the ice. Right here in Nixa and Springfield we are fine but my DD has no power (thank you Jesus for her wood stove for heat) and she is afraid a tree might fall on her house. Prayers, please. I am, obviously, anxious for her and DGS until this ends. They live seven miles from town, just the two of them, and so their power probably won't be a priority to the power company. They will be fine except for the tree.
Hope you all are at least warm - hate being cold more than being hungry!!!
Hugs and love to all.

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


on 12/11/07 4:26 am

Hellooo Mo! very busy around here. we were awoke yesterday by a big crash to the front of the house. the Oak tree let on of its smaller branches go....not either of the 2 that could destroy our house should they go. but it still shook us up.  the same time that was going on at our house the kids house got hit by a huge branch and dented their metal roof...no obvious hole....and took the power lines down so they came around 10am making 6 in the house...than last night one of my extras called...her DH was driving home from work when a big branch fell from a tree and peirced his windshield and dash damaging the whole roof....he was unhurt but the brand new 2007 SUV is totalled....now the kids were without a car and power for the night. so we went and brought them over adding 4 more to our 6.  we only lost electrics for an hour or so. and about 2am the flipped off for about 5 came back on. again we are luckier than most! today we took the kids back to Webb City and they still have no power but they should have a car by the end of the day.  we spent about 6 hours yesterday cutting libs off our road and helping a few neighbors out of their yards. today I was amazed to see all the damage everywhere I drove. it looks like a tornado zone! I hope everyone stays safe and warm! nutti





on 12/11/07 6:48 pm - pomona, MO
Good morning all, i pray everyone is ok, this storm is something else... I just want to thank you all again for the prayers and like you Jan it is slow bounceing back for me too.. so please keep us in your prayers.   tks Janet for posting on us everyday, you are a sweetheart.   love ya all....vesta


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