~Whats Happening Monday (for Jan)~
Dear MO Peeps~
Please remember Jane S in prayer today as she is having her surgery this morning in Springfield. Her sister will be posting tonite with an update. Please also remember Jan, Vesta and Bel who are still recovering and for Connie and Lana for peace of mind and strength with their upcoming surgeries~thanks.
This ICE STORM IS WICKED....I cant believe it! I am hoping and praying we dont have to go through the same thing we did in January-it was awful. I know it could be worse-its just that I worry about the kiddies getting sick and so on! Mike had to work today (I know-crazy) but he said he believes he will get off early when the 2nd round comes through (suppose to start around noon or so). We do have a small generator that we bought last year in the one ice storm, and it will run the blower to the fireplace and a light-so...I have bottled jugs of water and charged batteries for the laterns and flash lights and for the boys' gameboys. Our lights flickered 3 times in a row this morning and I thought for sure that was it! It stayed on and so I am just praying that it will continue. Mike called me and said the roads were just wet-but that there are trees down, blocking the roads out of here, and he had to drive over the small part of one (in his brand new work car)....so he said to let the kids know because they may be trying to come out here today. They lost their power last night and are still without. The motel that my parents run filled up within 2 hrs of the power outages yesterday. They dont lose power for some reason-dont know if they are hooked up to some sort of generator or just what the deal is-but they have microwaves and fridges in ALL rooms, and they are one of the most reasonable in town, so they are totally booked up. They have one room on reserve, which they keep every night, in case someones heater goes out or something like that-it will be ours if our power goes out. I am making extra coffee today and putting it in a thermos and have roast cooking since yesterday and am making a pot of chicken and dumplings. I really hope we dont lose power before Mike gets home because I dont think I can remember how to start the generator up-I can start a fire if I have to and then get the house sectioned off-but the generator will most likely have to wait for him.
We had our 2nd major fire within 4 days in our surrounding areas-both started with someone (homeless people) starting fires in the basements of the homes they are going into to-to stay warm. I was watching the news this morning and saw the coverage about 2 more shootings as well-what is wrong with this world? Whats it coming to? I hate to even watch the news anymore-gets WAY too depressing! I cant even imagine, being shot at in church or leaving church-or at the mall-school-whatever. It just stinks. It was just a couple of months ago that one of our churches in Neosho, which is like 10 minutes from me-a psycho went into church during the service and opened fire. DANG! Lets say a prayer for all the victims and their families. It would be nice to have world peace.
Well, yesterday I caught up on the rest of the laundry and just cooked and took it easy. We played cards and dice with the kids and I found my missing box of Christmas ornanements and decorations I had been missing. YAY...I was so excited to find those. So-today I will be putting the rest of those up. Since I have the kiddies home today, I will enlist their help so I dont have to stand on a ladder to get to the high places-Stephanie is almost 6 foot tall, so I will let her do it!
**Traci- The reindeer treats sound really good! Yummy Yummy!! We didnt get to bake yesterday-maybe we will get a chance to get it done today! It looks like all our kiddies are home today and will most likely be home tomorrow too-so if we have power, we can bake. Take care if you have to go anywhere.
**Janet L-I hear you on the food commercials-they should be outlawed-LOL...I never really noticed how many there were until I was in the hospital recovering from WLS. It was like every other one!! We are all praying for a safe surgery today and cant wait until your sister posts to let us know~!
**Jan-You BETTER be resting and taking care of yourself. The last thing you need to worry about is the Whats Happening post. It will still be here when your better!! If I lose power out here, I wont be able to do it-OR if my phone line goes down-but if that happens, I will call someone else. I have Tammys number, Mels, Brendas, Lanas-so someone else can get on here and let you all know I couldnt do it. Just get better-we miss you, but not enough to risk you being uncomfortable or hurt because you did the post!! We are all praying for your quick recovery. Love ya.
**Bobbie Jo-your post brought back wonderful memories.....When I was a kid-we would go sledding-and my brother and I used the lids to those circle bbqs-and we had the fasteher 80s and lives alone at the end of our driveway.... As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janetst sleds out of everyone. The kids all wanted to use ours-when they had those big ol fancy sleds-LOL... we only have ice here tho- We have lost a couple more trees-and one of my favorites is hanging on the ground and has lost some more of its branches-its so sad. I wish the electric company would invent something to keep ice from forming on the lines...something so we dont have such huge power outages!
Well, Peeps-I am gonna get this posted. I am hoping and praying that everyone stays safe and warm! Please take care-and if you know anyone elderly or so on-give them a call and make sure they have power and heat-and food. When the weather gets like this-we are always checking on Grandma who is in her 80s and lives at the end of our driveway. As always, your all in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Hate to keep repeating myself but my computer at home has been down since last week and I just don't have time here at work to do more than glance at What's Happening.
Prayers please for my DD's MIL who is having RNY in Detroit today and for Connie, my angelette, having surgery Wednesday in St. Louis. I've not been able to be very supportive of her so please, if you have a second, send her a message to tell her how wonderful she is and how much we all love her. My shoulder is still set for surgery on 12/28. I'll be at DD's from 12/20 til 12/27 so pretty much out of communication until after my surgery but I will check in whenever I can and I'll post after I hear from Connie's husband.
Love you all and miss being on here so much.

Hope you are doing better. We will keep praying for you. Sorry I have been out of the loop This is finals week then maybe things will calm down.. hahahaha Janet came through surgery very well today. She is in a lot of pain. They did more surgery than they originally planned but We are thankful. Hope to see you soon.