*Whats Happening COLD Sunday?* (for Jan)
Good Morning MO Peeps~
Before I start-Please remember Jan, Vesta and Bel in your prayers. They have all undergone surgery and are recovering. Lets pray for a speedy and uneventful recovery. Thanks! Lets remember Vestas sister in prayer and Barbara and her family as well. She lost her mother and the holidays just intensify what they are going through. Please remember Janet Logan-she is having surgery in Springfield tomorrow. Lets pray for a safe surgery. Lets also keep Connie and Jane S and Janet L in prayer as they are pre-op, for strength and peace of mind right now. Mel can use prayer for her situation with her medications and pain until she has her surgery. If you would, I would appreciate any prayers you can send me as well, for my gb, back and teeth problems. Thanks everyone!!! There are some awesome prayer warriors here and I know we can pray everyone through these situations.
Im pretty late getting this out this morning-SORRY...I really was going to do it last night, but I clerked for my parents for 13 hrs yesterday. It was MY choice-my dad wasnt going to let me (I gave him the guilt story about wanting to make up my hours because of all the money I have spent on meds and visits this week-but right now, I am the only other person who can clerk for them anyway-they fired Tim last Tues when they found out he was on drugs (that is a huge NO NO there-and he walked into a customers room before 5 am and used the master key and told the man to get dressed and come to the office to fill out paperwork and then left)...anyway, the man ID'd Tim and dad had to fire him (he was being trained for the managers position) so not only did he get fired, but they kicked him out as well. The other clerk-she is still in Texas and MAYBE will return this Friday-will see. She has been gone this go-around for almost 2 months-and she is to clerk to pay for her apartment there-so she cant keep her apartment on a full time basis anymore. Ok-so I clerked for 13 hours, was going to use that time to get the quilt done I am making for Mike...I put it in the truck, under our emergency blanket so Mike couldnt see it (he drove me into town yesterday morning) Well, I FORGOT it when I got out!!!~Darn it!! I did have my Christmas cards though. I helped my mom do some decorating, the owner came in to drop off 50 comforters he bought for the motel, so we unloaded those-they are huge and comfy and nice!! It was a very busy day, didnt think it would be like that all day long, but it was...LOL...so-I got everything done before 10 pm, Megan had come to get me, since her hubby went to the race track with Mike and the boys-so Megan and I stopped at Dillons to get some staples in case this ice storm keeps us country folks stranded. We are always the last road to be plowed or salted etc.... I FORGOT to buy the bottled water that was on my list-so I am going to get some of our jugs and pitchers filled today. We lose power if someone sneezes wrong around here! Anyway, on our way home, it was a little cloudy/foggy in town, but once we hit my road-we couldnt see more than a couple feet in front of her car. It took us over 20 minutes to drive a maybe 5 minute road! Then we had to unload the car! I was so exhausted and hurting so bad that I just got everything put away and that was it!!!
I got up once this morning, when the kids left-and then fell back to sleep. They had spent the night. I wanted to make sure they got a good nights sleep and really didnt want them to be back on these roads like that. Megan said this morning that her wipers kept freezing, so they would have to stop to take care of that. Most roads are okay-but EVERYTHING is iced over-the steps, the grass-trees. We had a couple more of our trees break. Some of them are still weak from last years storm-so I guess this ice storm will finish off the limbs that were barely hanging on from last years storm-LOL....
So, Today I am going to bake a couple loafs of banana bread, do a couple loads of laundry and then we are going to Mikes parents to celebrate dads b-day. Mel invited us over for dinner, but I dont think we are going to be able to do that. I dont think I am going to enjoy driving the Suburban on roads like this. Its not auto brakes and all that and weighs over 7 thousand pounds, so its not gonna stop or grip the road! Mikes parents live just across the field from us-so we dont have far to go. Mikes uncle Jesse is coming in today to help Mike split wood. He has a huge log splitter here-so they are going to go get some more of our wood split-that will help us with our heating bill for sure. We dont have much wood and with how hurt Mike seemed to be on and off all summer, we didnt get much cut. If I have to-we will buy a rick or two. I dont care-I like to run the fireplace-saves a lot on the propane-its so expensive. Its worse than last year! Well, I will get to everyone and get off here to start my day.
**Traci-what kind of treats are you making today? It seems like a good day to stay inside and make treats with the kids today. I agree!! We may have to see what else we have to bake or make with my kiddies too.
**Debbie- Thats kind of nice to pick what assignments you want to take, huh? My daughter can be a substitute teacher too-but she had to know what her income was going to be-so she works full time, and I dont think she would have liked teaching too much anyway. So, she changed her majors-but thats okay, she didnt waste any of her classes she had taken, she can use them all for her Major now too. So, you braved the stores and did your Christmas shopping? I have to go and finish mine! Im not looking forward to that, thats for sure!!!
**Jan-GOOD TO SEE YOU!!! We have missed you SO MUCH!!!~ Im so sorry to hear that you gained the weight. You KNOW that its just anesthesia and swelling right? It will be okay- DO NOT get discouraged!!! PLEASE dont over do it though, that will be worse for you, if you try to do too much too soon~I dont want to see you take 2 steps back! SO DONT MAKE ME COME OUT THERE AND SIT ON YOU!!! PLEASE? PLEASE!! It will be great to see you next Monday! We love and miss you so much. Now GO SIT DOWN AND RELAX!!!
**Janet L-We are all praying for you!! We will pray for a safe and uneventful surgery and speedy recovery. Can someone post for you after the surgery so we know all went well? That would be nice!! Please let us know! Do you know how long you will be in the hospital? Take care Janet.
**Connie-are you leaving the day before your surgery? Usually the major highways are better off than the side roads-so I am praying that this is the situation this time too. I dont think the crud is going to miss us-but I am praying the roads dont get bad. That just makes the trip all the more stressful-and who needs MORE stress before surgery? NOT ME!
**Renee-Steph is doing a LOT better than she has in a LONG time-and she hasnt even gotten her phone back yet!! Can you believe it? Its been awesome!! I hope it stays this way. Thanks for thinking of us. I hope you dont have to travel if the roads get crappy. I know how it can be stressful. I am a little stressed this year too-because I have that big old GMC and my Santa Fe had the anti lock brakes and hunkered down all by itself if the roads were bad and all of that. I dont have that luxury this year. So, I am a bit stressed too! I am keeping you in prayer girl. Love you and I will try to find time to get you emailed later, Take care! Love you.
Okay everyone-BE SAFE...Ecspically if your traveling! Stay warm-and love your loved ones today-give them a hug and kiss - JUST BECAUSE you can!! Let them know you care and you love them...Call someone you havent talked to for a while and tell them too! Your all in my thoughts and prayers and I will talk to you later. Janet

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
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Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
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