~Whats Happening Friday? (for Jan)~
Dear MO Peeps~
Its Bels day to be a LOSER! Your seat is all polished for you Bel-COME ON!!! Please everyone take a moment and say a pray for Bel to have a safe surgery and speedy and uneventful surgery! Thanks!!
Megan came over yesterday and we went to Diamond.....there is a tree at one of the two convienence stores with needy families on it-and Megan wanted to adopt someone. We stopped at the Dollar General first, and ran out of time (Sorry Megan-she had to pick up her hubby at 3 and it was 2:30 and she still had to drop me off at home)...Thats the extent of Diamond-2 convienence stores and Dollar General...oh sorry-the 3 schools, a post office smaller than my closet and a combination police station/city hall and 2 hole in the wall restuarants-blink and u miss it!! We came out of Dollar General and the wind about blew us away! It did blow Jons hat right off his head, which he thought was comical! So, she dropped me off at home and then took Jon to spend the night.....By 8:30 he was asking Megan to bring him home.. She was devastated, because ever since she moved out last August-he has never done that when he goes over-he has a blast and stays all night. She was crying. I told her that he was going through a phase where he wants to be with mommy and daddy and in the same rooms with us and so on and not to take it personally-ALL kids go through these phases and its okay. Poor kid, she was having a pretty rough day yesterday. The bank lost one of her deposits and then one of the automatic withdrawls that wasnt suppose to go through until the 10th went through early and for double what it was suppose to and so on....I felt so bad for her...
Mike met Megan and got Jon and when he came home-there were 3 presents wrapped under the tree-and he freaked out-I have NEVER seen him so excited! He couldnt even stand in one place-he was zipping from one side to another asking if Santa had come yet? No-buddy, those are just ones from Darrel and the big one is from me and Daddy. Can I open it? Can I? Can I? No, not yet- WHY? Why cant I just open it? PALLLEEEZZZEEEE???? What is it? Can I pick it up? Can I just peek? How come you wont let me open it? I want to open it!!! (imagine-now he is jumping up and down) I thought the poor kid was going to need the CPR crash cart! I cant wait to see his face when we get all of the presents under the tree...He definitely is bringing this house to life right now!
Today I have my appt with my pain management doctor. I was going to go down to the county office this morning and sit there with all my paperwork and talk to a supervisor, but since I will have Jon-I am not doing that....I still havent heard from them. I think now they are just doing this because they got called to check on things-will see. We are going to go early to stop at Mel and Terrys and take their Christmas pictures of them by their Christmas tree and drop some of Nuttis stuff of there-unless I hear back from her before I go. I hope the bad weather holds off until Sunday-after the appt I am going to go to the motel and clerk for a couple of hours.
I did call Skaggs hospital yesterday, but there was no answer in Jans room. I hung up after the 4th ring because I thought she was either sleeping or in the restroom or something and I didnt want her trying to get to the phone and breaking her neck....I will try back today. I just got the recording on their cell phone-and no way to leave a message-so Joe wont know that I called. I know I have the right # because when Joe called me to update me for the surgery, it said Jan Cook calling....Please keep praying for a speedy recovery-I really miss her. I dont mind doing the post-but I sure miss seeing hers in here!!
**Nutti-If I dont hear back from you before I come to Carthage-I will leave the bullet containers and check with Mel. I hope you guys find out the baby isnt too big-that he is just right and that the baby and mommy are perfectly fine!
**Traci-What did your friend have? I hope and pray that labor and delivery went well and that she had a healthy baby! Stay safe and warm. We are suppose to get the storm this way too-I hope it holds off till later Sunday when I dont have anything to do!
**Bel-not that your gonna see this-but Congrats....girl-every pound counts and take it as an accomplishment...we do! We will be praying for you today and cant wait to see Nutti post that your on the bench with us!
**Bobbi Jo-I will say prayers for Trent. How sad. Its so hard to lose a parent-but to lose one in the teenage years when life is so confusing anyway-has got to just be unbearable-glad he finds safety with you. I know your a good role model to him! Hey, are you sure its not 152452568527 things instead of 6? LOL LOL!! Take care and enjoy your weekend-
**Brenda-I hope and pray your better now! My injection wasnt cortisone-it was steroids and they didnt put me to sleep (although I would have preferred it-because it hurt like you know what!!) I didnt have an IV either. Maybe the cortisone will work better than the steroids-I use to get cortisone shots in my knees until they got to where the knee caps were eaten away with arthritis-then it didnt work anymore-but when they worked-they worked wonderful. I pray for relief for you. Please keep us posted! This last bout of steroids really did a number on me-I gained 12#. I have it back down now-but for a couple weeks I couldnt get the scale to move! Dont get discouraged...this time around IT WILL COME BACK OFF!!!! It will~ Love you. Oh, and yes-I had all 3 injections and the 2nd one helped for 2-3 days and that was the extent of my relief. I had that dull achey pain where they put the injection in too for a couple of days!
**Shannon C-Im glad the injections worked for you! I wished they would have for me. I could have used some pain relief. The shots were so painful for me-that something in return (more than 3 days) would have been nice! I have a couple of ulcers on my suture line-they sure can be bothersome, cant they? I wish you luck and you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Tammy H will be up there on the 11th. I was going to go, but I have to have 3 teeth pulled on the 10th and just dont think I will make it!!
**Janet Logan-You definitely will be in our prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery, as well as Jane on the 12th. We know there is power in prayer!!! Gods speed be with you.
Well, the house is up and hopping already. I am gonna get off here and enjoy a few minutes with hubby and kids before they go. As always-your all in my thoughts and prayers-and if you find yourself traveling in the storm-PLEASE be cautious and safe- Janet
Good Morning, Janet & MO Peeps! Janet, thank you for posting for Jan. I know we all really appreciate your thoughtfulness! Well, my first day of substituting went great! Whatever they pay 2nd grade teachers, it is NOT enough! I had 24 kids in the class. The kids were all good, there were a couple who tried my patience. But being the new kid on the block, I figure they are just trying to see how far they can push the newbie! I'm subbing for the same class today. I only plan on teaching a couple days a week. You know that game show called "Are you as smart as a 5th grader?" Well, I felt like I was playing "Are you as smart as a 2nd grader?" Yesterday! We had a really hard math project in the afternoon. It was challenging to try and teach it to the kids. That and they were to work together as a team....a whole new challenge to many of them! lol! Needless to say, I was exhausted when I got home. Thankfully I had baked a casserole the night before and we warmed it up for dinner. My dh waited on me hand and foot...I kinda like that! ;) I'd better scoot. I leave in about 10 minutes. I did review the materials for today yesterday so that should help. Hope all of you have a GREAT FRIDAY! Debbie D.
Good morning everyone, just wanted to thank the prayer warriers, you all helped me thru this.i am back minus a gall bladder, spleen, hernia and a twisted bowel.also had my lip surgery done and get my stiches out tues. it went real good, I am feeling better but it has been a long road. and to add to everything else I have been really depressed, but that is better too.. I want to thank Jan for keeping everyone posted, and hope she is doing ok, she is in my prayers. put my sister on your prayer list as she went into a code blue wed night, they did 3 splints on her and think she will do ok now..she is in Branson hospitol also. I love all of you, and my prayers are with you all, anf tks for being y friends.....love ya Vesta

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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