~Whats Happening Thursday (for Jan)~
Dear MO Peeps~
Can we just say BURR LAP???? Man, it IS COLD OUTSIDE!! I had planned on going to Mels today to go through the boxes and get some things-but it was WAY TOO COLD. So Jon and I stayed inside where we were safe and warm and decided that tomorrow will be my running day. Jon is going to spend the night with big sister-Megan and so he wont be in and out getting cold and then warm, and taking a chance of him getting sick again. This is the 3rd day without medicine and I am pretty pleased about that! Thank God~~ I didnt think we were ever going to get rid of the crud that was being passed around-I want to thank everyone for the prayers-I truly appreciate it.
One of my g-friends is having a hysterectomy today so I have to stop at the hospital and see her after she is out of recovery. Wont stay long-but want her to know Im there-guess I will have to leave a card-she will probably still be on the good stuff and may not remember that-LOL....
Please continue to say prayers for Jan who is recovering. Lets not forget Vesta (I did in yesterdays post and feel so awful about it)...Then we have Bel having her surgery Friday. Connie is coming up on the 12th and Im sure both of them could use some prayer for strength and peace of mind. Lana is having surgery the 28th of this month-and then Mel is still having a really hard time. She started some new meds today-and hopefully within a couple of days, they will kick in and she will start to get some relief.
After I posted yesterday about my cheek (where the abscess is) and Stephanies shoulders meeting and that about sending me through the roof, your not gonna believe this-but when my 13 yr old was getting ready to leave for school, he went to kiss me on the cheek and I saw him going right for where the abscess was (YOUR KIDDING, RIGHT-is what I was thinking)...anyhow-I tried to turn my head-and just at that time, his nose/chin hit me right on the abscess-this time it made me scream out in pain... Holy crap-your kidding me? Twice in 12 hours. Each kid. The day before I went to the dentist-Jon had grabbed my face while he was playing with me.....once he saw the broken tooth, he was afraid to come near me again...I can say that, I am back down to my before steroids weight though, probably because I cant eat anything-LOL...But, if you have to find something good out of a situation-that would be the good thing.
**Bobbie Jo-I hear you on the board games. We love to play them too-and I guess the only time anymore that you get a good buy on them is if you shop the day after Thanksgiving-I couldnt believe how expensive some of them were either!!
I think your thankful dinner and the drawing names and saying what your thankful for or something nice about that person is a fantastic idea! Your so inventive!! I may have to steal that next year!!
CONGRATS on the graduating. I am so proud of you-and I know your dad is too! What an awesome accomplishment-and hey-I believe its harder to go back later in life because your juggling a hubby, kids and all of that-not just a dorm roomie and peace and quiet-so kudos to you. I hope your proud of your accomplishment!!! WAY TO GO!
**Brenda-How did the epidural go? For some reason I thought it was different than what I just did-you didnt get steroids, did you? How are you feeling? I hope your doing good and I am praying hard for you and I pray you get relief.
I just got a letter Saturday from my PCP saying my liver is enlarged. I bet its from the pain meds. Its within normal limits still, but is enlarged. I guess I will be having that checked out next-when I get done with the 100 other things that have come up! Its so frustrating-and I know its very easy to get depressed. I hear you. My heart goes out to you and If you ever need me, let me know. Love you.
**Renee-girl-you are doing AWESOME with only 3 cigs a day-congrats. I know about those trigger points too-I chewed a lot of sunflower seeds, straws (just to have it in my mouth) and lemon drops-because they are suppose to help with the cravings. The best thing that worked for me though was called Smoke Away-it really worked excellent----At any rate- I am very proud of you. Stop being so hard on yourself. Smoking is the hardest thing to stop-just like heroin or speed. Im very proud of you. I will keep you in my prayers for strength too-Are you still doing Chavix? Have you talked to Barbara? Hope she is okay. Have you already attended the MOBAR seminar in Springfield? If not-I would love to go with you!
**Traci-Good to see you. Glad you came in to say hi-its always nice to see your smiling face and I hope you get some rest-sounds like you were busy with the baby today!
**Bec-I will call Jan and check on her tomorrow. They do say that the 3rd day is the worst-so she is right, she will be most challenged tomorrow. She is tough though and I am sure she will be roaming the halls in no time. I dont think she will be using a walker for 3 months-they dont know our Jan, do they? I will post after I talk to her. Thanks for the update. Your a blessing to us too!!
Well, I am gonna get off here. I am getting tired. I hope you all have a good Thursday and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Take care-Janet
Helloooo Mo!
woooooweeee I do agree about the cold! BBBRRRRRR
nice to hear Jan is doing ok.My Grandmother had Knee replacement at 72 and she did great. so I know our Jan will do great also!
Janet glad to hear no meds for 3 days....my son Jason was sick almost all of his early years...had pnemonia 12 times 10 hospital stays before he was 4 and this is not including his heart surgery and related issues.....He is allergic to ALL meds made with cephlasporin which limits him for antibiotics when sick so I have always had to nurse him with any home remedy I could...couldnt have him develop imunity to the few antibiotics he can take. I know how hard it is for the little ones to not feel good....so glad Mr. Jon is doing better...funny I just noticed you spell his name the same way my nephews name is spelled.
I hope you are still planning a trip by on Friday....I should have my granddaughter....she is almost 3 and quite articulated. so bring Jon if ya like. even with the miniatures we are still a kid friendly house.
today it was run the GF around in Joplin for Baby dr appointment. the glucose test was today
now we are having an ultrasound on friday...Dr. thinks baby is to big....well maybe he is taking after dad...after all Jason was a 11 3.5 oz baby 22.5 inches long. but its not bad to be watchful.
Im still plucking away on my houseboat, it has to be photo ready this weekend to make the deadline for the contest.
next is my brothers Bike shop....its almost done just needs finishing touches. he is getting it for Christmas. and Pixie's dollhouse has to be painted and decorated before Christmas or Jan 5th(her Birthday)
busy busy busy me.
I finally figured out why I walk all hunched over....my tummy(apron) is pulling me over.
so now have to retrain myself not to do that.
I hope yall stay warm and safe during ou\r pre winter weather!
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Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Peace in all you do,
I'm so excited, I just can't hide it, I'm about to lose control and I think I like it, I like it!
Starting weight 350 / Surgery Weight 314
Current Weight 183 as of 7/1/2009
Target Weight 150
Lower body lift 6/1/2009
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.
Hi Everyone! I have had 3 epidural steroid injections last year and they really helped me. 2 new problems - I have an ulcer and 2 lumbar compression fractures in my back. Willl have an EGD scope on the 17th at 2pm in Columbia and then see Dr Suttmoeller the following friday. Did not enjoy spend- ing 6 hours in the Er tuesday night but I like the effects of the toradol and the phenergan as I slept a whole 6 hours thru after I got home. Is anyone else going to the Christmas party at Missouri Bariatrics on the 11th besides Bobbi & I? Stay warm and stay safe as its really coming down here now. Going to turn into ice. Shannon