Jan C.
on 12/2/07 12:53 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Talk about weather starting our crazy. It only got down to 64 all night here. And is only suppose to get to 65 as the high for Sunday Crazy weather isn’t it?


Now it is Sunday night and all ready it is down to 30 and suppose to get down to 25.brrrrrrr that is sure a lot different than last night isn’t it?


I went outside to work in the yard today but the wind started blowing so hard that I knew that I would be coughing and going on again like before if I stayed out side. So I came in and worked on getting several things straightened up in the house.


One I bought a new organizer to put phone numbers in. I started transferring all of them from my old one but will get that finished maybe at the hospital. (I doubt) will take it just in case that I feel like doing it.

I went thru and signed a lot of Christmas cards today and put them in envelopes, sealed them and put my return address stickers on them. Now all I have to do is address them.

Maybe I can get that done in the hospital too who knows. I am going to have to have something to do to occupy my time. Good thing I have several new books to read that I haven’t been able to get to.


TRACI:lol no your weather bug wasn’t broken , it was just weird weather.

Thanks for praying for me I should know something about the ultrasound tomorrow .



JANET: oh sweetie so sorry about your teeth. I know how all of that feels too. I had to have all of mine pulled when I was only 28 and have had dentures ever since then. Teeth hurting is such a severe pain. I use to eat a big bottle of extra strength Excedrin like candy two and three at a time. And the relief was only temporary at best. Many the night I cried myself to sleep. And we had no money for me to go get any of them fixed so pulling was my only recource. I was so glad to get that pain gone that I didn’t really care tho.


Do you have any idea when you will get your gall bladder out? Honey you need to do it as soon as you can before it poisons more of your system. Has the Medicaid people ever gotten your stuff straightened out? If you got it out now you will be well and doing great by Christmas. I know you have to be hurting so badly from that.


Oh that poor man that you were talking about . I was in tears when I heard his story from you. How very very sad. And we complain. Makes us thankful doesn’t it, ever tho we are sad for that man and I said a prayer for him. But we have the things that are the most important to us don’t we.

I cant imagine living in his shoes.


I hope everyone will stop and think about all that our Lord and Savior has given them and how rich we all are , at this time of year is a good time to reflect about this last year and realize that we have come a long way and that there were things that we could have done for others that we left undone but all we can do is try to be like Christ. That is what our mission is in life , if you are a child of His is to make your walk , talk and life to be as much like him as you can. We all fail at it miserably but we can only try.



DEBBIE  D: wow good to see and hear from you again. Have you been really busy getting ready for Christmas?


So how did your trip with your son go to KState? I will keep you both in my prayers that you and he become very close again thru this trip.

I have read parts of that book , It is an excellent resource for anyone that has boys.  They are a totally different species than girls are. In some respects they are easier to raise and in others they are worse.

I am praying that your husband has found the job that nothing will happen to it. That really has to be hard on him , not knowing like that.









on 12/2/07 1:12 pm - Independence, MO
Hi everyone I hope this post finds everyone well. Jan, I hope your surgery goes well and will be praying for you and your family. Janet, I am sorry you are having a bad time right now but it sounds like things are going to start geting better for you as soon as you get all these surgeries behind you. I miss you bunches sorry I haven't had more time to sit down and email but life and school are crazy right now. Mel, How are you doing sweetie? Do you still have the kids and are you feeling any better yet?? This week is basically my last week of the semester except going back for finals in the middle of the month. Expect to see a lot of me then!!! There are so many newbies it's so great to see all of you!! I hope to get to know you all better during my time off from school.   Life is pretty good and school is good. We just moved to Odessa which is about 23 miles from Independence(where I used to live) I love it here but it has been difficult to juggle school, life, moving, grandkids, friends, DBF, kids, and studying , changes in my mind and body from surgery.  Shoot it makes me more tired seeing it all written out.  I miss you all but I need to get off here and get to bed. I have a test tomorrow. Love all of you and praying for those of you who need and of course those of you who are doing great. We can all use every prayer said for us right? Hugs

     "You can have it all you just can't have it all at once"
                         Oprah Winfrey

Traci K.
on 12/2/07 8:14 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Well good grief - my weatherbug is showing 19 degrees this morning!!  BRRRRRR!!!!!!  It was 65 degrees yesterday morning on our way to church!!  Then it just poured rain during service.  We came home for a bit and then went out to a "Journey to Bethlehem" production another local church does that is mostly an outdoors production that you actually become part of, and let me tell you it was COLD!!!!!  This evening I am going to the WLS Achievers support group meeting in Fenton, so guess I'll have to bundle myself up to stay warm today!  Off I go to start my day.  Have a great day everyone!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Tammy H.
on 12/3/07 12:25 am - Holcomb, MO

Howdy Folks.. Wow...only a few more weeks and not only is this month over but we are already going to be starting a new year!!! Where does time go??? Well I went to see my nephew that is in prison yesterday. My first time in a prison and after all I went thru it might be my last. First thing that happened...Never even thinking I wore a camo T-shirt...A gaurd spotted me the second I walked in the door and ask me if I had another shirt with me....I said no and she said well theres no camo allowed on or in the primises!! We have a top you can wear...So I waited for mine and moms number to be called and went to sign us in...They gave me a top that was like the green surgery tops...Went and put it on and set back down to wait for our number to be called again...This time we had to use a wand that had a paper thing in the end of it and run it down our arms, down the middle of our shirts and then raise our shirts and run it on the band of our pants. I did mom first...Then while I was doing mine I told the girl...Now if somethings wrong with mine remember it's yalls shirt...DIDN'T BIT MORE GET THAT OUT OF MY MOUTH AND THE DAMN MACHINE STARTED BEEPING!! So she says ok lets do this again...I done it again and it started beeping again...Then she called someone else over that and told them to look at the results and told her it was showing that with me wearing one of their shirts.  My mom said well Im nosey whats the deal...The gaurd said well your daughter is testing positive at 5.6 for herion(sp)!!!! I about crapped my pants! I said heck NO.. Test my own shirt...She said it's ok...go on thru...They have no ideal how it happened...She said there is certain people that do laundry and only one person that brings the clothes to the front and then they are locked up for only the gaurds to get into...But thanked me for bringing up the issue that it was their shirts...She said from now on they would test the people before they changed shirts. But still she would not test my shirt.... So then on to the metal detector....4 TIMES THRU AND I BUZZED EACH TIME... I told her it was something to do with my butt lol lol....Each time it didn't buzz till my butt was almost thru!...So then I had to go back thru stand with my legs spread and my hands in the air while she ran the dang wand thing over me!! Im laughing now but I was kinda getting pee'ed off at that moment lol lol lol... I'm still freaking out over the drug thing!!! I told my mom I was going to go home and check my body wash, laundry soap and lotion to see if any of them listed herion. lol lol lol....Joe said maybe it was one of the meds I take...I said well I bet I find out...cause all I take is allergy meds, vitamins, aurther meds & a depression med...Now which one of those should have something like that in it!!!!  My nephew is in the diagnostic facility now and is suppose to get moved to a new place this week...So I guess on my next visit I will see how things go...If it's anywhere near this experience, he will have to settle for a letter from me lmbo! Janet...Wow girl..It just never ends for you does it? I will be so happy for you when you can get your health issues taken care of so you can enjoy being a new person!!! I hate that you are in so much pain...I wish there was something I could do to help you in some way...If I lived closer Id come clean your house or do some shopping for you, so you had less to do on your feet so that it might keep you from hurting so dang much!!  I hope you get your tooth taken care of soon....I can stand all kinds of things but I am a big baby when it comes to a tooth ache or a ear ache!!!.....I hope to get some of my teeth taken care of when tax's come in. I'm like you...NO MORE FIXING!! I want them pulled out and be done with it!!!! I know they like to preserve your own teeth as long as possible but sometimes I think that's an excuse to get more money out of you cause they know you will be back! Jan...Girl I'm surprised you don't spend you winter months making blue prints for the spring when you can get out and start on those flowers lmbo!!!  I hope to find time to get a few books read too...I love to read, but haven't seem to have the time in a long time to get started on one.  Got ya in my prayers...I hope all goes well with your surgery...will be waiting to hear from Janet! Mel....Where is you girl!!!!!? Haven't heard much from you lately....I hope all is well your way...Keeping your mom in my prayers as well as the kids! Nuttie...Wow... R U BUSY ALL THE TIME! Just kidding..I think it's great you can handle going and doing like that. Isn't it great to feel all the new changes and energy the WLS gives us as time goes by? I am tickled over the energy I have lately! Amanda...How's my lil angelette doing? Are you getting excited yet? Wont be long at all now....Drop me a line when you get time... Id love to chat with you sometime on the phone before your surgery.  Brenda...I know things haven't been so hot for ya lately.. Miss seeing ya on the board....If you need to talk, just give me a call...I love chatten on the phone... Love ya and your in my prayers! Well got to close for now and get some house work done. Got to catch up on laundry and get my spare room cleaned up from where the kids moved out so it will be clean and ready for when the girls mother comes to visit for Christmas.  We are taking a day the week before Christmas to make cookies, fudge, divinity and etc...So if anyone has any cool recipes, drop me aline and give it to me! Hope yall have a great Monday... God Bless each of you... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Traci K.
on 12/3/07 2:43 am - Sullivan, MO
Tammy - girl, I soooo would not have been laughing had that thing a been beepin' at me!!!  Goodness!!!  Glad you are drug-free now. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 12/3/07 12:54 am - Wichita , KS
Good morning OH family!  I haven't been able to post for a week it's been one stressful week to say the least.   Last Tues. we buried my dad's brother then Wed. I had to travel to Columbia MO. my dad had to have an angiogram and unfortunately they weren't able to take care of the blockage with a stint so he was scheduled for bypass on Thurs. early morning.  I went home Wed. evening only to make it home and get about 3 hrs. of sleep before making the trip back to Columbia had to be there at 6am.  Surgery went fine they only had to do one bypass he spent a day and night in ICU.  I went back to Columbia yesterday and my dad looked so much better then when I saw him Thurs right after surgery.  They said he may get to go home tomorrow so that's good. Thrus. I found out from my mom that my little 13yr old sister might have a heart problem.  She passed out at her cousins house right before Thanksgiving and my mom took her to the dr. and they ran a bunch of test and put her on one of those heart monitors for 48 hrs. well the dr. said her test were good but he saw something on the heart monitor that he didn't like and wanted her to see a pediatric cardiologist at Chrildrens Mercy.  My mom couldn't get her in to see the specialist before the first of Jan. so now we wait and worry! I have been so stressed out all week and I am totally drained I just hope things start to get better I can't take much more stress. I only worked like 3 hrs. last week so that's going to hurt when my paycheck comes so that's stressful too. I can't believe in a month I have to start my 2 week liquid diet then after that is surgery I think the time is going to fly by? I hope everyone is having a good day?  I guess I better get busy I have a lot of errands to do and my puppy is sitting beside me begging for me to take him out so guess I better do that before he has an accident!  Take care everyone and have a blessed day!!!! BEV~

on 12/3/07 2:04 am - Purdy, MO
 Hi Everyone,  This weather is soooo crazy. It started out so pretty yesterday, and then it got crazy. I've never seen cloud's move in so fast. The girl's and I watched it for a minute, and then they ran out to the storage to get our decoration's, while I finished up Kala's finacial paper's online (I'm keeping my finger's crossed that she didn't get them turned in to late.). The storm hit while the girl's were out in it, but they wasn't coming back to the house without the decoration's.LOL We got them all in the house, and smack right off the bat I broke our old tree, and then right after doing that I set down next to our angel and she was all smashed and her wing's broke off, grrrrrrrr this isn't starting out good at all, I've had both the tree and angel since Tiff's first Christmas (17 year's). So the girl's take off to town and bring back the prettiest tree and angel ever. We spent the next couple of hour's going through all of our tree ornament's (we each get a new one every year, and then add one for who ever spend's that Christmas with us). It bring's back such wonderful memories seeing all of them. This is one of the prettiest tree's we've had yet. Jan I bet you are getting so excited about your knee surgery. How long will you be in the hospital? I sure hope this will take care of your knee problem's. Janet hun I hope your teeth are feeling better and that you are out of pain. How stupid it is when we have to wait on insurance when we are sick. I just hope and pray you get everything taken care of soon. I hope Everyone has a wonderful day.

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
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