Jan C.
on 12/1/07 12:42 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Sort of a gloomy day but fairly warm, this afternoon the wind really picked up . I thought according to the weather channel we were suppose to have rain today and tonight. Well good thing I don’t believe them. I put the soaker hose on my roses and other  perennials


Well I got 3 punkin rolls baked and put in the freezer today. Hopefully I can get some more made tomorrow and some other stuff. One of my brothers that is what I give him every year for his Christmas present…Punkin rolls. You know the kind rolled like a jelly roll with cream cheese and nuts. Really yummy. I made one last year with spenda and with fat free cream cheese and was pretty good. I am going to make one more this year like that too.


Got some house work done so the house will be fairly clean when I come home from the hospital. Oh god it is only 3 days more. I don’t know if I am ready to be dependent on others …I will just have to push myself so I wont be ,



JANET: Hope you had a good day today and your back didn’t hurt you too much. I know that any let up in pain feels like a huge relief or at least my knees do . When I have a day that they don’t hurt too bad it is like oh wow.!!

I bet you and your dad were hunting like crazy to find that mixup on the money when closing last night . lol I worked once upon a time as a night clerk for Holiday Inn and part of my job was to close out the books each night. They wouldn’t allow us to be off one penny either way. And lot of the time it would be transposing of numbers but it sure messes you up..

Hope you don’t have a mess of kittens in a couple of months. But I guess if you do it is just more to keep the  critters away from the house.

I am so excited that Megan and Aaron are going to have this surgery while they are young and can keep control of their lives. I wish I could have had this a lot younger and not gotten fat but glad that it was available for me now.

When will they be attending the seminar? Is their insurance in network for MOBars? I know you are excited that they will have your doctor.

Yeah just remember that Darrell is allergic to codeine. There are a lot of us that are.

Hope both boys are feeling better now.



TRACI: The ultra sound was for a knot on my neck, that my pcp wanted checked out before I had knee surgery. Hopefully she will get the results of it Monday. She wanted to make sure it wasn’t a clot on my carotid artery. I don’t think it is any such thing but she wanted to be sure.



TAMMY: so sorry that you are having tummy issues and am glad that you are going to see about it soon. Be sure and keep your protein level up by protein shakes since you cant eat much dense protein. You cant do without that protein you will really be sick.

They say that is a problem with a lot of younger girls about the hormones bound up in the fat so when you loose it starts circulating all that extra . Hang in there it will get better.

Or at least everyone that I know it has.



NUTTI: glad that you found some nice things at JCP. I thought about going out shopping again today but decided not to after all. stayed home and baked instead.

Hope you can sell one of your doll houses at the craft fair.

I know the pictures will look really good in front of your tree. Put one up on your profile when they are done.










Traci K.
on 12/1/07 7:28 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone I wonder if my weatherbug is broken - it's telling me it's 60 degrees out there at 5:26 am!  Is that right?!!!  No wonder I've had a migraine the past two days, weather front moving in and out.  Jan:  I'm praying your test results are all clear and normal. Vesta:  hon, I'm still praying for you too.  Have a great day everyone!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 12/2/07 2:09 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

Happy Sunday to everyone. At this moment, I am feeling okay-BUT...only because I have taken the pain meds and the flexiril earlier. I have a knot the sz of a golf ball on my cheek/jaw line-from the broken molar. Its cracked, and one pc is loose-so I have, of course, been messing with it-because its so sensitive-and seems to feel better-or at least, gets numb when I am messing with it-but not too good for the swelling factor, is it? I started taking some of my antibiotics I had left over-to help with the infection and I will be calling tomorrow to see if I can get into the dentist-I am NOT telling him emergency, because then he charges almost double. I am going to play cool and see what the price will be then. I hate the fact that I have to use Christmas present money for a stupid old tooth to be pulled. After the first of the year-I am going to check into getting all of the bottoms pulled and getting the partial. My moms side of the family, ALL had dentures by the time they were 30. Bad teeth just ran on her side. With each pregnancy-I had major problems with my teeth and like Jans Joe-spent a ton of money and had root canals and caps etc-only to end up having problems a couple of yrs later-so I just said pull it-I am not going to spend $600 to $1000 for each tooth that I have already paid that much for once to get the root canals and caps. No way! Now-with meds I have been on and the WLS-it seems like every time I turn around, I am breaking another tooth or whatever-so I am just gonna get the bottoms taken care of-and then the top, when I need it as well. To me, nothing is worse than a back ache or a tooth ache (maybe labor....) and yesterday afternoon and into the night, I had them both. I have never hurt that bad in all of my life-I was praying to either ease the pain or to die-cause it was just unbearable. I stopped at Papa Murphys to get some pizza. One of my dads friends gave me a free coupon he had gotten from them-so I thought, perfect....I dont have to cook-just throw it in the oven. The coupon was worth $15-and I had some money left over-so I bought one of their topping spices-it is really good-got the garlic and herb....anyway-I started crying in the middle of the store-the girl behind the counter kept asking if I was ok. I told her, I am okay, sorry.....Im not a crazy woman or anything-I just have a bad back and when I turned around, it felt like I was being stabbed. She said-you look tired (which REALLY means, you look like crap) and I told her that I was tired-(tired of being in pain for almost a year of my life). I didnt say that to her-but I was thinking it....LOL...Poor thing, she probably thought I was junkie coming off my drugs. Still have the shakes too-so that doesnt help. Those steroids really reaked havic on my system and I cant even drink coffee without spilling it all over!! I sure cant wait until that side effect goes away!

Megan is coming this way after she drops Aaron off at work. We are going to go to the store and then picking up Stephanie-and then coming home and the kids are going to help us finish getting all the decorations up and finish decorating the tree. I cant wait. Steph and Megan are going to make 2 loaves of banana bread, with my grandmas recipe-so I am excited about that. We are making one loaf with splenda....YAY!! I think I am going to eat a tiny pc. Havent had anything like that-then I am going to give the rest of the loaf to my mom. Since she is insulin dependent diabetic-and I am using wheat flour and splenda in the one loaf, it wont be all that bad for her. I may get some presents wrapped and under the tree too. The one box of decorations we cant find-has my antique tree skirt in it too-so I really want to get to the garage and try and find that box too-but of course, it is very cold here today AND raining!! YUCK.. Who knows if I will get out there this winter after all-this crazy weather seems to take over our weekend plans for the past month or so-and havent been able to do the things we normally do by this time of year-like getting the icicle lights all put up on the house and get all the other stuff out-darn it.

IF anyone is interested-I met a gentleman yesterday who is staying at my dads motel, who has a Harley Phat Boy for sale. It has 6,100 miles on it-still has 3 yrs left on the warranty and is the most beautiful pearl white-with a little touch of turquiose under the pearl color-it has leather braiding on it from gas tank to the seat-and its chromed out-the rims on this bike took a yr to make-and they were special made, they are spoked-and where the chain is-there is a smaller spoked rim-its amazing-anyway, its valued at over 20 grand, he paid 30 grand for it last spring-but due to the loss of all of his family members, except one son (they were in a car accident before Thanksgiving) he is selling the bike for 13 grand. He has a huge 4 door Dodge Ram with 51,000 miles on it-and he pd 42,000 for it-is selling it for 20,000. I WISH I had the money-I would buy BOTH from him...In a heart beat. He said when he lost his whole family-he no longer could live in the house he had with them-its for sale in Wyoming-and then he sold his 5th wheel to finish paying all the funeral costs they incurred and his one lone surviving child relocated with him. I told him that I would advertise those 2 items for him on the internet through our FourStatesHomePage. He has all the paperwork showing WHAT he paid and clear titles-I felt so sorry-After I talked to him, I walked away with tears running down my face-and realized that I may have aches and pains, but I can walk in and hug my family and tell them how much I love them, and he cant do that! I would rather have my ailments than to have the loss of my whole family. I dont think I would want to live without them!!! Anyway-if anyone is interested, let me know.....

Dont know that I will be getting to that support meeting in Joplin tomorrow or not. If my tooth still hurts like it has been, I am not going to go. If not, my mom said she would watch Jon and I will try to go. If the kids dont work, they are going to go. Mel was going to be going to Springfield to her moms appt with the cancer doctor, but she has one of the worst cases of strep throat-and she cant take the chance of her mom getting that-much less the fact that she just doesnt feel good and doesnt have a voice. Told her that she better go to the ER instead of trying to wait until tomorrow to go to her PCP....its just gotten worse and worse each day-

~~Please say some prayers for everyone that is sick, in pain, or waiting for surgery. I know they appreciate it-as I do. We have Jan having knee surgery in 2 days, we have Vesta-which I dont know if she is even still in the hospital or not. Connie is getting ready to go in-and so is Bel-for their WLS. We have Barbara (ladymoya) who just lost her mother, so please remember her and her family in prayer. We have countless people who are sick or their family members are sick....Brenda is having a lot of issues with her back and she just went through 2 deaths of people she loved-please keep her in prayer as well. Mels mom is going to her appt tomorrow with the cancer doc, please remember her in prayer. Mel is very sick, my dad and my daughter, Megan are sick. Aaron just got over it-and Megan said she is alot better today-so maybe the worst of it is over for her. Lana is in a lot of pain because of her torn rotator cuff-and waiting for surgery-so keep her in prayer please. Tammy and her PCP believe she has a food stricture, so please remember her as well....If I missed you-Please post it in Jans post so we can pray for you. Didnt intentionally leave anyone out-

Well, I am going to get this wrapped up-I gotta freeze my rear off and get out to the Morton Building where the deep freeze is and figure out what we are doing for dinner. Sloppy joes sound really good to me today for some reason-but I think we are going to do beef tips with green pepper and onion (for the adults) and left over pizza for the kids. They love the pizza and the hot dogs!!

Oh, for those of you who have asked AND live in the Joplin area-you can adopt a senior citizen that is not in a nursing home AND doesnt have any family-so wont be getting any Christmas presents if they arent adopted....you can call Vantage Point or Empire District Electric Company and adopt them....Numbers are in the phone book. If you want to do this and arent in our area-you can always call your local nursing home and they should be able to give you the needs/desires of someone in their facility that doesnt have family members.....

**Renee and Jan-I feel just like you both do-that I may not have much, but what I do have-I am more than willing to share with someone else to brighten their holidays! I think its great what you are doing! Mel is going to be adopting a senior from the place we did as well-and I can tell you-it will probably be one of the best days for this family-going to take her, her gifts and goodies and making her day a special one! Bless you guys for doing this for someone who needs it-whom without you-wouldnt have anything!!!

As always, your in my thoughts and prayers and I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday with your loved ones. Make sure and tell them how much you love them.... Tomorrow is never a gaurantee. So-I love you guys. Janet

Debbie D.
on 12/2/07 2:53 am - KS
Hello Jan and Missouri Peeps! I hope everyone has a blessed Sunday!  Jan, please keep us posted on the results of your sonogram on your neck as well as your knee surgery Tuesday.  I read the posts everyday just don't post often. Janet, I will pray for that man who lost his entire family (except for 1 one) the day before thanksgiving.  What a horrible tragedy.  Makes you stop and think that we never are promised tomorrow just today.   My oldest son and I are heading out for K-State this afternoon.  They are having an all day seminar tomorrow for high school juniors and seniors tomorrow.  (He is a junior and has been wanting to attend KSU since he was in the first grade!)  We are staying at the Holiday Inn Express across the street from the Student Union where the seminar is being held.  It's about a 2 hour drive to Manhattan and I want to get there before dark.  Please keep Luke and I in your prayers both for traveling mercies and that the Lord will use this trip to bring us closer together.  Luke is 17 and is a great kid.  He's struggling with wanting to become a man and yet still needing his Mom.  Dr. Dobson's book "Bringing Up Boys" explains it really well.  If you have boys of any age the book is a great help!   My husband starts his 4th job of the year tomorrow!  As most of you know, he lost his job of 18 years a few months ago.  He immediately got another job and worked there for 14 weeks and was laid off.  He got another job within two days and worked there for about a month.  He loved that job but the company was horrible to work for.  So the Lord has provided yet another job.  We are hoping/praying this job will last a few years!  GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME! Well, I'd better get to packing.  Hope all of you have a great week! Take Care, Debbie D.
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