Jan C.
on 11/30/07 2:33 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

I worked tonight was sure quite and not much to do. I did some extra paper work, Checking M.A.R.S. (medication sheets) just to have something to do. But was glad when it came time to come home ,


Went and got the ultra sound done today, don’t know what it says but I figured that if it really was bad that the tech would have been calling someone else in to see it . lol . I ask her if she saw anything in there that wasn’t suppose to be there and she said she couldn’t say. I told her that was because the Drs couldn’t charge us for an office visit to tell us that nothing was wrong when she could do the same thing lol

Im not really worried about it, (I try not to borrow trouble) We have enough things in the real world to worry about without having to worry about maybe things.


I adopted a patient tonight at the nursing home that doesn’t have any family. I have a list of things that the social worker and I worked on for her. One thing I am buying her is a soft soft stuffed animal. She had one that she just loved and it disappeared and we cant find it anywhere.




CONNIE: lol so glad that I made you smile this morning lol. I know I think the same thing about the coffee drinking lol I know many people that have been big coffee drinkers and still developed Alzheimer’s. So I think it is just like anything else that (they) say.

I figure this way about food , if it natural, God made it for us to eat. And he wouldn’t create something that was bad for us, but if it is processed and man made stuff then leave it alone.

Time is getting shorter and shorter only 11 more days ….keep busy the time will fly.

Oh I love those little dust mop puppies lol I think they are so cute. Just require a lot of care but they are so sweet .



TRACI: so you will only get Alzheimer’s half way lol. Since you only drink a ½ cup of coffee.

I had heard that about male dogs and the belly bands, good grief I would think that would be a mess too . but if it works I guess that is a solution. I cant imagine having a dog in the house that did that …would soon ruin everything in your house wouldn’t they?

I have a dog we just love and is a really good dog but he is an outside doggie. Such a good watch dog. Tonight when I came home from work he was laying on the front porch asleep and standing in our driveway not 10 ft from him were 6 deer lol Grea****ch dog .



JANET: guess I beat you home tonight. Hope you had a good night at work.

So is Darrel ok now. What sort of reaction did he have to it, did it have codeine in it?

I cant take anything with Codeine in it makes me violently ill and crazy too. Well crazier then.

Oh poor Jon I am going to start praying for that baby that he didn’t inherit your bone problems. But if he did they might be able to keep him from getting to where you are.  


I had to laugh at your description of Megan’s car and then Renée’s description of Kalas car. Mildewed huh Renee? That is a good one. I have a niece that could probably be right up there with the two of them. It looks like she is homeless from looking at her car. Of course her house looks like that too. I just fuss at her all the time about her sloppiness, she just laughs at me.


Most older people love soft socks, slippers, a warm shirt or maybe a throw. They are sort of like us that they get cold easy when they sit down. I think it is wonderful that you are adopting a senior. Bless you.


Don’t know about others and their surgeries but I think part of it is the fact that when you are fat you hurt all over all the time and after wards you are able to pinpoint some of the pain lol

No I knew my knees were bad but was hoping that losing 100 pounds would make them feel better so I waited and it maybe helped some but not enough so that is my tale.

Others I think feel so good otherwise that you don’t want some pain from somewhere to control your life and what you want to do now.


Im glad that you all will maybe have another support group to go to some that would be nice. I went to her profile page and she has nothing at all on there. Looks like she ought to put something on there if she is an OH leader.


I will tell Joe to call you after I am out of surgery next Tuesday. Don’t know yet when I go into surgery but it will be Tuesday sometime.


Dr. Hornbostel doesn’t want us the have caffeinated coffee and I don’t really like the taste anyway. But if I were going to drink it I would want the caffeine. That would be the reason I wanted it I think.



RENEE: LAUGHED  about Kalas car. Sounds like her and Megan could run a race.

I hope they can help Tiff out on the rash and peeling of her skin. That sounds like it would be embarrassing and add to that she is a teenager and  makes it unbearable.

When this started did she use some sort of cleaner or bleach for something?

It sounds like some sort of contact dermatitis.  


Well am going to get this posted and get in bed.






on 11/30/07 5:10 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

Let me start by asking everyone to keep Barbara (Ladymoya) and her family in your prayers. Her mother passed away last night and we know that the whole family is grieving terribly right now.

Can you believe it is DECEMBER 1st already? Holy Cow, where has the time gone? It either flies by faster than I can keep up with it-or it goes really slow (like when I am hurting really bad or have insomnia-like right now-LOL LOL)

Yes, its 2:30 am and I cant sleep so I thought I would get in here and post. House is quiet as a mouse-but I can hear the cats outside-I REALLY HOPE THEY ARE NOT MATING!!! Dont want kittens, thats for sure! Sounds like they are fighting-but thats how they sound before they mate too....LOL...Is that condisered make up sex? LOL LOL~

Well, I have some exciting news...My daughter, Megan and my SIL, Aaron-have joined us on the MO Board. They are Bigman53 (think that was his football jersey number) and MeggieB...I had 2 messages saying hi mom and thats the only way I knew who they were. Will be helping them get their pics and profiles...if I cant help-will ask one of my girls, Mel or Tammy to help them....Anyway-we better not talk about them the way that we always do now that they are here and will read what we say about them- LOL LOL...(tee-hee...covering mouth with my hand!!) I guess that means that they can start attending our group too-so they can be prepared and meet alot of supporters. Not just me....

~~~Exciting part-they called their insurance company and THEY COVER WLS....with the normal requirements-BMI above 40, 100# at least overweight and at least one co-mobitity....They meet ALL of those requirements. They are BOTH going to be going to one of MOBARS seminars and both will have Dr. Fearing....WOO HOO...whether I make it to the Christmas Party or not-I WILL be seeing her again...I will go with the kids each and every time they get to see her! I am hoping they can go through it together. Would make it easier to be supportive of one another, right? Of course, I WILL be their encouragement as well as all of you. How wonderful and exciting. I cant wait!!!

Today I worked, and then the books were off-because I put a monthly total in twice-so we were off by a LOT of money tonite and it took forever to find it (my dad had it under one room # and I put it in another)...considering we started the shut down process 1/2 hr early! WOW.... I have to get up @ 6 am-I am opening the office tomorrow and will get off @ 5 pm. The Joplin parade is tomorrow night-but its calling for rain. Im not sure if I will take the boys out in crappy weather when they are doing better again. Jon is down to just a cold basically. He is barely coughing at all. He is still fighting stuffy nose or its runny-no just being normal for him, thats for sure-LOL... Now I am just giving him the pediatric Tylenol cough and cold and it covers the nose issues. Darrel is doing WAY BETTER today-thanks to everyone who prayed for the boys-I appreciate it very much!! So-if it doesnt rain and the boys are well, we will be going to watch the parade. Mel said Carthage has theirs on Monday....and her neice, Claire, who is in Daisies, she will be marching with her group...so IF it rains tomorrow, we can always go to Carthage, right?

I am going to take pics of our Christmas decorations after this weekend and post them. They look so nice. We arent finished yet-we are going to make a day of it on Sunday and get it FINISHED and find that box of decorations that are MIA....I wouldnt care if it were ones I can replace-but there is NO replacing these-they are older than me-and were passed down to me from my grandma-who got a lot of them from her mother and her family when she was a little girl....I am hoping and praying-and then some more-that we find that box and that WHEN we find the box-its not ruined.

**Jan-yes, the medicine had codeine in it-he got violently ill-he was shaking so bad, that I really thought he was going to seizure out on me. He also was vomitting so hard that he was dry heaving for a long time. He did start to feel better after he would vomit-but I was so worried about him. Thank goodness I could get him to settle down and breathe etc-because he was starting to hyperventilate due to being so upset. Than I was rubbing a luke warm wash cloth over his forehead and etc.....I will make sure he NEVER gets that medicine again. In all my years of being a mom-I have NEVER seen any of my kids that sick-or like that-it was so scary!!!

You didnt beat me home-you just beat me to the computer-LOL....I got home about 11 pm tonite...Didnt get on until after 2 am....

I will be anxiously awaiting Joes call to let me know your okay. I KNOW you will be-but I like that confirmation-and you know us-we will be in our own area-but we will ALL be doing something in common that day-praying for Mrs. Jan Cook. Right guys? We all love and adore you so much and I pray that your up and giving the nurses a run for their money!! They will want to send you home the next day-LOL....Did you say your staying awake for your surgery? Dr. McDreamy wont let me. He says that I wouldnt like it much-I THINK I WOULD...I KNOW I would-Id rather be awake than put under anesthesia any day!! I love you and I KNOW you will kick butt and take names-you watch and see!!! Will Joe be staying with you in the hospital? I always TRY to get a private room so Mike can be with me. He doesnt ever go home when I am in the hospital. When I got my blood clot and I was in the hospital for 8-9 days-he was there with me, even slept in my room...when Jon was born-and then when I had my WLS..He NEVER leaves my side unless its to go home and shower and change clothes!

Awesome about you adopting a senior. How many residents at your home dont have any family to speak of? You know, sometimes the elementary and middle schools will adopt some of the seniors and go to visit and bring them slippers and things like that. The kids all make colorful cards and etc to give to the patients...Do they do that where you are?

Yeah-I think its kind of odd that an OH leader and group leader wouldnt have ANYTHING in her profile about this group. I wonder IF there is a group, really-since NONE of us in this area has ever heard of this group....EVEN if some counldnt attend due to it being @ 1 pm, someone SHOULD know of it by now-we will just have to go this Monday coming up and see for myself....and pray I am NOT the only one there!

Anyway-enjoy your mobility the next couple of days...Have a good weekend and I will continue to pray for you. Love ya.

**Renee-My daughter, Megan-gets that rash and peeling on her hands. She under went several thousands of dollars of testing with the allergy doc in Joplin-and he diagnosed her with psorosis-but she also gets the contact dermatitis-and believe it or not-she was allergic to pizza sauce-and she was a manager and cook at Pizza Inn-so it was inevitable...even when she wore gloves-she would break out...I will keep Tiff in my prayers. Loved the car story-sounds like our girls have so mu*****ommon, doesnt it?

**Mel-will be talking to you tomorrow and giving you Darrels list. Will get it before I leave the house in the morning. Wished I couldve found it while we were texting. Not sure what he did with it-But, I assure you, I wasnt dragging my feet-your just impatient...LOL...You saw for yourself what I am up against with him, right? ITS HIM, NOT ME....anyway-talk to you tomorrow!

To everyone else-Have a wonderful weekend. If your post op-I am praying for a speedy recovery and WELCOME to the losers bench!!! YAY...To pre-ops...Stay peaceful. It will get there. AS always, your all in my thoughts and prayers and I sincerely hope you have a good weekend. Janet

Traci K.
on 11/30/07 7:45 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Okay Jan, since I only drink 1/2 cup of coffee daily - remind my fuzzy brain what they were doing an ultrasound on your for?  Your knees?  Heart?  ???  I'm praying all is well. Dogs and belly bands:  well, I have two dog rooms downstairs here and a dog door that the dogs can go outside when they want.  These dog rooms have white vinyl wallboard that looks alot like beadboard with white vinyl chair rail trim.  You can see photos here.  It's all washable, scrubbable surfaces from when I was breeding;  BUT, when I bring the dogs out into the family room or upstairs, that's when I have problems and why I made the belly bands, because I just can'****ch the three dogs every  second to keep them from trying to mark.  Today is busy:  I have some cleaning and laundry to do, we need to go to the library and return books and get more books, grocery shopping and then home so these folks can come this afternoon and pick up this Cavalier.  Have a great day everyone!!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Tammy H.
on 11/30/07 11:14 pm - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Folks.... Thought Id take a few and get on to say Hi and see how everyone is doing? Well if you read Janets post you know I went to the doctor with a stomach issue....She's not real familar with the WLS stuff but after we talked she agrees with me that I might have a food sticture....Probably got it Thanksgiving. That's about when it all started. She's having a fit for me to call Columbia but I have a appt to go for my 6mo check up Dec 11th, So I'm waiting till then. It's not causing me any problems at the moment with liquids, just mostly any food with much bulk to it at all. I'm chewing extra good and making sure I get plenty liquids so I think I will be fine till the 11th. When I go for my appt she also wants me to talk to them about giving me something else...She described it to me as a mood stabelizer. Last week I kinda noticed some changes but just thought it was cause I was so busy with work, house and getting ready for the big T-Day dinner at my house. But it's worse this week. It's weird, and kinda hard to explain...I'm happy and on cloud nine, espcecially lately since I have over hit my 150lb mark, getting tons of compliments and feeling so wonderful...But at the same time I feel really sad. Sometimes it even makes me cry. Really weird to feel happy and sad at the same time lol lol....But she said that it didn't matter that it was good changes...My body has went thru alot of changes and it's kinda going whacko trying to deal with it all. She said it also had to do with harmones too...Now there is 150lbs less fat for them to store up in, so they are in a stir trying to figure out what to do.  Guess I'm ok with all that as long as it's not that I'm going crazy lmbo!!!  All of it kinda upset me...I have been one of the blessed ones with the WLS...I will be 6mo out Dec 4th and have not had one problem. Now these things pop up! Barbara...I am so sorry to hear about your mother...My prayers are with you and your family! Jan...Got you in my prayers too sweetie....I hope all goes well with your surgery Tuesday! Will be waiting for a text from Janet or getten on to see what she posts.  I think it's so kewl you guys are adopting someone at the nursing homes. We usually adopt one of the kids from the list they do at the kids school. We have a lil 5 yr old girl this year. And sometime we do the one where you give coats to help out with the kids that don't have a coat for the winter. Not heard of anyone doing that one this year.  Janet...Wow...I didn't even know the kids were considering WLS!...That will be great if they can do it about the same time and do it as a team!!! My prayers are with them. I'm excited to see how things go with them.  Mel...Haven't heard from you in awhile...Hope all is well your way. How's your mom doing? Drop me a text when you get time, I miss hearing from you. Amanda...How's things going for you sweetie? WOW 3 more weeks!!!! I know you are getting excited! How's things going with the liquid diet...Are you still trying it out some? Brenda...Sorry you have been having so much trouble with your back. Be sure and let me know when you are having that scope thingy done. Are you having it done at the bluff? Will you be staying over night or is it a same day thing? Let me know and if you are going to be there over night I will have Joe check in on ya for me. Well I hope all you are doing well your way. Welcome to all the newbies...Hope all of you that just hit the bench do fantastic!!! Congrats on becoming a looser! Hope you all have a great weekend... God Bless each of you... Luv & Hugs..Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 12/1/07 5:47 am

Hellooo Mo!  today has been good...got up at 7am and took the kid and my mom to JCPenny for their big sale. we were there by 8 and it was empty...which was great for us. we each had our own shopping agenda and split ways at the door Mom wanted some nice boots,Catie was looking for as much clothes as her set amount would get her! and I went baby clothes shopping.   I bought my first 2 outfits for my comming Grandson. he will be here in Feb. I bought warm soft fuzzy footed outfits with bib....tooo cute. I also bought Miss Pixie 2 outfits to go in her clothes package which is now wrapped...and I think Miss pixie is now all wrapped up for Christmas. after finishing my shopping I went to look for catie....ya gotta love cell phones when shopping!! she had one pair of jeans....shes like "your not done?" yup....well of course she isnt...so I go find mom....again arent cell phones nice!? she has her boots.....she is looking for a skirt...to go with the boots...I spy coats...coats on SALE...really nice coats and say doesnt catie need a new coat??so I go find her and ask her about it....well folks this is where I was done walking...I knew hobby lobby was next and I went to the wheel chair....but it allowed the kid to look at EVERYTHING! as 16 yr olds like to do. and remember she has to spend wisely.we didnt check out till 11:30....and we were STARVED..even me...I needed calories so we went to Casa Montez....I should have had what Catie had. we went to Hobby Lobby but they were PACKED so we left and now mom and Catie are both napping! I wrapped all that I bought today and going to do some work on stuff coz Im going to put one of my houses and some of my miniatures at a locale flea Market...maybe Ill get lucky and sell my house before Christmas!   tomorrow making chili and having Miss Pixie over. Catie is going to take her photo in front of the tree for their Christmas Cards. I think Ill have her take all of our photos.  well I have stuff to do and this aint getting it done! Have a great day! nutti






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