Jan C.
on 11/29/07 12:46 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Well Dr. Oz that is on Oprah sometimes , now says that 2 cups of reg coffee a day has been proven to help keep Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s from coming around. Lol

Just when they tell us not to drink it , he says it is ok. We just made ourselves thinner to have a longer life but since we cant have coffee we wont know it lol


Gosh I was busy today Went to my pcp to get my prescription renewed for my Ultram and Flexirill., She noticed the raised place on the side of my throat and said I want an ultra Sound of that now before you have knee surgery. I ask her why and she said it could be an anuresaym on your carotid  artery. WELL GOOD GRIEF!!!! So tomorrow afternoon I have to go get that done. Then Monday I have to go back to the hospital to get my blood work done for type and crossmatch.

I did all the rest of my pre ops today. Then I also went shopping some. Got some presents for the little ones I think everyone else is getting money from us. I just cant find the right presents. I have something bought for everyone but not enough so I will just give them all checks or wal mart card. One or the other.


I had to get me some new bras today. My 38Bs were too big so went down to a 36B Not much left of the girls lol if it wasn’t for the rolls on the sides that I pull around to the front I wouldn’t have even that amount.


Oh I want to say to everyone that I will and do appreciate the prayers for me for my knee surgery. I will have Joe call someone so they can post that I made it thru surgery ok .


MELISSA: well I hope all of your testing and blood work and seeing dr. McDreamy all went well. Which surgery are you going to have done first? Do you know? Looks like they could tie in your hernias and do a tummy tuck at the same time since that apron is probably what iscausing the hernias. And they sure wont heal right with it still there.

So hopefully they will do that,they did for my daughter in law. The insurance paid for it too because the surgeon said there was no way they could repair the 3 hernias that she had and not take all of that apron off. So might be something to suggest.

How did your lunch go? Is nice to meet friends for lunch orshopping or something isnt it?




TRACI: SO glad to hear that all is getting better in your household


Well I guess I don’t know a lot about dogs, what in the world are belly bands and where do you put them on the dog that it makes them not want to mark everything? Im a little confused to say the least. Need more coffee I guess. Lol



CONNIE: boy not only are we all sick but now are animals are getting sick too? Another person that likes Boxers huh?

Sure wont be long until your and Janes surgeries. We are all going to be really busy that day watching for post about the two of you. Is Lana your angel?  It is a good thing that you are staying so busy. Thatis the way I did before my surgery too. .



JANET: I don’t know if Vesta will come back to our meetings or not. She has started her own group in Mountain Home , they had 4 people at her first meeting and she wasn’t even there lol She was in the hospital still so if she had been there it would have been 5 and that isnt bad for a very first meeting.


You sound like you had a really great time yesterday on your surgiversary.

You know I think most of us had come to the end of our rope when we finally had surgery. I know I felt that way like if this was all there was left in life then I didn’t want to stick around any longer.

I feel like you do that Dr. Hornbostel saved my life

When I went into see my PCP today she just got all excited and was just smiling from ear to ear about my weight and my look.


Well hope you found all of your Christmas decorations. I had one of my boxes seemed like it was missing too but finally found it , in the closet of the trailer.


Trip to Vegas? Wow now that will be something. Oh no just go along and pretend to be totally surprised …..that will be a nice present. Although the box of soxs sounds like a cool present too.


I bought more Christmas Cards today too in case more people decided to come on board with the exchange. I hope so.


I hope Steph keeps up the good work and sounds like you all have it all covered about her maybe just doing it to get the phone back.  Hope not




TAMMY  V: sorry to hear that your incision is infected. Seems like things like that is happening a lot with surgeries lately doesn’t it.

Sorry to hear your hubby is pre diabetic, but at least maybe they caught it in time. Now he can eat like you will have to after your weight loss surgery.  No sweets , no bad carbs etc.

Oh wow the Christmas party really sounds super nice. I miss the companies parties like that. When I was a manager of Bristol Manor we had a big Christmas party and was at that time that they always gave up our awards and such. And the gifts to go along with the awards were pretty nice.



CHIP: that isgreat on the weight loss. before long you will find that you have dropped so much weight that you are having to buy new clothes or like another one of the guys from on here  lost his pants. Lol do you all remember that one?

Keep up the good work.


RENEE: that is nice of you to go with someone when they have that sort of treatment. I know she really appreciates having a friend like you.

I hope the sleep study goes really well for you. I know if my doctor had wanted me to do that before surgery that I wouldhave wound up with all of that too. But now I do sleep so much better since surgery.

It is a good thing. Lol

I will be waiting for the true announcement about the day you don’t do any cigs. I know it will come soon.








on 11/29/07 9:36 pm - Ozark, MO
Good morning, Jan, it's only 7:30 in the morning and you've cracked me up twice. First about the coffee and Dr. Oz (who I love).It figures, but maybe they'll come up with something else. Who knows ,maybe excessive protein will be the cure....And then about the bra. I keep warning my hubby about the state of affairs my bosoms are gonna be in after I lose the weight, But he just says we can pierce my nipples and put hooks on my shoulders to hold them up. (Sorry if I affended anyone.)He's such a goofball. Anyhow, Jan hope the lump on your neck is nothing. I had one removed that was a sub mandibular tumor. It was the size of a golfball before I had the surgery to remove it, and now it's coming back.So here's to hoping and praying it's nothing serious... My hubby's the boxer man. He's wanted one since I met him, so I got him one for our anniversary this year. Me I'm a shih tzu girl. Yes, Lana is my angel.And I have all her phone numbers so she can post that day for me. Boy is it getting close...12 days to go.... Well, you all take care and have a great weekend. Love from Connie
Traci K.
on 11/29/07 10:15 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Great news I guess about the coffee:  I only drink maybe 1/2 cup a day, hopefully that's enough to help.  Jan:  belly bands are strips of fabric that you wrap around the male dogs "waist" and cover their, uh, "thing" so they can't hike their leg and pee on your furniture.  Male dogs, especially intact male dogs, are prone to do this.  It's not a housebreaking thing - it's a "this is mine" thing.  So you put the bands on to prevent them from ruining your furniture and to train them that doing so will only get themselves wet.  Then you just change the band, or you can use a feminine napkin and change that out instead of the whole band.  You take the band off when they actually have to outside to potty.  So this is used only inside the house.   You can see the stack I made on my web site.  Belly-Bands. Connie:  I'm also a Shih Tzu lover!  Up until early summer, I was also a hobby Shih Tzu breeder.  When my health got bad, I rehomed most of my dogs and I now only have two Shih Tzu, my neutered almost 7 year old Bear, and Jack, a puppy from my last litter I whelped earlier this year.  And I also have Charlie, my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel show dog.  Speaking of dogs, I'm doing a quasi Cavalier rescue/transport today.  I'm picking up a Cavalier today and he's spending the night here and the new family's that's adopting him will be picking him up from my house tomorrow.  So we're only having him for one day.  Well, I need to go rotate laundry and clean something.  Have a great day everyone!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 11/29/07 11:43 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

Good Friday morning to you all~Its another Friday. I have a busy day ahead of me-and I have to work for my parents today...Argh. So I wont be home until almost midnite tonite. I did have an appt with ortho doc @ 9, but I was up all night with Darrel. He had a terrible reaction to the new medicine, and it was horrible-so when he got up-at 1:30, I was still awake, and we both fell asleep about 4. I woke up when Mikes alarm went off at 5. Had some coffee, laid back down and got up at 7! Hes only been up one time since 4-so at least now he is sleeping and resting comfortably. Thank God. I got really scared last night-he wont be taking that medicine anymore, and he also had theraflu yesterday, but he has taken that before and not reacted like this-so I am sure it was the cough medicine. Anyhow-rescheduled my appt and when I do go back in, I am taking Jon with me. I was diagnosed with arthritis in my knees when I was just 4, and for a week now, he has been complaining that his right knee hurts. At first, we thought he was immitating Mike and I with our knee issues and standing etc-but last night he was just sitting on the floor, holding his knee and crying real tears. Man, that took me back some 36 yrs!! I remember just doing that exact same thing and asking my mom to make the pain go away! Nothing ever worked though. I did give him some tylenol and put the heating pad on low and put it on his little knee for a bit-it seemed to help somewhat. He was still complaining while we were walking into his room to tuck him into bed though-so thats not good!

I have to find my tax returns from last year for Megan. They are still going off our income for her schooling. Since she got married this year-next year she can use her and Aarons income and will be eligible for more grant monies. Thank goodness. IF I cant find them, I will have to go to MSSU today and get a copy from their financial aid office. I sure hope I can find it. Its not where I thought I left it-I think I never got them back from Megan-they are probably STILL lost in her car-I have never, in all my life-seen a car as messy as theirs!!! Im always afraid the doors are going to come off the car from the pressure of all the crap thats in there-like a sardine can, bulging at the seems!! LOL-and I AM NOT EXAGGERATING!!! One time-I counted 4 prs of her shoes, there was prob a laundry basket of clothes-even undies (dont ask-I didnt dare!) cds, Aarons empty cig packs, soda cups from the gas stations etc, you name it-its in her car!! Im surprised that there isnt a Christmas tree in there-LOL LOL.....

I am excited-my family is adopting a Senior Citizen this year for Christmas. They have over 100 seniors that are older, living on their own, not in a nursing home, and every senior on the list has NO family-so they wont get anything unless they are adopted out. I cant afford much, but I am going to look over their wish lists and pick at least one that needs or wants slippers or things like that. Cant afford extravagant gifts, but a lot of them have simple wants/needs, AND we get to go and bring them their gifts, IF we want to-and we do!!~

Can I just ask whats up with all of these surgeries besides our WLS? Wow-what is going on here? Pretty much everyone is having OR needs to have one surgery or another-a lot of us anyways...How wild December is going to be-and then January as well. Jan, Lana, Vesta are having-then I will be having gb surgery sometime in the next 6 weeks or so-then Mel needs to have those hernias taken care of-and possible other surgery.....

I was really happy to find out that there is a OH sponsored meeting in Joplin the first Monday of the month-although, its NOT very publicized-because I have lived here for 19 yrs and NEVER seen anything about a bariatric support group here. It is during the day. I am going to go next month-and tell her that maybe it would be a good idea to send a post out on the MO Board-so people are aware-and then people that dont belong to OH can definitely tell others about it. Word of month and a little advertising and they will have a good group-HOWEVER-I KNOW that the people that I KNOW, a lot of them work during the day and wont be able to attend a day time group at all. I guess I just assumed that if it was OH sponsored, that the group leader would belong to the MO Board and post about a support group meeting-I know I sure would!!!

I got a couple more addresses yesterday!! YAY!! I am going to post one last call about it, just in case someone doesnt go back a couple of days and then Monday I will compile all the addresses and send out an email to everyone. Im excited! Of course, I can start MY cards right now-cause I have ALL the addresses so far (sticking out tongue-nanee nanee nanaaaa)

For my surgiversary, I didnt get to go to lunch with Megan. I was too afraid I would catch whatever Aaron had, so I didnt go. I did color my hair though-and it sure turned out dark! My hair actually had red hi-lights and some lighter colors from when we hi-lighted it before the reunion and it didnt turn out-so I colored my whole head brown afterwards-I had 2 spots-right above my ears that were bleach blonde-the size of pancakes!! I looked like princess laya (sp?)...it was awful-even with a pony tail you could see them!!! So-it was blondish and reddish-liked it-but the gray was sure peeking through in front-so it was time!! LOL....

Please pray for Tammy-her PCP thinks she has a stricture-and it sounds like she does. She has to go back up to Columbia to have it checked out. Darn it!! Please pray for Mel that when they do her surgery, they will do the tummy tuck too-so she doesnt have to keep doing this every time she turns around, also-if you could pray for Darrel and Jon, I would appreciate it....Dont forget Vesta, for a speedy recovery and then Jan for her ultrasound today and then Jan, Connie and Lana for their aches and pains and upcoming surgeries. Thanks so much!!! I know I am forgetting someone-no offense!

**Jan-whats up with your throat? Has it been hurting? Maybe its from the sinus infection stuff you had. We will definitely be praying for you. Let us know as soon as you do, ok? Love you.

Joe can call ME...You have my number, right? IF not, I will email it to you again. Have him call me-and I will get on here and post that your out of surgery and all went well. We will pray you through it. Love you!! Hope you have a good weekend.

Oh-by the way-you cant have coffee? OR you dont drink it? I drink coffee every day (except when I was real sick)....just wondering.. My grandparents drank a TON of coffee and BOTH got alzheimers, so not sure I believe that 2 cups a day stuff!

**Connie-12 more days girl-and your on the losers bench with us-I am so happy that its finally getting here for you...WOO HOO....We will be praying for you-thats for sure. What your hubby said-sounds like something my own hubby would say-LOL...he misses my old boobs!! LOL...He used to be able to use them as pillows....LOL...No offense taken-tell hubby I say hi. Have a good weekend.

**Lana-good to see you post. Sorry about your co-worker quitting! We will take any posts any time you can get on here. Love and Miss you-and I am so glad your getting your shoulder fixed. Glad I will see you next month to get that hug before your surgery!! Love ya.

**Mel-hope your labs and CT today turn out good, well as good as they will get anyway. Hope that doc Coy can do the tummy tuck when he does the hernias. Get it all over with at once and not have to go through this every time you turn around!

I didnt mean to upset you about columbia and the Christmas party, really-I didnt know if I would be able to go because of my gb issues and transportation and all of that....so I didnt say anything until I knew if I could go. Am still waiting to see if I can have her do my gb the day after-that would be awesome..... Since we dont really get a chance to talk anymore-I wouldve told you about it and the Christmas card exchange, when it came to me...LOL...theres been a lot going on for both of us lately, so I just hadnt thought about it when we have talked or been texting....We find out more from reading our posts than talking-LOL....I will talk to you later on today....I have to get ready to go to Joplin. Cant wait to see you, so I can see your ring in person and the earrings.

I will be praying that Dr. Coy can do the surgery and get you ALL fixed. I will also pray that the surgeon for your back will be a good one. I dont know of him! Ive been asking around, but no one has said anything either way. When I go get my script filled today or tomorrow-I will ask Debbie-she knows ALL the doctors. Anyway-Hold off on getting that back tattoo until you know for sure so it doesnt end up like the dolphins!! LOL...

**Tammy-Ammy, I hope and pray its not a stricture. Dont mess around and wait...I will be praying for you. Call or text me to let me know-and how your doing. Take care. I know your working today, so maybe that will help with your sanity-LOL....Make sure you ask them to switch you to Fearing if you do have a stricture. You will LOVE her as much as I do-thats for sure!! Have you talked to Brenda yet? I know you said you were gonna call her-Let me know. I keep forgetting to ask you.

Alright, well, I am getting off here. I hope everyone has a good Friday and a wonderful weekend. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet

on 11/30/07 3:26 am - Purdy, MO
 Hi Everyone,  I hate overcast day's like today, I just want to stay in bed and do nothing, and day's like this is usually when I have the most to do. LOL   I took Tiff to the doctor this morning because of the nasty rash on her hand had started eating away at her thumb and pinky nail's, so we are waiting on them to call us back to let us know when we can go to the specialist. I hate waiting when it come's to stuff like this. Poor Tiff has been trying to keep her hand covered at school or if anybody is around, and now that the skin is coming off in layer's it's hard to do.  I got the good news today that all of my lab test have come back good. My triglycerides are now down from 780 to 340 (woooohooooo), and my cholesterol level is perfect, the only thing I needed to work on was my good cholesterol it's a little low. I've waited forever to hear these result's, and have been doing a happy dance ever since. Jan everytime we turn around there is something else out there that is going to kill us, and finally hearing that something (coffee) is going to help is kind of a shock.LOL My grandpa drank coffee everyday and he had alzheimer's, but who know's maybe he was eating something that did it. Never know these day's with all the different study's.  I will be keeping my finger's crossed about your ultra sound today, I'm sure it will be nothing and everything will be fine. We can't have nothing slowing down that knee surgery. Janet I sure hope you and Darrel got some rest and that he's feeling better. How horrible for him to have pain like that at his age.  I know what you mean about a dirty car.LOL I tell Kala all the time that she need's to clean out her's and kick who ever's living in it out cause that haven't pain rent, and to tell them to take their pig with them.LOL She just laugh's and goes on. She finally washed it about a month ago (the first time in a year) it had block dirt spot's all over it, I told her she had to because it was mildewing.LOL I think I still got her believing it.LOL  That's so cool that you are adopting a senior for Christmas, Tiff and I was just talking about adopting a child. There is a real needy family that she know's and we have been talking about collecting for them. It's so sad the mother just had a baby and found out she has cancer. We don't have alot ourself but we have enough to share. I hope everyone has a great day.

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
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