Things are starting to look better!
Hello Everyone,
Sorry, I wasn't posting much. I was feeling a little discouraged. I am now feeling better. Thank you to all who emailed me to keep it up and not stop. Well, here is the latest and greatest. I talked to the insurance the week before Thanksgiving, and she said should have an answer by the end of this week. Well, she started working on it on Monday. I was quite excited. We hit a snag. The director wanted some sort of heart study or EKG. They also needed a signed note that I am aware of the risks and that I will follow all of Dr. Hornbostel's instructions pre-op and post-op. So as of then they denied me. Dena called me and my primary doctor's office immediately. They just needed me to call them to set up for an EKG. I also typed up a letter and faxed it to Dena. Well she emailed back later and said good letter but can I sign it and refax it. I was getting way ahead of myself. Woo, I needed to relax. Thought things would be on hold longer due to needing EKG. I called the drs office and was told just to come p/u papers and go next door to hospital to have it done. Was told did not need appt and only takes 5 minutes. The cardiology dept though told me it could take 2 days for report to come back. That was yesterday. Well got up today and went to school, didn't think about it till I got home. I called dr office. They had the report first thing this morning and already faxed it to Dena. Woo Hoo. I sent my letter to Dena again yesterday and it was signed. Well now things are back in the insurance hands. Well seems like I will have an answer by the end of this week. The way things are going, I probably will have my answer sometime tomorrow. They were only waiting on that letter and a normal EKG. Well I will let you all know as soon as I get the answer. I am feeling much more hopeful now. It also helps that Christmas is coming. That always puts me in a good mood.
Love ya all,
Dear Kelly, Hi there! Waiting is so hard-but its even harder when its something so very important to us, isnt it? I will keep you in my prayers, Kelly, for peace of mind and for the insurance to get that approval for you!!! Keep the faith and make sure and post when you get that approval~!!!! Sending positive vibes your way! Love, Janet