Beautiful day today , I guess it will make up for what is to come probably sooner than we want it too. We did get all of our outside Christmas decorations done today. Not all that we have but all I am going to do this year. Just wanted some to be able to look at after surgery lol.
We have been heating the trailer next door with small 100 gal gas tanks that you have to take in and get filled. So today we called the company and are going to have them deliver a tank and we will lease it that way they can come out and keep it full in the winter time. The kids ran out in the middle of the night the other night and just about froze. They got both babies into bed with them to make sure they stayed warm. I told them if that ever happens again to come over to the house ….anyway we will fix that this way.
Thursday , tomorrow I have to go to my pcp and get refills on prescriptions for my ultram, and my restless leg syndrome meds, then I have to go to Skaggs and do my pre-ops for surgery next Tuesday… then I am going to go shopping and finish up my Christmas shopping. Going to go and buy Joe a couple of squirrel proof bird feeders. And got to get all the babies somethings. And I will be done. Figured I had better get this all done before Tuesday. Might not be able to do it before Christmas.
Also going to get stuff to make some Christmas treats that I always make for everyone. Punkin rolls, orange date nut cake. And a few other things.
Talked to Vesta this morning, she was in hospital getting the cancer cut off her lip, and ask that everyone keep praying for her . She hasn’t gotten her knee fixed yet since she had to have so much done when they went in to do her gall bladder, removed her spleen and fixed a hernia. Bless her heart. So say a prayer for her.
JANET: bless your heart, im glad that you will be running the Christmas Card list. Have many sent you their names and address yet? I hope we will have a nice Christmas card exchange. Tomorrow im buying more cards just in case.
Happy Surgiversary,. Can you believe it has been a year? I know when mine came around I was really excited too. It is a big thing that is for sure. And you have come a long long way. Now if you can get yourself well to where you aren’t hurting anymore. Gall Bladder out and knees and back fixed.
This year will be the year to do all of that .This is your year do with it what you can and will.
So glad that you are going to
Sure sounds like Steph is trying her best. But don’t think that it will be over when she brings up her grades and gets the phone back. It is really hard for some kids to stay on track. Yes the reports each week are good and maybe a tiny sweet reward each week for staying on track would be the way to go. Who knows.
Hey that would be great if Mike came to the meeting with you next month. would be really good. He needs to meet all of your wls buddies.
TRACI: oh wow sorry you all are sick . What did the red spots on the girls feet and legs mean in all of that? Will pray that your family gets well soon.
Take care of yourself and be back with us full blast soon.
RENEE: so sorry to hear about Barbaras mother. Have you heard anything from her yet? How bad was it?
I know what you mean about the laundry, with just Joe and I you would think that we wouldn’t have a lot of laundry….contrair,,,,,I do at least one load a day. Don’t know how but it is there and I cant stand dirty laundry to be in my utitily room.
The getting the sleep study done just adds another reason for you to have the weight loss surgrey. And even if they fit you with the thing by the time you get it maybe you will have your surgery and dropped enough weight so you wont need it any,. I know you would drop enough off if you had the gastric by pass but maybe so with the band too. I don’t know enough about it to say yes or no….I know that I dropped from 262 in August 06 to 207 by Nov o6 that is 55 pounds in 3 months. So even if I had of had a sleep problem it would have been gone by then. My sleep problem isnt sleep apnea, mine is restless leg syndrome and it doesn’t care if your fat or skinny. Im like you I don’t think I could ever get use to sleeping with something on my face. I cant stand blankets up around my face let alone a mask on my face lol
Congradulations on your stopping smoking , I knew you could do it. Way to go girl. Good for you and please don’t start back afterwards ok? You are doing this to get healthy and you cant be healthy and smoke too. It has a lot of bad things that go along with it..
I don’t mean anything bad about any of you that do smoke , I love you all but sure wish everyone in the world would quit this nasty habit. Lol
Hey I love dancing too , we will just have to do that going out some time. But my hubby loves to dance too so don’t know if he would stay at home or not lol. Besides he is my favorite partner.
Love you girl and make plans to come to the meeting on Dec 17th ok?
I have down that George is having surgery tomorrow. Does anyone know him? I hope he does well and I will be praying for him who ever he is.

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Before I get started-Please say prayers for Vesta, for healing and a speedy recovery. Vesta-WE MISS YOU....I hope you can make it to the meeting next month, its been forever since we have seen you. Get better soon!!!
Can I just say that last night, I started to get REALLY EXCITED about my one year surgiversary today? One year ago today my life really started!! It was a re-birth, if you will-and today means an awful lot to me. Yes, you can say I am being mushy-or emotional (maybe even BOTH...LOL) but...it brings tears to my eyes when I think of how much different my life is now- I was denied 4 times with the insurance, I had to re-do several of my tests because they were over 6 months old when I finally did get with Dr. Fearing at Missouri Bariatrics and I spent several hours on the road, several sleepless nights and thousands of miles going back and forth to Columbia-and hundreds of dollars in gas! (not to mention every test under the sun!) I spent a year waiting....and I knew, in the frame of mind and the physical way I was-that I would be dead by the time I was 40 (day after Christmas this year) If I didnt get the surgery and lose the weight. I felt dead inside already and I knew I physically and emotionally couldnt live without it! I really mean that. I told several of my family and friends that I knew-just had that feeling, that I was going to die without it, by the time I was 40.....so, with that being said~~~HAPPY 1 YEAR SURGIVERSARY TO ME~~~I AM doing my famous baby circle dance, whether I am hurting today or not. Its way too important to me, NOT to do it!! LOL....
Not to ramble....but-everything, and I do mean everything has changed! It doesnt JUST affect you physically-but emotionally too-my soul is different. I feel that INNER happiness that ALWAYS felt like it was missing. I was happy in every single area of my life-but NEVER, NOT ONCE was I ever happy with ME (I had been fat since I was 5-so my WHOLE life, pretty much-I was ridiculed and everyone made fun of me OR stared-or worse-made fun of me or called me names IN FRONT of my kids and Mike!)....I am finally HAPPY WITH ME... Yes, I have wishes, like I wished the hanging skin wasnt so ugly on me...but thats an easy fix-its called clothes-LOL... I cherish life now. Before, I was just existing-now I enjoy everything (except the pain)-NOW I AM LIVING!!! I can take care of myself hygeine wise...that was HUGE for me...I can wear ANY seat belt, I can sit in ANY booth, I can fit in ANY bathroom stall, I rode a go-kart this summer. I went down an enclosed twirly slide at the pool at the resort-I can buy my clothes in the junior section even-I used to not even be able to find anything at Catherines that fit. I HAD to buy what would fit me-which wasnt much! I havent rode a cart at the store since surgery. I can walk with my kids-even for hours, at the mall-IF my back isnt hurting. I can sleep in bed with my husband again. The most important things have to do with my children and my husband. I got to actually give Jon a piggy back ride in January of this year! I can get ON the floor with him and play cars AND get back up by myself! I can walk up the stairs of my inground pool and get out by myself-could never do that before-always had to wait until the girls were home so they could BOTH help me out of the pool! In my wildest dreams, and I had some wild ones...LOL-I NEVER thought my life would feel this good! I never knew I would feel so happy. I still cant comprehend some things. I still find myself looking at a booth or like the go-karts when we went and thinking to myself-I wonder if I will fit-OR-I will die if that seat belt doesnt go around me. I STILL do that!! I love the simple things, like bending over to tie my shoes-or being able to see my feet when Im standing! I LOVE wearing Mikes shirts, and not oversized ones, ones that fit him too! I LOVE cooking-while standing the WHOLE time. I LOVE to be able to clean my house and do my laundry, without taking a break-or huffing and puffing so bad I think I am going to die right there on the spot!! I love the people I have met on this journey. SO many of you have changed my life-with your support and encouragement-I cant even begin to tell you!!! Ok-I gotta quit talking about this-or my post will be 10 pages long and I will still be talking about it....I feel sorry for whomever gets to edit my book when its done-LOL....Its been the wildest ride of my life-the hardest road I have ever traveled-with the biggest rewards I have ever imagined-and ALL rolled up into one!!
Today Jon and I are going to town, to drop off some movies we rented last week. Mike and I watched To Live or Die Hard? With Bruce Willis last night, it was really good! We may buy that one....Anyway-I am going to get my hair done-and then Megan is taking me to lunch-for my one year surgiversary...YAY!! We had leftover lasagna for dinner last night-so it was an easy evening yesterday-I had gotten my fireplace mantel and the top of the entertainment center and then the built in bookcase all cleaned off so that I could get some of my Christmas decorations put up-so all my animated stuff is up. I am missing one box of decorations though and I am praying like crazy that its in the garage-because I KNOW its not in the house since I just went through ALL the boxes before we had our last sale! I have animated pooh, snoring santa, santa and his helpers in a hot air balloon (that is fibre optic lit up), Mr and Mrs Clause reading Santas Christmas list of boys and girls-and then the dancing Snowman and Santa, then I have Mr. and Ms. Moose and a dancing reindeer..... Mike got a huge 8 ft tall snow globe with the carousel inside-the snow blows all around in it while the snowmen on top of the horses go in circles-I LOVE it!! On the bottom it says Happy Holidays. We are putting that next to the house by the driveway-so that people from the road can see it. Then, we have the 8 foot Santa with Rudolph-its Jons favorite! I cant find my light up snowman I have had in the window every yr since we moved here-and then a box of home-made ornaments that were my grandmas....So-I hope that someone put them in the garage by mistake-cause all the lights and ornaments were in the closet in the house.
I think Mike is giving me a trip to Vegas for Christmas! We will use the plane tickets that we got from Jan-but the travel agent called ME yesterday-she had already called Mikes cell and then his work number and WHILE I was talking to her-she must have realized her mistake-because she tried to cover it up with some line about Ozark Business Systems-LOL...I told her that I wouldnt say a word-and I wont-because then he will try and pick something else thinking the surprise was ruined for me...and its not-I will gladly take that trip...PLUS, when Megan came over yesterday-she said her and Aaron were going to Vegas too-in June...Uh huh-sure....so, she was asking me a ton of questions about WHERE I would stay and what I would do IF and WHEN I get there-wonder who she is working for? When she was here-the agent hadnt called yet-so I didnt have any reason to question her-until I got the call later in the day!!
Well, I better wrap this up and head to town....
**Jan-I have gotten 10 addresses so far-NOT including my own. I am going to save it and then can just add to it next year. We will have more next year-and will probably have some missing in actions as well~ I, too-am going to pick up some more cards today. I already had some of your cards done-those of you whose addresses I had-and although I havent personally met everybody-I feel like we know each other.
No, I cant believe its been a year. Part of the time it went so fast-and then other times it feels like forever- Its been a crazy year-and yes, its going to take another year to get me all fixed up!! Gallbladder surgery, back surgery and then both knees. It will be an exhausting year-thats for sure. Thank God I am half my size, because it will help the surgeons do their jobs!!!
I am SO EXCITED about going to Dr. Fearings Christmas Party!! I cant wait! Its such a bonus that I get to see Tammy while I am there.... I can also give Dr. Fearing the scrap book I made for her-with letters to her from my family and myself, and my before pics, during and current pics-2 of which, are with her at my 3 and 6 month check ups.
Your right, about Stephanie. She does deserve acknowledgement for her efforts. She will get her phone back next week-BUT, there are going to be new rules for it. She cannot have it at school and cannot use it after school UNTIL her homework is done and we have checked it out. IF her grades drop, she will lose it until her mid-quarter grades or her report come out-so next time, IF there is one-she will lose it for 6 weeks.
Megan just called and she had to go pick Aaron up at work because he is sick. Its going around, thats for sure. Told her that Im not sure I want to go to lunch now-because if she has it, I am more suseptable right now to getting sick because of the 2 different steroids I was on. I sure dont need the flu with just getting over the pneumonia. Yikes!
**Renee-please let us know when you hear from Barbara. Let her know she is in our thoughts and prayers ok? I will talk to you soon, Im sure!
**Tammy-Ammy-Girl, THANKS for the encouragement and for always saying the nicest things to me. You dont know how much that means to me. Makes me feel good that I made a difference in your life, really! Dont know that I am a role model (your words-LOL) but, I do know that I do care and I am so happy for you, proud of you-and glad that through our journey, God brought us together! I always said that I wanted to do for others, what Mel did for me when we first met and I guess I have accomplished that to some degree. I will ALWAYS be there for you-but your kickin butt now on your own------Looking FANTASTIC!!!! It is truly a bonding experience when you can share with someone the most humiliating things that you think no one else understands-and they do-we will forever be sisters in this lifetime!! Sorry you cant make it to the group next month, but I am happy I get to see you in Columbia!
**Mel-I sure hope all goes well with the blood work today and that your CT scan turns out okay tomorrow. I go see Dr. McDreamy myself tomorrow-let me know what he says when you see him today. I am still praying for your mom and that everything turns out for the best for her. She sure is a special lady-and I love her dearly! You will be in my prayers, as well as your mom and family. Hope you and Claire are feeling better. Not sure what you guys had-sounds like the flu though, so-Im just glad it didnt come from me or Jon....that would hv made me feel bad! Have fun at your lunch! Thats what I need to do with some of my old co-workers, they have been bugging me for months-but there has just been so much going on!! Talk to you later. Give the kids a hug and kiss from Auntie Jan.
I hope everyone has a good day. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers-Janet
Hey Jan and All, I went to the Dr. yesterday cuz the incision by my belly button from my gallblatter surgery is all infected. So she gave me an antibiotic and some cream to take three times a day. She also put me on an anti-depressant.So maybe that will help me feel better.I go back in a week to see if it's helping. My DH went to the Dr. on Monday and they told him that he has pre-diabetis. So they are just treating him with a diabetic diet for now. But they also told him that something(he doesn't remember for sure what)showed up about his kidneys so they also put him on a salt free diet.They want to recheck his blood in two months to see what has changed. Needless to say, he's not doing so well on either diet.It takes time I guess. My DH's christmas party for his work is on Saturday. We are going to Birlington Iowa to the Pazzazz Hotel and Fun City.He works for a Budweiser distributing company. They always throw a great party. And they furnish the hotel rooms and food and all you can drink, even though I don't drink, it's still alot of fun.And I guess this year they are also giving everyone some money to use at Fun City. It should be a good time. We will be back home on Sunday. Jan I will be thinking about you Tuesday. That's my mom's B-day.Good luck and have a speedy and painless recovery. Well I need to get off here and get some house work done.Will post again soon. Take care everyone and prayers going up for all in need. God Bless, Tammy V.