~MO Board Christmas Card Exchange~
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to send a post out to see if anyone would be interested in doing the Christmas Card exchange, like they did last year? I had just had my RNY surgery the end of November and didnt have my computer up and running, so I did not get to participate last year.....
Some of you have asked-so I am sending out this post-IF you would like to be involved-please email me directly-and I will compile one email of addresses and send them to you directly-to your email. Please put in the subject line-Christmas card exchange (in case your email goes into my bulk folder, I will know not to delete it-I dont open anything if I dont know who sent it). I will take addresses until this Monday coming up-so December 3rd-and will send out your email to you then.
Thanks everyone and Happy Holidays, Janet
Email: [email protected]