Jan C.
on 11/27/07 12:55 pm - Cedar Creek, MO



Watched the last show of Dancing with the Stars tonight, and the little race car driver won, that is good he was really great, so was the spice girl Mel but I have liked Hellio since the start. I love those dancing shows like that …I hope to be able to do more of that when I get the knees fixed.


Wasn’t today pretty, sunny and warm too , or at least they kept saying warm it was still pretty chilly to me out.

 Joe got his second shot in his back today. It sort of wiped him out this time. He said it really felt like his backbone was full ,what ever that is suppose to mean. I hope this one does as much good as the last one did.


Got a phone call from my grandson that lives in Indianna today. Joe and I raised him for about 6 years , he said he is going Thursday to do his swearing in into the Air Force. Of course the first thing I think about is that he will have to go to but he is being putting into the  police part of it. So he said the chances of him going over there are really slim.

He will be going to San Antonia the first of Febuary. He said he hoped to come visit us for a week before he has to go on down there. It has been almost two years since we saw him we really miss him a lot.



KAREN: SO SORRY YOU WONT BE ABLE TO ATTEND ANY MORE COF MEETINGS.  That is a shame. Do you have to work every Monday? There is The Angels meetings but they are on the 1st and 3 rd Monday of the month from 6:30 to 8:00 Will hope that you will be able to attend sometime soon. Even if not keep in touch.




SHEILA: so sorry you couldn’t be there Monday night. We all really missed you .


I would do like Glenna says , try the Nestles S.F. Quick, it is pretty good. You might like it. Im not a chocolate lover but I know I am way in the minority on that one. Lol


Hope yu will be at the  meeting on the 17th of December. Christmas party.


Bring a dish of something that is weight loss surgery friendly. Lol


And a gift for under 5.00 wrapped. Ok?


Will really be bummed out if you cant make the one in December. After all I was your angel and I want to see how well you are doing. Lol





JANET; yeah we had the frost and fog-----wow it took almost till noon for it to burn all of it off..It was really really beautiful tho wasn’t it?



Yes we all missed you too. Next month better be there. Lol


Yeah use to everyone did all my decorations that I couldn’t .standing use to be completely out of question. This year I did all of my decorating , except for the things that are too tall for me.



I hope Steph is being honest with you all and really wants to change.


I know it will be hard but as our kids we want to give them second and third and 20th chanches if need be.



Yes my surgery will be in Skaggs at Branson. I just hope I am doing the right thing.



Im a lot more nervous about this than I was the wls. Now how weird is that?


I know you will post for me and will do a great job ….I wont be down anymore than I have to be that is for sure.



BEV: wow you really are having to get up and gone early in the mornings aren’t you?


We will all be keeping your dad in our prayers.



Glad that you got to Colettes meetings. I bet she does have some awesome meetings doesn’t she.



My super B complex have more B100 in them than any seprate ones I could find. But I know there are some that don’t.



TAMMY-AMMY: hey way to go about reaching your goal. So important that we sit goal weights like that.Makes the whole process easier.



Glad you have your grandbaby back. I know that must really feel funny when you don’t have her there.



RENEE: So sorry that you didn’t have a way last night. I think we need to rent a bus on the nights we are having the meetings and go around and pick all of you ok.



Glad your dinner was a huge success for all your friends.




Love and hugs and kisses to all of you . Im exhausted again so will make this longer tomorrow night I promise










on 11/27/07 6:09 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

Well, I decided to get on here and post since I couldnt sleep. Insomnia again. I tell ya, I really dont want to take meds to sleep-hate taking the stuff I already HAVE to take to function, but this only getting a good nights sleep every 7-10 days is for the birds, thats for sure. I usually dont get on the puter when I cant sleep because I am afraid the typing will wake up someone!

~~~I am going to be posting about the Christmas card exchange for all of us on the MO Board-or even if you live in IL or whatever and belong to us-LOL...IF you are interested, I am going to be giving out my direct email-and have you all email me-and then I will compile one email and send it out to everyone who wants to participate. In the subject line, I will have you all put Christmas card exchange-because you may go to my bulk folder-and that way I know not to delete it~~~

Im so excited about my surgiversary tomorrow-I cant hardly stand myself. Dont know why, but I feel so emotional about tomorrow. I sent my surgeon a card-sorta like a thank you for saving my life card-LOL...

Well, I am going to Columbia on the 11th. I am going to be able to see my surgeon after all, I got an invite to her Christmas party. I talked to Tammy yesterday when she put my new avatar pic up for me-and her appt is the 11th as well-so I will be meeting Tammy there. My daughters and my mother are all going up with me. That should be fun, considering Megans car is small-and all of us are tall, but Megan.....LOL....Thank goodness for the bad back-or I would have to sit in back the whole trip-since I am the smallest now-LOL.....No-just kidding-I would trade sitting in the back all the time not to have this pain!!

We went to town when Mike got home from work. We went to Walmart to get some meds for Mike and I, and then the new tool place that had their grand opening yesterday. We made it out of there with just a tool box, with a carry strap-that Mike will use for work-and will get reimbursed for it. Its usually $50 and we got it for $20. I left the store before he was done browsing because my back hurt so bad. Then we went to IHOP for a bite to eat. I didnt get to eat, my gb wasnt having any part of eating yesterday what so ever. I dran**** water. I had ordered eggs and bacon-but Darrel and Jon finished my food when 2 bites into it, I knew it wasnt happening.

Today I have to run to Neosho to do some errands I havent been able to do, and then I am going to try and get the rest of the Christmas decorations out and the ones I can do, I will do-decorating the fireplace mantel and all of that. When Mike gets home, we are going to have the kids finish decorating the tree. I really need to get to Joplin and see my nephew that just graduated from the Army the Weds before Thanksgiving. He has not seen me since July. Doubt he will recognize me. We are going to plan it so that he opens the front door and see if he recognizes me or not. I wont have the kids standing next to me at the time...hehe...I am so proud of him-he is such a wonderful young man~

Stephanie has been doing her homework-and showing it to us when she is done... WOO HOO...I am really happy about that. I know she wants her phone back and in another week-IF her progress report is good-she will get it back-IF its not-than she wont. After that, we will require a weekly progress report-signed by each teacher, at least for a couple weeks-and IF she is failing anything, she loses her phone again. I am very impressed with how wonderful and nice she is being to all of us-even Jon has loved being around her. Now Darrel is trying to start being an ass-but we figured it was coming because he acts out almost every year around the holidays. I really believe its got something to do with his biological womb, but we have told him that if he doesnt straighten up-he isnt going to be getting his big Christmas present-and trust me-its happened in the past. Hes old enough now to realize he is screwing up and to stop. I tell you what-there are days where I really wished that Mike and I had the kids together so they wouldnt have to deal with the issues of the other parents and the crap they have been through with them. If it meant not having them at all, of course-I would pick them the way they are-just wi**** wasnt so hard on them, and that they could see what we see and deal with it like we do.

**Jan-I WILL be there next month. Im pretty excited. Not sure what I will bring for the potluck-but I cant think of a better group to have a holiday party with, thats for sure. We are going to have so much fun! I may even get my hubby to attend with me. We can stop at his favorite place too-Bass Pro Shops! Will see. I will keep my fingers crossed.

Im sorry your having those feelings about your knee surgery. Maybe its because with your WLS you knew you would have a new life-and with the knee surgery, you dont want to have that down time? Your so active now and such-that I am sure thats what it is-but you will be good as new faster than lightning-Im sure!! Plus, we will all be praying for you-so I know its going to be good!!! Love ya!

**Tammy-Ammy-I already posted it, but you are doing wonderful. I am so happy for you and proud of you. I am so proud to have been your angel and to call you my friend! I cannot wait to see you in Columbia-so unless something happens with the gb-I will be there. May not have bells on-but I will be there! Cant wait for a Tammy hug and some pictures. Love ya!

**Renee-I will do my best to get an email out to you. Im sorry your car broke down, but I am glad it didnt happen when you were on the highway!! I really hope we can meet in December-its going to be an awesome party! Love ya!

**Lana-what happened with the MRI? Any news yet? I hope all is ok. I have been thinking of you and praying for you. Did you see-my new avatar pic? Its me and you!! Love ya!

Well, I am going to get off here and check out my emails. I hope you all have a great day. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers-Janet

Traci K.
on 11/27/07 6:21 pm - Sullivan, MO
Hi everyone We're battling flu and illness here.  Yuck.    I was hoping I'd wake up today feeling better myself and all the children would be well:  nope.  My son was up throughout the night and I still am not feeling 100% great.  So another day of taking it easy and trying to recoup. My grandbaby is also sick.  They tested her for RSV, but we won't get those results bac****il tomorrow.  They have her on a nebulizer to help with her breathing.  I'd appreciate some prayers for healing.  Have a great day!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 11/28/07 1:15 am - Purdy, MO
 Hi Everyone,  Not much going on around here today, except trying to catch up on the laundry. I'm beginning to think we have a little laundry fairy that make's a drop off every night. LOL It's a never ending job around here.  I'm not sure if I told you guy's or not, but I called MU Monday to make sure they got my paperwork, and they received it last week, and said they would be getting in touch with me in a couple week's to set up my first doctor appointment. I'm so excited.  I also got my sleep study result's back, and they said I had a mild obstruction, so they want me to go back and have another sleep study with the cpap machine. I'm just not to sure about this whole sleeping with a mask on thing and if I'll beable to handle it, but I will give it a try.  I'm doing much better on not smoking since I started my chantix, and from the way thing's are going I maybe stopped before my quit date. (I'm keeping my finger's crossed.) I was so mad at my dad (misery love's company) yesterday I could hardly see straight. He told me that I wasn't going to quit, when I asked him why he said that, he just said because I wouldn't. OMG!! I just seen red. I'm not really for sure if he said it just to get me mad and make me want to quit that much more or if he really think's I can't. Either way I cut myself off even more on the smoking. LOL  So now I'm down from a pack and a half to about 7 a day. I plan on dropping that number some more today. Jan after my lapband and your knee surgery we will have to go out dancing. LOL We can just get everybody together and have a girl's night out and dance all night long. LOL I love dancing myself, but the last time I tried it I got so winded I thought I was going to die. It's something I'm so looking forward to doing when I get my life back.  I hope the shot's help Joe. They wanted my dad to take the shot's in his back, but he wouldn't do it. I just want to shake him sometime's and tell him he's going to.  You must be so proud of your grandson. I hope he get's to come for a visit. Janet so sorry your having trouble sleeping. I don't sleep that great either of a night, so I watch a boring movie or something and that usually does the trick. That or one I really really want to see, I put one of those in and I'm out like a light before it even get's started.LOL  It sound's like Steph maybe trying to do some changing. I hope for you that she is. I know that you set the rule's on the grade's and the phone, but just keep in mind that she is trying and that she need's a little reward for that or she may feel like it's all for nothing. I'm not saying give the phone back that would be going against the rule's, but a nice little something would show her that it means alot to you that she's trying. Mine and Tiff's thing use to be a new earring (she has 31 and I don't think one of them matche's) or even just a movie of her choice while she laid her head in my lap and i stroked her hair. Most of the time we would end up just talking instead of watching the movie.  Girl you crack me up calling her the womb hehehe, I about hit the floor everytime I read that. I'm sorry you have so much trouble with him and his womb, but one day he will see how it really is. Just keep being the wonderful mom that you are and it will turn around. Love Ya. Barb I'm thinking about you Hun. I hope you have a safe trip, and that you get to see your mom. I'll be waiting on your call to let me know you made it ok. I hope Everyone has a wonderful day...

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