Tummy Tuck
I understand what you saying. Maybe I am describing a perfect world, but why couldn't it be? Is there not a reason to hold up hope? I just feel I am speaking up for myself and others who are going through the same thing that I am. I am not judging nobody, but they take an oath to HELP out others too. There is a compassionate side to the medical field. Yes, they do pay alot for school and will agree with that, like I said, my MOTHER who I am so proud of, was a school teacher who made nothing! She paid her way all the way through. There were no grants and student loans at that time either. She enjoyed teaching severly handicapped children these were her angels and would go miles for them. They do not make many like her anymore. There are SOME and not all, hence I say not all, who are not in it for the kids anymore. I am only stating how I feel, and have a right to do that. People act like they are so scared to stand up for what is right anymore. Hence, I am not arguing with you. I don't think you understand how hard it is for the very low income or poor. Maybe I am wrong. I am disabled, and cannot work any longer due to a disability with my back. I think disabled people are looked down upon in this world. We cannot help these conditions and have to fight with them everyday. This is not all one sided, believe me. I have talked with other people about this same thing, and they agree with me that there needs to be more help for people like me and ones who are without insurance or cannot afford it. This is supposed to be the land of dreams and oppurtunities. This is a shame in our society today. As a person of this group I feel I have a right to speak up for us. America is freedom of speech. They cannot quiet poor folks down. I am just saying there needs to be more compassion, that is all. I am telling of my experience in all of this. I just cannot believe that it would be this hard is all. It is shameful when are finally able to leave the huge fat behind, only to find it sagging around you. It is gross, and I will not be happy until I find a solution for this. It was bad enough weighing over 300 pounds, and then to finally lose the weight only to get the sagging skin. That is more embarrasing to me. My body looks awful. I do not think at my age I wanna look like an old lady before my time. That is all I am saying.