Tummy Tuck
Hello All!
I am so disgusted right now!!! I don't even know why I had WLS in the first place????? These doctors don't even act like they care. I left a plastic surgeons office today at the University of Missouri Hospital, namely Dr Puckett. I was to have a panillectomy in January of the new year by my WLS DR. Scott. Well, he left Columbia for reasons unknown. They approved me under medical necessity because I am diabetic and prone to yeast infections under the NASTY FLAP OF SKIN!!! Well, now that Dr Scott is gone, there is no one else to do it. I am very disappointed about it and depressed. Makes me wonder why I had surgery in the first place. I cannot even get my clothes to fit right. Still have to get plus size clothes just to get them around my nasty flap of skin. They are much too big in the waist to begin with. It is so disgusting!!! I lost a total of 130 pounds. I feel good and am greatful that I am still alive. I feel so cheated!!!! My self esteem today is nil. I am disababled due to my back problems and arthritis in it. Yes, I am glad about the weight loss, but sad at the same time. I have gained 15 of the pounds back. I am sinking into depression because of the extra skin. I am depressed anyway. I don't think it is right of insurance companies not to cover this. I miss DR Scott, PLEASE COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!! Does anyone else have any suggestions????? I am a loss for words right now.
Surely there is another Dr in your area that can do it? Can't Dr Scotts office give you a referral or some names of someone that can do it? I would definitely be calling them, especially if you already have approval.... I would also call the insurance & get some names.... Sorry I'm not much help, but I'm sure someone that is in your area would know someone. I know it can be frustrating but you need to stay positive. You lost the weight for a reason! kerri
Oh, Please don't give up on finding a surgeon to do this surgery! You must keep climbing up the food chain until you find someone that has the power to help you! What was up with Dr. Puckett? I know it's hard to fight especially when when we are depressed. Please don't give up on yourself! Don't let them win. You already have approval. If you can get the right person at your insurance to help they may even be able to send you out of state if neccessary. I'll be praying for you! Janet in kc
Thanks for the reply. They tell me that the approval is only for that certain doctor. That is what this Dr Puckett told me today. The doctor that sent all the paperwork in has to be the one to do the surgery. Which means that if another doctor was to do this for me, they would have to be the ones to approve it. I think this whole insurance thing is a crock. How do they expect people to feel good about themselves if they will not help out with cosmetic surgery, especially after all the changes that we have to go through with gastric bypass surgery that I had done. I feel this is a necessity with the surgery, especially when you get my age. I am only 43, but soon to be 44 Dec 28 and I dread that. I do not want to look like an old run down hag at my age. I think that some of these plastic surgeons are only for the rich that have money to throw around anyway. At 44 our skin does not go back like it used to. I have tried every kind of exercise for the problem areas that I have, but to no avail. It is a factor of age. Thanks for the prayers, that helps. Have a very nice day!
I am not one that gives in easily. I want you to fight for this. The bottom line is that it has been approved. They are always going to give you a reason why they can't pay for things. They are hoping you will just go away! You are so worth fighting for! Keep climbing the chain of comand until you find someone with the power to change whatever needs to be changed! Even if that means finding an attourney to help. There are attourneys that fight medicare all of the time. I know money concerns! However, you can usually get some free consults that may answer your questions. If you have to start going through the phone book. I once read that you have to get 40 NO's to get a yes! Please fight for yourself! You are worth the time and effort! Oh, always keep a notebook of who you have spoken wiith and date and times, what was discussed. This helps so much! I'm going to keep praying for you, but you have to get the fire going you know?! your chearleader, Janet in KC

I wasnt talking about Dr Scott! Excuse me, but you misunderstood what I was saying. This was directed toward plastic surgeons. I was talking about this one particular surgeon. They take an oath when they get that get degree. If I was any kind of doctor, I would try to help out all I could. That is just my spirit. I feel for alot of folks in this world. Yes, I understand they have to make some money, but my mother was a school teacher for the severly mentally handicapped and she made nil, but enjoyed what she did. You have to have passion to work in the medical field and this what I feel is lacking in today's world. I am not saying all again. I am saying some. This plastic surgeon all he could say is good luck. I might have meant good luck, but to me this was no consolation. I always have the worst luck anyway. Some of the doctors today, did not have to grow up poor, and have jobs, in which case I am not able to work anymore, I am disabled. Until you walk in someone's shoes, you do not know what they have to walk through some days. Once again, thanks for your comments. It was just a bad appointment yesterday that I was not prepared for. They could get it approved through medicare if they wanted, just choose not to. If I do not have this surgery, no big deal, I will just learn to live with it! That is an option that I have to face. Sorry for being so cynical, but that is my feelings. I cannot help the way I feel. Thanks again!