Tonight was the COF support meeting and was a really good one. All of you that didn’t get to come it was good and sorry you missed it. Be sure and plan on the one in December will be on the 17th Will be our Christmas party. I told them that I may be there on crutches but I will hopefully be there.
I got an email from Andrea , her surgery is this Wednesday. So everyone say a prayer for her.
Vesta how are you doing? Haven’t heard anymore from you since you were in the hospital. You were suppose to have knee surgery this Thursday, is that still a go?
I hope you are healing well.
TRACI: well I guess if the children are going to be sick it is good that they are out of school this week . I hope they get better quickly.
I hope your day went well.
JANET: I said a prayer for you several times today for some pain relief. I know that you have to be hurting so badly . I cant imagine having the pain you must be suffering. I do pray for you like I said several times in a day. Everytime I think of you I pray.
We all really missed you and Melissa tonight I sure hope that next month you all will be able to be there.
Well an a snake attacking cat. I know that makes her really special in your book. Lol
You will be giving her the royal treatment wont you?
Sweetie don’t worry about the jeans I was and am just worried about you. Doesn’t seem like it has only been a month since I saw you. Seems like forever.
Oh while im thinking of it can you do the post tomorrow night? I am going over to visit my oldest daughter in
Congrats on your one year surgiversary. Is a pretty special day isnt it? I hope you got to go get your hair done like planned.
LADYMOYA: so sorry you didn’t get to come to the meeting tonight. But hopefully you will be at the December one.
I hope by then you will know more about your surgery to share with us then.
Was really looking forward to meeting you tonight.
BEV: Glad the scope test is done now. And why are you having to see an internist, doesn’t your regular doctor give you clearance for the surgery. ??? just wondering.
Yes I have met Janice, Dr. Hornbostels nurse. She is the one you get in touch with if you need a prescription refill or something.
All of his nurses and office personal are really great.
Yeah let us all know when and if you get that program for your avatar. That is just too cool.
BOBBY JO: wow you and the hubby are really busy cleaning those nasty hoods aren’t you? But I guess someone has to do it.
70 pounds lost? Wow how great is that now? That is a lot of weight in that amount of time isnt it?
Keep up the good work.
Have a good week and know that we all miss you a lot.
NUTTI: you sound like you are so busy all the time. I know it is exciting to have more clothes and them being smaller helps all of it so well.
You bet all of us on the board understand where you are coming from when you talk about some of this stuff. Who else can get all excited over being able to clean house. Lol
We missed you at the COF meeting. Make plans to come to the one in December PLEASE!!!!!
The protein shake I had tonight was 6 oz of skim milk or what ever kind of milk you use, 6 oz of Strawberry Mango Fruit Refresher flavored water. , ¼ cup of Splenda and a large handful of frozen strawberries. Blend this up really well. Then add 1 scoop of (ON) vanilla protein powder, and only give it a few zips and zaps to mix it into the other mixture. If you blend it too hard your protein powder will foam up.
Everyone even the spouses like this and said it tasted like a freeze from dairy queen lol
Talk to you all later. Janet I will call you to find out if you will post for me for Wednesday. Joe has a pain clinic shot Tuesday and then we are driving over to

Highest weight:261 (2/07), First Consult weight: 242 (12/4/07)
Day of Lap Band Surgery: 213.2 (4/16/08)
Day of revision to DS: 208 (10/16/2009), Current weight: 138.0
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Woke up this morning and our grounds are covered in frost! It is so beautiful to look out over the pasture and trees and see that white covering them and the sun shining over all of it-makes it glisten. Doesnt make ME feel good-but it is beautiful to look at!!
I thought about the group last night. Missed you all very much! I really had such a bad day/night, that there was no way I couldve made the trip. Im so sorry I missed it, I know you had a wonderful time, as always!!!
Mike and the kids got the tree up last night and got the lights gone through, had a couple out. They then added more colored-the ones that came on the tree already (prelit tree) were all white-so we added color. They are going to finish decorating it tonite. I have to get some organization done today, whether it kills me or not. I think the mental anguish of it not being done is almost as bad as the pain-LOL...so I am going to get as much of it finished as I can.
I did manage-with the help of Stephanie, to get the lasagna made. Its the first complete meal that Jon has eaten in probably a week or so. Poor little guy is STILL fighting this awful cold. Its just hanging on to him for dear life! His appetite is about 1/2 what it normally is. He isnt vomitting, thank goodness, but just hasnt been all that hungry. He is eating ritz crackers when he snacks and drinking sprite zero and gatorade. We wont be leaving the house again today. We were going to go and see my nephew who graduated boot camp the day before Thanksgiving, but I will be calling to tell them we wont be making it today. I want to wait until Jon is doing a little better before taking him out anywhere in this weather.
Stephanie sat down and talked to Mike last night. Mike told her that we love her being a part of our family, but he just doesnt see where she wants to be here and so on, and that he will give her another chance, BUT-the next time, thats it. I will be calling today to get her back into the psychiatrist and we will go from there. She does seem to be putting forth an effort-but I really dont know at this point, if its because she doesnt want to go to Las Vegas and that the other people she THOUGHT she was going to go live with told her no, or if she really wants to be here. I guess time will tell.
**Jan-I got your PM. I sure hope Joe feels better. Prayers are going up as I type this. I will continue to pray for him. That stinks. I dont want to do those injections anymore. I gained 6# and fought those same pounds off and on for a couple of months, every time I got it off, it was time for another shot. I gained with these steroids too, 2 diff prescriptions this time-and I may not hit my goal of onelander by New Years Day and that was pretty important to me. Although I know its not my fault, I started back on several protein shakes a day and liquids. Not like I can eat 1/2 the time anyway. It sure is different to do it because you WANT to-not because you HAVE to-LOL....
I will do the post when you go have your surgery. Knowing you, I wont have to do it very long. You are one tough cookie-you will bounce back, I know it!! I wish I could be there when you have your surgery. Are you having it in Branson? Skaggs hospital, correct?
Yes, the cat is a hero, in my book. Royal treatment it is! Told Mike that she is going to get a can of tuna each week-as a perk to her being my protector!! LOL...
Sorry I missed you last night. I sure thought about you all-and missed the hugs I get when I see you guys! I WILL be at the December meeting, no matter what. I WILL~
**Lana-did you have your MRI yesterday? How did it go? Let me know. Have been praying for you. I know your busy catching up at work. Email me when you can. Love ya.
**Nutti-I will call ya...Not sure how much I can help on colors and such, but I will call ya anyway. I am so happy for you. I KNOW exactly what your talking about, taking pride in your housework that WE can do now, and the hygeine part of it. I know that a lot of people could NEVER understand how humiliating it gets, so I know its so liberating and the sense of pride you get back-so CONGRATS...Cant wait to see you again. Im jelous though, I am no where near done with my shopping!!! Being sick with the pnuemonia for over a month and then my back having me almost home-bound, its been keeping me from doing the things I want and need to do. Talk to you soon!
**Tammy-Ammy-glad the trip went okay and the princess is back with her nana. Im sorry we wont see you next month-but I understand. Im sure by spring you and Ms Brenda will be back and we will have so much fun. Have you talked to her recently? I emailed her-and havent heard from her OR seen her on the board-I hope she is alright. Let me know and if you talk to her-tell her that I love her. Love you too-and I LOVED your pics-your looking Mighty Fine....you BETTER get on here and post your huge WOW moment....
**Renee-did you get to go to the meeting? How did you like it? I hope you did. I missed ya though. I will email you soon. Love ya.
Well, I am gonna get off here and get the day started. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers and I will see ya tomorrow. Janet
Howdy, Howdy, Howdy! Well da Princess is back home again!!! And she aint leaving again like that unless Nannie goes with her!!!!!!!! The trip to Indiana was so crappy! It rained the whole time! The kids were exhausted...They had been in there seats almost 24hrs by the time we got home Sunday nite. And had been thru 6 states! Then yesterday Christa and I were on the road again...We went to a dentist appt she had and then traveled an hour from there to take her to the doctor. She came back with a urin odor and was going to get her 3yr shot...But we were walk ins and after we had set there for ever I finally ask how many was in front of us around 6:30 and there was still 13!!!!!!! So we said to heck with it and left. They had already done her urin so it would be done when we got back there, so Ada is going to call this morning to see what the results were and let her call in something and then make a appt or go to the health center for the shot. Today I hope to do much of nothing other than some laundry...Im pooped!! Well haven't been on much for the past week so not up to speed on everything and everyone... I hope all you new loosers are doing great! Happy to see more hit the bench!!!! A big ole HOWDY to all the newbies!!! I hope all is well with everyone and you all had a great Thanksgiving! So glad you all had a good time at the meeting last night! Hope to hit another one soon, just don't know when just yet since the weather out that way is so different than here. I will have to watch and see how things are going yalls way before I make absolute plans to come again before spring....Or else Brenda and I or Joe and I might get snowed in with one of yuns! LOL LOL.... Yall have a great Tuesday...God Bless each of you... Luv & Hugs..Tammy~ammy
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!