Jan C.
on 11/24/07 12:19 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Wow im really proud of all of you for putting in your two cents worth to the post about where you want OH to come to next. Look at the other states most of them don’t have near what we have already and I encourage more of you if you haven’t posted yet please do. I put in Springfield but truth be know if they came to Mo. Anywhere I would go. Wouldn’t you?


Anyone that wants to that wants it my yahoo ID is mimicookcc  but like Traci said be sure and tell me you are from OH board so I know ok?

I have talked to a few of you already and we can make chat rooms to have a group talk sometime if we want to.


Dish came and installed HD receiver and new dish tonight so we get full benefit from our new tv. Oh my go**** is like you are right there on some of these shows wow.

It is amazing, I thought tv was thru amazing me but not yet I guess and now the new receiver has a place to be able to input your camera so you can show pictures from your camera on your tv too. Im anxious for my oldest daughter to see that .


I am craving something tonight to eat and don’t know what it is. Do any of you all ever get that way? I really have to watch it when I get like that or I will nibble on al sorts of stuff. Don’t you?




SHANNON: yeah you should have been with us, We had a really good time although we didn’t venture into Springfield or into Branson, We stuck with the outlieing edges. Loll

Lots of good sales without the hordes of people like in the city.



TRACI: Oh boy have you figured out what is wrong with your daughter yet? Hope it is nothing to keep you all from going to your inlaws today. Reminds me of when we 6 kids were little , every Christmas we almost all 6 of us would come down with the worst colds and get so sic****il mama finally connected putting the real Christmas tree in the house with our getting sick. Turns out all 6 of us are badly allergic to Cedar trees and that was what we always used for a Christmas tree. At about the same time they came out with fake trees that were awfully silly when you had a whole farm full of Cedar trees but daddy bought one for mama to put up and yea!!!!none of us were sick that Christmas lol

So hope all is well at your house this morning.



JANET: lol im really jealous that all of you got snow but me. I kept looking outside all morning to see if we might get some but nothing.


So you still haven’t figured out how that bunny gets out huh? Maybe he pulls himself out of a hat? Hes  a magic bunny. Lol

Oh wow I hope the chevy is fixable and you all can get that , would save you all so much money. That would almost pay for your surgery right there as much as gas is.

Our trash man did run today. I guess all of the fussing I did last year when I paid my yearly bill helped. I kept track last year and when I went to pay the yearly bill I deducted from it and told them why. And told them if they didn’t like it we could go with the other company that runs out here too. So maybe they paid attention. Would like to think so anyway.


I still have the box my tree came in but it is too little to leave the tree together. But you gave me an idea maybe I can go to Lowes or somewhere and see if they have a ref. box. Wow maybe between the two of us we will figure this out. lol


Oh yes yes yes I sure hope you get to come Monday night. I really miss you when you don’t get to come. I will pray really hard that God will make your pain level that you can get there. Ok?



BARBARA: SO glad to have you with us. And am very anxious to get to meet you Monday night. Will be great. How old are your children? That is good that you are going to get to go home for Christmas , no where like home is there ? I use to love to go home for Holidays but since my parents are no longer with us. It really has changed the dynamics of holidays. Seems that I have become the older generation now.



NUTTI: Do think you will get to come to the COF meeting on Monday. Would love to see how you are doing . LOL even if you have decided you really like being alone.

That was so sweet to have your baby singing to you in Ryans. Lol so cute aren’t they?

I know it is a fight continuously to overcome our old habits. They operate on our tummy’s not our heads unfortunately. If they ever figure out how to operate and change our thoughts about food someone will really make a killing wont they?

I have been deciding who I got what for too over this past year. I love buying things like that so that I don’t have so much to buy later on .



RENEE: im glad that you and Barbara will be there on Monday night. It is a good meeting to come to that is for sure.

Lol I can just see Miss Peanut having to have her coat and hood on this morning, doesn’t she wear boots too? She certainly is a spoiled little prima donna isnt she. But so cute.

Maybe one day soon I can see her in person. I wonder if she will remember me?


Well all im getting  ready to get into bed. I hope all of you have a great Sunday tomorrow and then Monday we will see you at the meeting.






Traci K.
on 11/24/07 8:57 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone No Jan - haven't figured it out.  I'm trying to decide this morning if we're going to urgent care or not today.  The spots or whatever they are, do appear a bit better on her feet this morning, but she still has them all over her legs and arms.  Both girls were throwing up last night as well and my youngest is complaining of a headache this morning.  So that could be a completely separate virus from the spots my one daughter has.  So no - we're not going to the family thing today, and not to church either.    My son has no spots and no throwing up.  Go figure.  Have a great day everyone! 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 11/25/07 12:34 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

BURRRRR~Thats all I have to say about this stinkin' weather-LOL....the past 3 days, I cant even comprehend the pain level. I really do get sick of talking about it, but it is controlling my life right now, crippling me-and I sure am not enjoying anything right now. IF I had known before how bad I would hurt when the weather changed, I would have never complained before-LOL....Yesterday, my parents kept trying to send me home-and I said why? I can do the work-I am going to hurt wherever I go and I wasnt tired, so I wouldnt have gone to bed, because I wasnt tired-I was just tired of hurting, thats all.

I got to see my cousins, Pete and Cindy yesterday and they were astounded! I havent seen them in 12 yrs. I didnt think it had been that long, but it has-the last time they saw me, I was just newly seperated! WOW...Anyway, we have a family reunion for my dads side this spring/summer and they want us to go to Iowa. None of the "bad" family we dont associate with will be there-so I may go-and bring my kiddies with me. My dad has a twin brother I have never met-and neither has my dad-and rumor has it, that he will be there, so I really want to go and meet him and see if he is anything like my dad. (in case your wondering-the twins were seperated at birth)

Today I have some laundry to finish up. The hubby did all the laundry while I was at work-so I am going to do that, go and get some groceries, and get the tree up-than I am making home-made lasagna for dinner. That, in itself, takes an hr or more!! So I am going to get this done and get my day started, and try to get some relaxation in there somewhere...LOL..

**Jan-glad the trash man came! Ours most likely came on Friday and no one listened to the voice mail at home that I left when I went down the driveway and remembered that they may sometimes come the day they are suppose to-if the holiday lands during the week-so ours didnt get picked up at all!! Will take it to town and leave it in my parents big dumpster because we are limited to 5 bags per week.

Maybe we could tape 2 refridge boxes together, that ought to do it!! LOL....Im not sure, but I cant afford a tupperware storage container that big!

Yes, hudini the bunny was on me AGAIN this morning!!! Mel has another cage for me, and I dont think he will be able to get out of that one-so Hudini is going to have a new home pretty soon...we will just see what a magic bunny he is then!! LOL...He will probably have some choice words for me then-or thoughts anyway!!

Yes, I do hope to be there Monday. Will see. If I dont see ya Monday, I will DEFINITELY be at the Holiday meeting in December-no matter what! Miss you guys too much when I dont get to see you!!

**Nutti-Im so glad you had a good Thanksgiving day!! Im sorry you were sick though, before and after-LOL...I got sick all day Thanksgiving, every time I ate anything, after one bite, I was in the bathroom...I kept running to my mom and dads place though, because I didnt want everyone in the commons area, where we were eating to have to hear me-LOL...that wouldnt have been good-while they were trying to eat their Thanksgiving dinner!!

Well, now I know why you never answered my email. I got your PM, but answered you in a regular email. I figured you were just busy with the holidays! I do have a little girl in mind for your donation doll house-so I will call you.....Also, I know its really hard to come out of your shell, when you get used to the safety of your own home and all, but it will get better. You will start to notice that its not too bad. Its probably one of the most amazing things-that I noticed anyway-is that I react differently than I used to-to strangers. I know part of it is me, because people were NEVER nice to me before-it was rare for anyone to hold the door for me, or smile at me-or even talk to me (I usually got those, you disgust me stares, or just stares, period.) I know I react to them differently, but they do smile, hold the door AND talk to me now-and of course, part of me says they never did that when I was really obese, so on one hand its really sad, but then on the other hand, I am so much happier, that I react to them differently with my smiles and talking and so on, so I cant compare that to the past, maybe had I been on the inside what I am now, they wouldve acted differently towards me (nah.....wishful thinking-LOL) I am proud of you though-your doing great, and when the time is right, I am sure you will get hired somewhere, because you are very friendly, you have a wonderful personality and you will be an asset anywhere you go to work!!

**Renee-I hope we get to meet tomorrow. How awesome that will be. Dont be afraid of the snow-LOL...I do know a lot of people like that, but I was born and raised in Minnesota, and learned how to drive on Ice and Snow-since my b-day is the day after Christmas-and so thats when I got my permit-LOL....drivers test and the whole bit. I worry MORE about the other drivers down here than myself....maybe take baby steps to drive in a dusting or something-LOL....Anyway-have a good day and hopefully I will see ya tomorrow.

Well, Im off-As always, your all in my thoughts and prayers. Have a good day and talk to you later-Janet

on 11/25/07 8:34 am - Baltimore, MD
Good Evening             Pretty late in the day postin, was very busy.I had to do laundry, wash an cut the boys hair then wash an re braided the girls hair also. Glad school in session tomorrow yipeee. Was online earlier to do some more research on surgery gettin pretty nervous an wanna learn as much as I can before hand. Went out Jolpin to kids r us to do some christmas shoppin an WOW I couldnt believe how much money I spend, lets just say my babe need another job to pay next month bills. (sike just playin). Well thats it for now will post again tomorrow.  Jan; The girls are 3 an 6 ,the boys are 5 an 9. Renee. I hope you had a good time at your friend an didnt over do yourself bu**** the heck we gotta party like its 1999 cuz next yr were on to new beginning. Cant wait to meet you tomorrow as well everyone that will be there. See you then! Janet. I see that you had Dr. Fearing do your surgery. I want to know why you chose her?  I havent met a surgeon yet but I have seen her on the MU website an read the lil info they had about her. My gut is tellin me to meet her when its time for me to meet my surgeon. So if you dont mine tell me about her would appericate. thanks  Tracy. I hope the girls feel better. I thought my son had chicken pox a lil while ago but doc said it was just a virus an it will go away in a week. It did but about a month later hes skin started peelin an he would get real ashy even when I would put lotion on him in two mins its back. I still to tis day dont know wat it is but it went away again in a week so I just been keepin my eyes on him an if he break out again I will be takin him to ER this time around . I know this aint nothing like the girls situation but just wanted to let you know that your not the only one this yr have had this problem  Good Nite Everyone!


on 11/25/07 10:47 am - Concordia, MO
Howdy all! I'm feeling pretty good today. I was up and walking 3 times the day of surgery, I felt good. Then day two, I passed the leek test and on to liquids. (Mind you I was still on morphine) they brought in my food and said "here is your lunch" so i ate it, all of it........2 little cups of jell-o, 8oz of chicken broth. With in no time I was sick, coming out of all orifices. The nurse came in and started screaming at me about "you cant put 12 + ounces in a 2oz pouch". Personally I feel they should not have brought in food to a fat guy when he is "whacked out on morphine" With out explaining to him to not eat it all, they said nothing just "here is your lunch". Later the nurse told me "you should have known better". (morphine, remember) I was not a happy camper.......... well after three days of feeling sicker then I have ever felt in my entire life they let me go home on friday. Over all I was not all that happy with my treatment while in the hospital, I'm sure a lot it was due to the fact that it was a holiday week, and that they only had a few people there. Nevertheless I was never so glad to get home. It's over now, let the ride begin. Again let me say thank you all for all of your prayers and well wishes.
In Him, Chip<><

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