Jan C.
on 11/23/07 1:56 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Don’t know what was wrong with our stupid trash pickup yesterday. They didn’t come. I guess they think they can wait until next week with all of us way down here.. ‘


I was really surprised at my honey man yesterday. Not only did he get up at 3am and go shopping with me but not a bit of complaining at all , till about 3 pm he started saying he was sure getting hungry . lol bless his heart he tried to hang with me at least.

I was so happy I got some great bargains and have most of my Christmas shopping done. Plus we got our home present to each other the big flat screen HD tv. Wow that thing is great. Never knew a tv picture could be so great. Hopefully it will last a long time.


Yesterday I did a post about posting to the contest at the top of the page here . from OH. And a lot of you have posted. I have checked several states formums and none of them have as many entries as we do , the ones I have checked anyway. So please keep it up , if you are reading this and haven’t posted there please go ahead and post please. All you have to put on there is  Missouri ,,, any where   that is it .


Hi Chipster glad that you made it . you will start being a loser soon.



TRACI: Thanks for all the web sites. I hope some will send their names …2 already have and I have put them on my yahoo deal

They should have my info by now too.

Yeah the chat thing on the OH site isnt compatable with a lot of peoples computers . they have down loaded stuff that it said they needed . still problems.

Anyway thought maybe we could go thru this way



JANET: wow you really had a day getting that thanksgiving dinner ready didn’t you? FIRE!!!!!! FIRE!!!! What was your mom doing to make the stove catch on fire? Thank God for Mike and saving the day. You all should have had all of this recorded. Hey but now we know where your accident proneness comes from lol

So glad that Melissa and Terry could join you all with the babies. I am so thankful that God saw fit to put those two babies with her.

I continue to pray that that will be a permenant situation. It take a lot for the state to really terminate a parents rights but God can do it and that is what I am praying for. Also for her mom. Plus you and your pain from the gall bladder pain too and that you will be able to get surgery soon like last week.

I know what kind of pain you are talking about with gall bladder it is very very servere.


Hey great minds think alike about the tree. We got it all together finally and I put tape on each end and marked them with magic marker  1—1    2—2----3---3 and so on. That way wont be such a problem next year. If I can find one of the big bags that you put over the tree I may just leave it all put together and bag it and stand it in the corner of the shed , the limbs fold up toward the center and we could pull them up and fasten them someway. Lol  sounds sort of lazy right.


RENEE: so great that you and your girls had a wonderful Thanksgiving. And hey you will be able to eat lots of things on the dinner next year. Just not very much of anyone thing. But you can have most of it by then.

We will put you in prayers that you get to have your surgery in January. You are using Dr. Fearing? I know Janet raves about her. So im sure that she is wonderful.

Wow Lowes had some great bargains on Christmas trees yesterday. 8 ft tall ones pretty nice trees too. I kept looking at them thinking I wish I knew someone that needed one of them but didn’t know it was you. Lol

Renee I put your yahoo name on my list in Yahoo messenger. That is the messenger I like best. So you should have gotten a message about it by now.



LADYMOYA: Hey so very glad that you finally decided to join us. We hope you will come back daily if possible.

What is your real name? how many children do you have? Are  you married:? We love to newbies and getting to know them. Do you have a surgery date yet? Who is your doctor?

How did you get transplanted from Maryland ? Lots of questions but what can I say maybe im too nosey?

Just glad you are here. Are you coming with Renee to the meeting on Monday night?

Great if you are.

If not consider it please,


Well guys im exhausted so think im headed to bed.










Shannon C.
on 11/23/07 8:49 pm, edited 11/23/07 8:51 pm - Kirksville, MO

Hi Jan and Everyone! I am exhausted from reading your post - LOL  I did not venture out at all.  I have to go down by Columbia to a friends yearly party.  She has not seen me since surgery so this will be fun. I had a great time with Bobbie and plan on more... Just spent thanksgiving with my Dad and sis but I cooked up a storm.   Made many things with Splenda and the Splenda brown sugar mix, fat free cream cheese and the light sour cream.  I had about 7 bites on  my plate and finished 6 before my pouch rebelled and said corn pudding was not coming down here.  Got sick but have learned from my exsperience.  Will not try corn again for awhile - do not know if it was the corn or the fact that I used my freezer corn that had real butter in it when I put it up last summer.  Made a basic Apple Bread pudding and put in the 2 cups of left over strawberry rhubarb from making that pie in it and it was delicious.  Dad wants me to remember how I made it.  The only thing that did not do well with splenda was the cranberry sauce.  It did not set up - so will add some knox gelatin to it to see if that won't thicken it up. My next big cooking adventure will be making pumkin bars with splenda and the cream cheese frosting with fat free cream cheese. I had hoped my daughter and her family would have been there  but it wasn't to be.  Just wished she lived closer.  Will spend xmas in Springfield and come home on xmas day.  I do not like traveling on holidays but the Grandkids want me there on xmas morningand I have towork the day after. Stay warm and stay safe! Hugs - Shannon



Traci K.
on 11/23/07 9:53 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Did I read your post right Jan - someone had a FIRE on Thanksgiving?!!!!  Goodness - I hope everyone is alright!  Yikes!!  My one daughter woke up yesterday morning with little red dots on her legs and feet.  Mmmmm??  They didn't itch.  No blisters.  just flat red dots.  This morning, there's more of them, and they're bigger and she's saying the ones on her feet are starting to itch.  Not sure if it's hand, foot & mouth disease, the beginnings of chicken pox or something else.  The others don't have it - just her.  She really liked this new cranberry relish my mom made Thursday.   So I'm not sure if there was something in there that she might be allergic to or not, but she hasn't had any since then.  I don't know if she's contagious or not, so don't know if we should take her to the in-laws TG celebration tomorrow, or stay home with her.  *sigh*  Not sure what to do.  Anywho, my plan is to take the children to the library today to get out and have some fun with them.  I also need to bake some pies for the celebration tomorrow with hubby's family.  I'll proceed as though we're going and we'll make a decision in the AM I guess.  Have a blessed day!!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 11/24/07 12:53 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

First-Let me say-HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARBARA S~ I hope you have a wonderful, beautiful day-just like yourself!!!

IT SNOWED HERE LAST NIGHT~!!! Nothing really accumulated-but it did cover the ground and our vehicles, and didnt melt off until this morning! I am NOT ready for that already. I still have some organizing to do in the garage and misc stuff to get done on the porch etc so we can start decorating!

Yesterday was uneventful here at home-work, thats another story!~ Between everyone from Thurs stopping in to say Thanks for dinner, and the phone, I only had about 1/2 hr of peace and quiet. Was planning and HOPING to get my Christmas cards done and addressed! Didnt get a one done!!! I WILL get them done today-IF I have to lock myself in the office away from the commons area so everyone will get the hint and not hang out for 2-3 hrs when they stop in! I will just put a sign on the cage in front of the check in desk that says - YOUR WELCOME! LOL... LOL...

So, not too much to report on this end today. Boys stayed with dad yesterday, they were gonna put up lights and decorations outside, but Mike and I decided that we shouldnt take them out in the cold right now, so hopefully it will get a little warmer at least one day this week so we can get that all done! We stopped at Movie Gallery and rented 3 new video games for the guys to play this 4 day weekend-so they really get their chores and such done when we tell them to-so they can play the games.

Funny thing.....Our bunny-who Jon named Honey Berry, we NOW call Hudini-has been escaping almost daily out of his cage-he somehow gets his lid off-so we have put things on it-so he cant jump up and knock it lose-it doesnt matter what we put on it-he is pretty powerful and still gets out...just dont know how he is doing it-since when we are watching him, he doesnt try...even if he doesnt see us, think he can sense us watching him or something-anyhow-yesterday, when I was walking to the coffee pot, before I was really awake, I thought I saw him by my feet, and when I looked down, he was gone-so I thought it was my imagination, until I walked through the family room and he hopped over to me. I put him back, of course, but he was upset about it and was thumping to let me know about it too. This morning, I was on the couch and had fallen asleep about 6 am-and woke to him hopping right up to my chin, on my body! The vet told us we could litterbox train him, BUT he eats stuff-like tries to chew pillows, the sofa, stuff like that, and I wouldnt want him eating something expensive OR something to make him sick, or worse.

**Jan-I am all for the yahoo chat. I will have to see if my ex BIL downloaded it on our puter when he fixed it, and if not, get it downloaded when I have overnite to do so-LOL..things take so long out here since we have that awful, slow, dial up!!! So, I will check that and then email you all my screen name, ok? About the trash-when there is a holiday, my trash man comes a day later than they do normally, so my trash is picked up on Fri-they come on Sat and so on...does yours? Maybe you forgot since you celebrated your Thanksgiving early? The tv sounds AWESOME. Mikes been looking at them, but we sure have to wait on that one for right now! One of my dads friends has a Chevy Lumina he is selling for $200 and he offered it to us, but it needs something, we dont know whats wrong with it yet-and dont want to get stuck with something thats going to be a new motor or something, LOL....We are going to look at it tomorrow, since Mike is very mechanically enclined and see if its something we can get and fix fairly easily. It gets 26 mpg, compared to the 7-8 we get now-so what an improvement that would be-would definitely save on gas-so that first month, we could put the gas money we would normally put in the GMC and just put it into parts for the Lumina. Will see!

Your not gonna believe this-our tree is 7.5 ft. and the bags they sell wouldnt fit it, the tree ones, so we did leave ours together last yr. We didnt want it getting ruined. Maybe leave it up-just put a bag over the top or such and store it in the corner of the shed-good idea! Great minds DO think alike! IF we could find a box like the one that it came in, that got wet in the garage and got destroyed-it looked like the sz of a refridgerator, only much longer!! I cant find anything storage wise that big! Even if I could, it would prob cost 100 dollars or more, huh?

Yes, now you know where I get it-my grandma passed it to my mom, who was kind enough to pass it on to me. I feel bad though, she has a pretty bad burn on her arm. We are putting silvadine cream and debriding it-it will be okay-but I know those sting like crazy. My dads cousin, Pete and his wife, Cindy, came to the motel on Thurs and saw all the cars and came in, and asked for us-and no one knew where all the family was-so they LEFT!!! We were all next door prepping for the feast!!! 2 minutes in either way, we wouldve seen them! My dad went to the campgrounds yesterday in Carthage where they have their RV and visited with them. When my parents showed them my pictures, Pete couldnt speak!! They are going to stop in today and see me at work. Meet the boys-they have never seen Jon or met Darrel. I cant wait!!!

Hope to see you on Monday. My back and gb almost had me bed ridden yesterday. I HAD to go help at the office though, dad had already given me pay by filling the gmc up with gas-so I had to-or I would have stayed home and in bed. I guess I really cant give in to it-or it wins, and I figured its not like hard labor-except the vaccuming of the commons area-which my parents dont allow me to do anyway-so I went. I overheard Mike telling his dad on the phone yesterday (lives in Lake Havasua City, AZ) that in a couple more years, he and I wont be able to handle winters here-and asked about employment opportunities that way. Sharp has offered Mike many jobs over the past 10 years, but all hv been TX, IL and such-never where the weather is better for us and our bone and joint issues....

**Traci-it does sound like your daughter may have an allergic reaction or the beginning of chicken pox. Sometimes the bumps dont get itchy for a cpl days? But, you already know all that, right? LOL...I hope its nothing big-and I will keep you and your family in our prayers!

**Renee-sounds like you had a good day-YAY!! Im so glad. I cant wait to meet you. Are you still planning on going Monday? I hope if I go-I can see ya. I want a Renee hug. We usually go to Village Inn restuarant afterwards-can you join us there? Would love to sit and get some more tips about Steph from you AND ask a couple questions to Tiff, if she comes. Things that I dont understand, and MAYBE hearing things from HER will help me understand my own daughter more? Thanks for everything you do, and for listening. We DO have so mu*****ommon, its scary. Thank you for being the person you are. Love you girl!

**To everyone else-have a wonderful weekend and stay warm, please!! Have a good day and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet

on 11/24/07 1:17 am - Baltimore, MD
Gm  My name is Barbara just moved to Missouri last September. I have 4 children two girls an a two boys. No I'm not married but I have a beautiful woman in my life that I love, an so bless to have. I'm still pre op an hopin to have Dr. Nicole Fearing to do my surgery. As of now just waitin to have my stress test done next week an get a date. In this journey I have been wait for a long time to get were I'm at so cant complain really. Today I will go to wlamart to do a lil shoppin today (now its safe LOL). We have decided to go home for christmas, we will be leavin on the 21 an be back in a week. Very happy about that I really miss everyone back home,the only thing I dread is havin to leave an come back. Its so really hard to say goodbye, well if my mom was readin this she would correct me. She dont like to say goodbye its see you later. Well I think I answer all the questions. Oh one more an Mrs. Jan I will be joining Ms. Renee this Monday for the meetin we was talking about it last nite an were excited to be attending. So will see ya Monday ,an continue to have a great weekend Everyone.          


on 11/24/07 1:17 am

Helloooo Mo board! We had our Thanksgiving at Ryans in Joplin....it was PACKED! but the 7 of us had a nice dinner and than went to another friends for dessert and the company! one of the nicest days weve had in awhile. the best part of my dinner was the ham...and my sweet Grandbaby siging "Nannie...nannie...nannie" over and over again. and she wasnt being quiet. oh and she would add in a I LOVE NANIE top of her lungs....how can anyone have a bad day with love like that??? Wed I had a bad time with Liver and onions....I baked it in the oven and it was sooooo good but me and my BAD eating habits went overboard and for 4 hours I was sooooooo SICk so I was extra careful on Thanksgiving not to do that again....but yesterday on Friday I did it agin with Turkey and my splenda Pumpkin pie....I didnt chew long enough or just had too much. so spent 4 hours yseterday feeling like I wish I could puke....WHEN will I learn?? or WHEN will I unlearn all those bad habits that got me into this mess??  today I am off to miniature club.  I have nothing for show and tell as I have not done one mini thing since my friend left for Oregon....but I have 3 projects that has to be done ASAP because 2 are gifts....    Janet my e-mail is down and gone so please call me soon. I did get to the sale at Wal-mart yesterday morning.....no buggy for me....and unless I am having a broken leg or some such I am DONE with the buggy's for ever! of course we only went for Catriona's Camera and the memory stuff...usb stick and memory card gfor the camera. and a sit and spin for miss Pixie....than I spent the morning wrapping all of the presents I have been collecting all yr. I am done with Pixie....almost done with Catie. Jevins box will be packed tomorrow so he will get it in time for Christmas  all of my Christmas decorations are up and I decorated the tree. something I havent done in several yrs....I let whatever kid I could talk into it do it. I still havent plucked up enough courage to go job hunting....I really want to and need to but just cant seem to make myself go. If I could sell one of my houses I could put it off for a few weeks maybe than I could pluck up my courage and go.   I find myself dreading the contact with outsiders. its pathetic but there it is....after so many years of hiding from people...I found I like it. dont want to play with others...LOL  I hoipe everyone is having a safe and productive 4 day holiday! God Bless nutti






on 11/24/07 2:06 am - Purdy, MO
 Hi Everyone,    I wasn't a happy camper this morning when I woke up to snow, the first thing that went through my mind, was oh no how am I going to go to Paul's to start getting ready for our dinner tomorrow. We are going over a day early to clean their (3 guy's) house, and make the pie's. But thankfully the snow is almost gone. I' am the biggest chicken in the world when it come's to driving in the snow, it doesn't matter how much there is. I have gotten a little better over the year's and realized just because there's snow on the ground doesn't mean there's anything on the road's.  This was Frito's first snow so when we let her out this morning she stopped in her track's and just looked and looked. To look at her you forget she's still a pup. Miss Peanut on the other hand know's what snow is so as soon as she seen it she turned around and wouldn't even go out. She had to have on her hooded jacket before she even thought about it.LOL She's a spoiled mess, but we wouldn't have it any other way.  I hope everyone that went had a fun safe time shopping yesterday. I went one year and that was wayyyy to much for me. I'm not sure which was worse the driving or the shopping. LOL I try my hardest not to even leave the house on that day now. Jan our trash service is just horrible here. They were picking it up twice a month, and then cut it back to once because of the gas price's which is understandable, but I think they should have lowered the cost a little to. And if a holiday or rain roll's around on their pick up day you are lucky to get it picked up a week later. Fourth of of July and Christmas time is the worst it could take anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks before they pick it up. If I wasn't so far out in the country and they weren't the only trash service I would drop them. Janet there is no need to thank me, beside's me not really doing anything, it's been a pleasure talking to you. I'm very thankful for you.   I'm not sure if Tiff is coming with us yet or not. It really depend's on if we have enough room for her. Kala's car isn't that big and my truck is even smaller, but if we can get her in we will. We have been talking about going to Village Inn afterward's, and have decided just to play it by ear and see what the weather is like.  I can just hardly wait to meet all of you guy's Monday, and give you a HUGE HUG. Barbara it's so great to see you posting. We are going to have so much fun Monday night with all these ladies, I can hardly wait. It feel's like I have been friend's forever with you, Janet, and Jan (I have met Jan before, but would love to beable to sit a nd visit with her). I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
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