Hi there,
Jan C was right on, we have had several on our boards go over and get it in Mexico-at reputable hospitals, and have had the lap AND/OR the RNY with huge success! NurseAmy, here on the MO is one I remember (she lives real close to me)...and I believe hers was 10 grand-and she had the RNY which costs more than the lap-more hospital time etc....
Also, I worked in billing for almost 13 years and at our local hospital in Joplin, MO-they give a 10 percent discount to any person either paying up front OR within 30 days. You do NOT want to speak to admissions about this-you want to call and speak to the billing department-and even then, do not speak to just any rep that answers the phone, please ask for a manager/supervisor or even the director. Cash people pay a lot more than they get from ANY insurance or medicare/medicaid, because you are not getting anything written off like they do with Blue Cross, for instance. People would not believe the contracts that hospitals have-and often times, the PPO adjustment or such is more than 50%-so-try to negotiate BEFORE hand-and get it in writing.
I personally went to Missouri Bariatrics and had Dr. Fearing. She was the best!! Check around with different places, get the best bang for your buck!~You may even call NS back and ask for their billing department as well. See if the manager there cant come to an agreement there-and use what I said as an example-that surgeon will STILL get MORE CASH from you-paying ALL cash, than ANY insurance company-so even ask for up to 25% off-dont be afraid to ask-we had a lot of people do that and our director would always make arrangements. Even our cash procedures, for instance, for breast implants-they would get 10% discount-BUT ONLY IF THEY ASKED BEFOREHAND!!! So-word to the wise-ask first and see. Some reps dont know this-and, of course, the hospitals dont advertise this, but it IS a fact, but make sure you get it in writing, and make sure you talk to a manager or director, because a lot of reps dont even see a cash patients billing unless you were to call for some reason-there is no reason for them to ever see your bill. I really hope this helps, and if you need anything else, please feel free to PM me. Good luck, I hope it all works out for you and your NEW life!!! Janet