Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
Hi Everyone
Please don't hit your head on the ground when you pass out from seeing me here. I just couldn't let Thanksgiving get by without telling you all HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! I miss all of you so much. School is good but I am so busy!! I have three to four assignments due daily and can't hardly keep up. My daughter will be having a baby in a few months and if thats not enough we are moving this weekend!! I think I am a glutton for punishment!!!
As you'all can see by my ticker I am a little over my half way goal!! YAAAAAYYYY Thanks to Jan and Janet for helping me keep grounded during the stalls. School is out Dec 17 until Jan 14 or 15. I hope y'all don't get too sick of me during that time because I plan on posting alot. I hope this finds everyone well. Janet I hope you are feeling better and let Mel know I am praying for her mom and the family.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! I am always thinking of everyone here. I miss and love all of you!!!!
Dear Chelle, Get the crash cart-I think I need CPR or something-LOL...I know youve been busy and I have been too....I sure miss seeing you or getting your emails though. Make sure you email me your new address!
Please dont thank me for helping you. Its been my pleasure. I love you and I am ALWAYS here for you!! I just cant wait until Dec 17th when I will see you or hear from you more often! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours too! I hope you enjoy your day and I am SO HAPPY about your progress-you are kickin butt and taking names!!! CONGRATS...Love ya girl-and talk to you soon. Love, Janet