Jan C.
on 11/21/07 1:21 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!  I know that so many of us have such a lot to be thankful for today . The ones that have had surgery and are doing well with their weight loss, the new post ops that the surgery part is over, the pre ops that now have a date to start their new life, and the newly pre ops that have just started the process , that they have made this decision in their life to take it back.  We really have a lot to be thankful for.


Im so thankful that I can walk now,even if my knees still hurt. Thankful that I can take care of myself again , and can even go back to work , I believe I could work full time if I had to. I am thankful that I can clean my house now, even tho I still hate housework.

Im so very thankful that I have lost the weight, even tho I am wrinkled and look like one of the little dogs that have too much skin. Im even thankful for the loose skin as a reminder that I don’t want to fill it out again like I did before.

Im thankful for my family and especially my husband, Joe, who has been there for me thru thick and thin , back to thick, now thin again lol  Never once has he ever said  a mean word or bad word to me about my weight. But yet is very encouraging when I need him to be. Love that man they don’t come any better than him.

Im thankful for my precious Lord that was willing to die for (ME) even if I had been the only one that had needed that from him. Im thankful that he loved me that much.  


So those are some of the things that I am thankful for. Not all of them but that would take too many lines to type all of them that I am thankful for lol

Everyone that is on the roads today I pray that you have traveling mercies and arrive safely

And if you are staying home and friends and loveones are coming to you that they arrive safely too.

May your turkeys be brown and delicious, May your pies be steamy and hot, May your meal be ever so thankful and you have things to be thankful a lot.


Ok so im not a poet .lol what do you want for free….




TAMMY V: sounds like you will be having lots of fun with the family today….enjoy yourself with them ok.  January 8th will come quickly since you will busy with all the holiday hussle and bussle. So your date will come on you so fast you will wonder where the time went.

Will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. And for your husband to have not too bad of news at the doctors office on Monday.




BRENDA: will be sure to keep you in my prayers about your MRI  I know that back surgery scares a lot of people and it would me too. I will keep you in my prayers that if God wants you to have the surgery that he will make it clear to you that is what you should do.

Hope your Thanksgiving is a wonderful , caring and thankful day.


TRACI: Hope  you had a good visit with your friend yesterday and that you have a great day today. Happy Thanksgiving.




SHEILA: sweetie don’t get discouraged about things. Your kids were awful to you saying that, Of course you don’t look fantastic you just has major surgery. But you will be doing better soon. 

Mechanical soft foods are just foods that are soft and easy to eat. Tuna, eggs, cottage cheese, beans, cheese, that type of thing.

Diddnt Dr.
H give you a binder with all of the lists of food in it that your suppose to eat and when? Big white notebook? It has a chapter on Nutrition. Ok? Read all of that and it should help. Your kids don’t deserve for you to be there with them on Monday night. Have it early in the afternoon and then come on down to the meeting anyway. Lol

Miss seeing you at the meetings that will make it two months in a row since we saw you.



RENEE: That is wonderful that you are going to quit smoking as well as the two girls, you will be making a good healthy choice with your life. It isnt easy but it can be done, mainly you have to decide that you want to quit….just like anything else that is an addiction. I will be praying for you and the girls that they can quit it too. They need to before it gets to be too much of a habit for them…Dr. Phil said that you can only break a bad habit by replacing it with a good habit. So replace it with taking a walk instead . It really does work.

4653 South Campbell is the address of the big new main Springfield Library. When you are going down s. Campbell you go under the James River overpass and at the next red light you will turn to your left it sits up on a hill back from Campbell ok?

Email me and I will send you my phone number if you don’t have it already. Ok? In case you get lost or something.

No you don’t need to bring anything to the meeting but yourself and who ever is your support person. , I guess your girls?



JANET: Well did the insulation get blown into your walls? I hope so maybe it will make the house so much warmer for you all.

My back and knees don’t hurt because of cold but will hurt a lot if it is going to rain a lot.

Yeah I have that problem with the ribs popping our of place , or did have back a few months ago. I think I have straightened my posture out lately some. But it really does change the way we walk and everything doesn’t it.

Mike is so much like Joe it seems. Joe went to town today to get me some more medicine and tissues etc etc. and he came it with me a bouquet of beautiful orange roses. So pretty , he said here I thought maybe these would make you feel better. He is such a sweetie. Like I said he and Mike sound a lot alike.

Tell Melissa that all of us are holding her, her mother, the kids and buttons up in prayer. It is all being held in Gods hands now.

Oh have you used any of the Mucinex for the kids coughs? That stuff really works well. I have taken 2 pills is all and my cough is already breaking up and moving out of my lungs.

I hope there is something that can be done about your pain that will control it without putting all of you in the poor house but you have to remember too that if you weren’t in pain you could work and pay it all off easy enough . So if things worked you would be ok and just investing in the future. Leave it up to God he will let you know what you are suppose to do.

I will continue to pray for you and yours. And all the situations there. Love



BOBBY JO: good grief woman what are you doing in Ill. Lol never know where you are going to be next do you. Have fun tomorrow, Sounds like you and Shannon had a good time when you all met …



LANA: I assume you are already on your way to Northern Mo. Huh? If not hope the day is great for you and your whole family. 

You will be back next Monday night wont you hope so.

Hopefully your shoulder is something that can be fixed easy

Enjoy your day and be careful driving.



Hope everyone has the day they want to have this Thanksgiving day and that you stop , for a little while today and give thanks to God for all you have .

We all have a lot more to be thankful for than what we don’t have.

Love and kisses to you all











Rianne D.
on 11/21/07 4:30 pm - MO
Happy Thanksgiving :-) In case you don't look at my other post...I'm thankful that I'm now OVERWEIGHT instead of MORBIDLY OBESE....yay me! I miss you soooo much, things have been so insane lately with school and work and everything.  My schedule next semester is going to be even more insane (taking 18 hrs) so I am quitting my job so I can focus on school only. *hugs*
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Traci K.
on 11/21/07 8:21 pm - Sullivan, MO
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!! We're heading to my parents' house today to celebrate with them.  So very little cooking for me.  Have a blessed day everyone. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
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on 11/21/07 9:58 pm - Diamond, MO

Happy Thanksgiving Jan and OH Peeps~

I hope you ALL have a wonderful day and enjoy your loved ones, no matter who they are-and no matter where you are today!

We did get the insulation blown in the attic and walls yesterday-but they sure did make a mess-AND when they popped the screen off of Mikes hobby room and ran the hosing through it-they broke a lot of his slot car stuff by knocking it all over and off the shelves-and NEVER said a word to me or asked me to move anything etc etc. I didnt know the extent of it until Mike got home, and of course, they were already closed, so he will be calling them Friday or Monday to discuss the amount we will be deducting from their bill. They never even returned the screen back to the window! Plus, they left the insulation mess for Grandma first, and then me-to clean up. Believe it or not-I am still not done. I am having to wipe down shelves and so on-and Mikes whole hobby room has insulation all over it-the floor, the shelves and the motors and such that he builds. I am really praying that those arent ruined. Even though they were done here by noon, due to the insulation looking like grey lint all over-I couldnt/didnt start cooking until I had gotten all of it out of the pantry and kitchen area-and wiped down everything. I sure didnt want to be cooking with that all over and having everyone get sick! When they were in the attic, they found a leaky pipe-the roofers had busted it when they put the new roof on the house-so I am glad that they did go up there. Who knows how much damage that would have done?

I could NOT fall asleep last night. I finally fell asleep at 4 am and Mike too. I was back up at 5, when my alarm went off-to get the stuffing made, and the turkeys stuffed-I have a feeling I am going to be busier today than I was yesterday-LOL.... I think I was just excited and anxious about today and cooking for everyone and wanting it to be perfect and I kept going over everything I had to do in my head. Even wondering WHAT I am going to wear-Nothing fits anymore. I do have 2 pr of jeans that fit-but none of my shirts fit right, they are ALL too big, and I have 2 dresses that fit-but no shoes to go with them-LOL...the only shoes I have-are too big-and I just gave all my pantyhose to Megan, because she has to dress up at her job-and they were all too big for me, so it looks like it will be jeans and a blouse thats too big!

Stephanie came out with my dad yesterday and she brought me a mini rose plant. She asked me if she could have a second chance and even said she would go to the psychiatrist and take the medication they want to prescribe for her. WOW...I sure didnt expect that. I told her that I would talk to Mike and then after we got through Thanksgiving dinner-the 3 of us will sit down and talk. She agreed and I told her that she still wouldnt be getting her phone bac****il she raised her grades and she said that was okay. Not sure if she is wanting a chance so she doesnt have to go to Vegas OR if she is sincere. Will see.

~~~Things I am thankful for: My children, without them, I just dont know where I would be today. Many days, I just sit and soak in what they do or say, ecspically Jon and the stage he is at right now-and how loving and caring he is-and some of the things he does and says-he just makes the biggest difference in my life. Its funny, Mike and I had decided we would NOT have any children together-and didnt feel like we needed to-or that anything was missing in our relationship. Jon was a pleasant surprise-and I really dont remember life without him in it, you know? Isnt that weird how we didnt think we would miss something and now-dont know how we would live without him OR life before him....I am so thankful for my husband. He is truly the best friend I have ever had-and I have often wondered WHY I got so lucky-and I was so fat and got even fatter-and he loved me no matter what and ALWAYS treated me with respect and love. I know no matter where I go or what I do in my life-that he is always there for me, he will always love me, and that he has my back. I do believe, with every ounce of my being-that God gave Mike to me, to reward me for the hell of a life I had before I met him. He is my rock. He is my safe haven. I know he will never hurt me. Even though my family is very small and we dont always agree-I am thankful for my parents, and for the fact that we can overcome our differences and that they are here with me. I am thankful for my soulsister, my friends, and for the people on OH, who changed my life in so many ways you will never know. When I met Mel last Sept, she changed my life forever. I will always remember that and I will always be thankful for the changes in my life because of her. I am thankful for my surgeon, for my PCP and my ortho doctor. Without them, I really doubt I would be posting this right now. I dont think I would have made it to the end of this year. As many things as I have wrong with me physically right now, I can at least be thankful for the WOW moments, and I am-and I am thankful for the happy times I have had because of the weight loss. I must say though, that without Jesus, I would be nowhere. I owe everything to HIM and I am so thankful that through HIM, ALL things are possible. PRAISE GOD~I do, every chance I get! I am also thankful for the chance to witness to people and to help others when and if I can. I would also like to give a special THANKS TO JAN-for keeping us all connected everyday through her Whats Happening post. A lot of people disappear when they are this far out, but she keeps us all together and I am thankful for that, and for her!! Thanks, Jan!!! One last thing, thanks to all of you prayer warriors, I thank you all, for all the prayers that you say for all of us!

Well, I am getting off here. I hope that all of you have a wonderful AND Blessed day with whomever your with today. I pray that you have travelers mercy if you have to travel, and I hope that you cherish the time you have with your loved ones today! As always, your in my thoughts and prayers!! Love, Janet

on 11/21/07 10:50 pm - Purdy, MO
 Hello Everyone,  Not to much going on here just yet. The girl's had to be up early so they could start getting ready to go to their boyfriend's house's, and then they will meet me at my sister's house this evening.  I started taking chantix this morning, and have picked Dec. 10 as my stop date. I bought the girl's patch's so hopefully that will help them. I know in my heart we will be able to do this. Mind over matter baby. LOL  I'm so very Thankful for my wonderful daughter's who bring so much joy to my life.  I'm Thankful for my family and friend's who stand behind me no matter what.  I'm Thankful for the good Lord above, I'm nothing without him.  I'm Thankful for everything he has given me, and for everything he hasn't given me.  I'm Thankful for all my new friend's here at OH, you guy's are wonderful. Jan I will send you an email soon. I figured I would also map quest it. I look so forward to seeing you and meeting everyone. Janet WOOOOOHOOOO!!! Sound's to me like Steph has made a step forward. I hope that she fallow's through with it. Remember what I said about keeping an on her and the med's. I know everybody is different, but alot of people can't take it. Like I said she keep believing and hold on tight.  Good Luck with your dinner today, enjoy it. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
Tammy H.
on 11/22/07 2:25 pm - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Yall... Wow....I eat too much lol lol.... Had all my brats and some of Joes family and my mom and step dad stopped by after lunch and visited a bit. Sure missed my lil Princess . Suppose to go meet with her dad Sunday to get her, but he is thinking about just going ahead and coming in so he can see his dad and brother so if all goes well I wont have to make that trip and I will get to see her Sat!!!!!! I aint never letting the lil varment go away like that again!!!!  Today was a big wow for me!!! I been smiling all day!!! I got compliments all day. And Joes family hasnt seen me since surgery....They were in shock!! And I was all smiles lmbo!!!  Then one of my sons friends come over that hadnt been over in about 3 months....The first thing he said was WOW that surgery stuff really does work dont it! LMAO. I said well if I hadn't thougth it wouldn't I would have never had it....He said well I figured that, but....but...WOW you look different! Then a bit latter after they got off the 4 wheeler he came in and was talking to Joe...He told Joe...." You better learn how to kick some A**! Guys are going to be checking mom out and they don't need to be, So lift some weights or something so you can kick A**! The lil terd is only 16 lol lol.....But still made me feel good! Well guys, I'm Thankful for tons of things....Some off the top of my head are.... People like Dr. Scott, He help me make changes in my life I had begin to think would never happen!! I am begining to feel like a whole new me and I love it! I'm super Thankful to be Christa's Nannie.... God blessed me with 2 kids of my own and I loved being a mother, He even blessed me with 2 step-daughters I love as my own. But being a Nannie has been the light of my life!!! I'm very Thankful for my family....Even if they make me grouchy lol lol... Thankful for all my friends!!! I love all my friends.. and feel so grateful that I have so many I can talk to and they will listen and that trust me enough to talk to me about anything.... I am thankful I have a nice home, can pay my bills & can feed my family! I'm thankful my health had began to improve! It's such a blessing to be able to move around without getting out of breath, I can bend over and touch my hands to the floor now, clean my own house with NO HELP, walk around in the store and do myown shopping and all sorts of things I couldn't do for a long time now.... And IT FEELS WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!  I'm thankful for all the blessings I don't even realize I have been blessed with....God had been good to me! Janet....Sorry you had such a mess to deal with...And wow I bet Mike was p'ed off big time!!!!  I hope it turns out good with your daughter wanting to come home...Isn't it so true the saying....They walk on your feet when they are little but walk on your heart when they are grown.... Jan....Sorry you haven't felt well...Wow...Roses? He is a sweetie! Brenda, Amanda, Mel, Susan, Lana, Cheryl.....and my brain just went numb lol lol.....So Ill just say...To everyone else....Hope your day was great and you all got to enjoy time with family or friends!  God Bless each of you... Luv & Hugs..Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

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