It sure was pretty out today but I stayed inside most of it. I went out for about 5 minutes and the wind was blowing so hard I knew that it would make my sinus worse. I even pulled my shirt up over my nose and mouth. I use to when I went outside anytime I would come in and use a nasal spray of saline solution on my nasal passages. But have gotten out of that habit.also use to take a shower imediatily after and wash my hair too. Thought that my claritan was enough to keep that from happening now and got ****y. Isnt that something that a gardener has horrible allergies like that. My oldest daughter is even worse than I am.
Tomorrow is my youngest daughters birthday. Gee whiz she cant be 41 that is how old I am lol Really that is how old I feel , I know to some of you younger ones even that sounds old but in a blink of an eye you will be where I am now. There is a country song out right now that is my mantra. Don’t Blink have you all heard it? It is so true. You lay down to take a nap and when you wake you are married with kids lol pretty much the way it happens
Glad to hear that Chip is doing well. I know his daughter and mother are both relieved that he is doing ok.
TAMMY: hey good to see you online again. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving too. \
Yes doesn’t it feel good to be able to do all of those mundane little things that we couldn’t do before?
So great. Now I don’t do it because I hate housework not because I cant do it lol
No no nothing wrong with stopping and clapping for yourself that is great.
I think we need to applaud ourselves more often.
KERRI:so glad that you came online and said hi. We love to get to know you. Come on in sit a spell and tell us all about you.
SHEILA: blending food you can eat creamed soups just don’t eat the chunks if you can chew them up well enough will be ok but really be careful. Just continue on with your cottage cheese small curd and cream soups , you could go buy some jars of baby food if you really want to stick to the list exactly
Sorry about your cars. Does your son not know how to repair cars? How many children do you have? 4 isnt it. Tell them you want that for an early Christmas present to fix one of the cars up. Wont be too much for any one of them? Would it?
Wish you were down here Joe could put the parts on for you.
BRENDA: oh my goodness I can find all sorts of things to be thankful for. Amazing year hasn’t it been ? Not just our new size but the things that we have gained back. My life is totally different now to what it was a year and ahalf ago.
Hopefully the pain management clinic will help you get on top of all of your pain. It they can just control it some to where it isnt debilitating will be great.
TRACI: sounds like you are really going to be busy with baking and cooking. Me and the kids already had our Thanksgiving so Thursday we are having left over turkey and dressing …lol I may go buy Joe another Pecan pie.
JANET: I agree with you about the surgery being the easy part the hard part is the daily life. After surgery.
Sweetie yes the Devil comes after those that are trying to do right , don’t you know? It makes him mad. Just speak the name of Jesus and rebuke him. Get behind me satan….you have no hold on my friend Janet and her family. AMEN We will continue to pray for Steph and for the boys that all will start going right for them. Hopefully Steph will have a relavation about her life soon.
Yeah I think the phone needed to be gotten away from her ,I know kids have a crazy fixation on phones and all of that stuff. We will all be praying for Steph that she will figure out some things some day soon. You cant live your life in fear that every time you correct her she will cut herself you know. That is partly why she does it , to be in control.
Maybe you and Renee could start a support group for this sort of stuff.
There has to be more than just the two of you.
Melissa and her mother and the two babies and the puppy dog are all in my prayers too.
Janet the hospital or most of them do have a charity action. That can charge off a certain amount too.
I have a friend that is on Medicaid and the amount she has to pay when all is said and done at her local hospital is very little.
Have you checked into Skaggs or
Oh wow the insulation people are going to get there just when the cold weather is coming in. Hope you see a big difference.in your heating bill.
So far I have the pictures in my book so hopefully I will get them to you. Lol
Will be time for another one before I get those to you, I should have just mailed them but kept forgetting that too. I did bring back your molds didn’t i? I think I did.
Yeah I would love it if they came somewhere in
BEV: Hey how do you do that with your picture? I would love to put mine up like that of before and now.
I love the puppies wish I had one of them. Oh wow you get your scope today you are getting closer and closer all the time.
Sorry to hear about your dad. And the stints , will he be alright?
There is always someone in your family that doesn’t think we need the wls. You could lose it if you just put your mind to it. What they don’t know is that yeah we can but we cant keep it off. All tolled up I probably lost over a 1000 pounds in my life time lol but I know I am not alone with that.
We are here for you and yes the life you live now is not the life you will be able to live later. It is so worth it.
RENEE: That is so sad when men think they can do that to younger girls. And he being family friend. I do think I would confront him and tell him that he isnt welcome at my house anymore that he crossed the line and that is it. So sad ….that Tiff has to put up with that. I don’t think she should. You didn’t say but is this guy married?
BEVERLY B: SO good to see you again. when is your surgery now scheduled? Do you know?
Yeah those little kids can bring you everything cant they? Hope you stay warm and toasty by your pellet stove.
TINA: wow sounds like your trip was a real bugger lol glad the group did as well as they did being that new.
So how was the meeting last night? And you will be at the COF meeting on the 26th. That is good anxious to see you again.
Sounds like you stay really busy with your small children. Wow. Glad that im not still in that stage anymore although it was fun when I was there.
Hey Jan and All, Just wanted to tell everyone Happy Thanksgiving! I will be very busy all day Wed. cleaning house and rounding up tables and chairs and making pies and and other stuff for Thurs. My niese and her family will be in from Il. at about 8:00p wed. and my son and family will be here about 6:00a Thurs. Busy, busy day. As I posted I have a new date for surgery. Margie called me Tuesday night and told me it would be on January 8th at 6:30 am. I am very excited.Will have my last big meal on Christmas day and start my new life on Dec. 26th. Sounds like a perfect time to start.
Thank-you for your prayers for my nephew Kyle. He is out of the hospital and doing well. His sugars are back under control and they caught the bug in his blood stream in time to kill it with antibiotics.They changed his insulin a bit and he is doing better. My DH had some blood work done and they had him come back in for another test for diabetes . They told him if it was ok that they would see him in three months,if not they would call him. Well they called him. He has an appointment on Monday to go talk to the Dr. So we will find out then if he is diabetic. I think he is. So maybe we can send some prayers up for him that its not to bad of news. Well take care all. Have a safe and happy holiday. God Bless,Tammy V.
Hello Everyone, I went and had my evaluation at the pain clinic today. The doctor there ordered an MRI on my spine.I will be getting that done tomorrow and then I will see the doctor right after. They said that he would have the results within and hour. I was impressed with that. He said we will go from there. Jan I hope your allergies get better, I completely know how you feel cause I am allergic to almost every tree and plant in Missouri! Sydney has not moved back in with us. Bev I have been trying to get my picture to flip back and forth like yours but every site I have tried has been confusing to me. Please share how you did that. Thank You Janet I pray your Thanksgiving will be fantastic and I know God will bless you for helping out people to have a good hot meal for Thanksgiving! After I get back from my MRI tomorrow I will make my pies for Thursday, I am making 2 pumpkin pies and 1 raisin pie. Then I will prep my turkey and get it ready for my roaster. And I think I will go ahead and get my dressing ready and my sweet potatoes so all I will have to do with them is stick them in the oven Thursday. Well I better get to bed it's 12:40 and I have to get to that MRI in the morning. God Bless Everyone
And I pray you all have a wonderful time with your families Thursday.
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Am sitting here waiting for the insulation people who were SUPPOSE to be here at 8 am. Its 9 and they still arent here. IF they arent here by noon, they are SOL until Friday, and I hope they dont try to call my bluff. Have too much to do today to have them tying up my kitchen to get to the attic-which is through my kitchen in the pantry. If they could do it all through the attic crawlspace in my walk in closet in my bedroom it would be no big deal, but they have to do a majority through the pantry. I told them-so will see what happens. I told them that they HAD to be done by NOON, NO EXCEPTIONS. Not a minute longer.
This weather change is killing my spine and my knees. My back hasnt hurt like this in literally weeks. Its very frustrating. I have been faithfully working out, which I think has helped a little. The ortho and my PCP said that until I have surgery, there isnt going to be a fix-have too many discs totally gone and the 2 that were bulging are ruptured already-so they are gone now too. I still have issues with ribs popping out of place due to the weight changes, but as soon as I get adjusted-sometimes it takes several times, but once they go back into place-It gives almost instant relief.
Well, the highlight of my day-was Mike came home from work with a bouquet of beautiful flowers and a teddy bear attached-just because. The card said that he wanted to give me the joy that I give to him each and every day! AWWW....I collect gund bears-and its so cute~have tried to tell him I am running out of room to collect teddy bears-I guess he believes since my room is so big that Im not out of room until we cant walk in there anymore!! LOL...Anyway, that and the boys each made me cards to cheer me up-
Just when I thought things couldnt get worse-Stephanie unleashed on me yesterday-yes, ALL because "I" didnt try to stick up for her and stand up to Mike and tell Mike that he cant take her phone from her. Told her that I was in agreement with Mike about the phone and that bringing home ALL F's on her midterm progress report, except for speech class is UNACCEPTABLE....(she told us after last quarters report card that she would raise her grades-she didnt have any Fs at that time either) no and, if or buts about it-and that her phone being taken away at school because she was repeatedly texting or it was ringing in class-is uncalled for and was against the rules we set for her and her phone usage. She continually has broken the rules and sneaks on it at night-and so she wouldnt get busted-she called the phone company-acting like my mom-and told them she no longer wanted itemized bills-just to send the breakdown. WHATEVER-she didnt want us to see that she was on the phone past phone curfew. Which is 10 during weekdays and 11 on weekends. I think thats fair for a 16 yr old, dont you? Anyhow-it got REALLY bad here-she did her best to rile me up, which didnt happen until AFTER Mike got home from work. It was the worst eposide we have had yet-and she didnt know it-but I had opened the windows in the kitchen, and so when Mike got home, he stood out there and listened for 10 minutes before he came in. She went to her room immediately. He talked to me and then went and got her. She hates me (so she says when she is mad) she is mad that I dont take her to counseling anymore, in one breathe, and then the next breathe, she hates the counselor and wont go anyway-she called me a liar, a bad mom and says that I made her the way she is-not her dad-its unfair for the counselors and me to say that her bi-polar and anxiety issues are from her dads side of the family and she is sick of everyone blaming everything on her dad or his family????? She also said she is tired of doing her 2 chores she has during the week-she shouldnt have to sweep the floors or vaccum because she isnt the ONLY one who makes the mess so SHE shouldnt have to clean it up??? Thats why she wants to move. So-when it got real bad and she started calling me the names-Mike stayed calm for a minute and warned her twice and the third time-he got up and got her face and told her that IF she talked to or about MY WIFE like that again-your gonna see a part of me you arent going to like very much. He told her that she can move out-this week. It was amazing that she didnt lip him then. He has always pretty much tried to be fair with her and see her point of view too-but last night, when he was listening at the window-he understood what I have been telling him for a year-and said that he was disappointed that he went to bat for her all this time with me-and to find out the way she was doing me-really disappointed him and that he was not going to allow her to abuse me in our home-or have to have the boys listen to her saying I am a B or how much she hates me and this family. When Mikes adopted dad came to the door to talk to Mike, Steph sat down and said, you have raised us really good, I just need a break. I said your 16, where are you going to go and you need a break from 2 chores and a curfew and having to have passing grades HOW are you gonna make it in the real world? She was like my life has been so hard-and I said, the hardest thing is that you have to deal with your dad being sick, Steph and no matter WHERE you live, you HAVE to deal with it-she stood up, got in my face and said F OFF (only she said the word) and walked away. I called her biological dad, and I am checking into Job Corps for her. All I know is that we need to get this taken care of-and obviously, she isnt going to be happy until she isnt here. She truly thinks that her life is going to be rosey when she can do whatever she wants-so I guess I have to just accept the fact and let her go. Dont know what else to do-I just know that we cant live like this anymore. I did tell her last night that she makes me feel the way I felt when I lived with her dad. He was very emotionally abusive to me, and eventually, I got a thick skin and just got angry-but it really hurts when it comes from her, and I just cant seem to get that thick skin. She went to spend the night with my parents last night-who arent happy with her behavior either, but to get her out of the house and away from the situation. I know I dont want her to leave and move out, but she is going to when she is 17 anyway, and IF she is going to quit school (which she is planning on doing) I am not going to be able to stop her. She THINKS she can run and get her GED before she would even graduate-but I told her that I believed they changed that law years ago, that you cant take your GED anymore until you are 18, because too many kids were quitting to go do that. She would turn 18 before graduation anyway, so its like she said, even if she stayed here till she was 18, she would quit when she turned 18 and moved out. I just pray for her that she will get her emotional issues taken care of-I think she is headed down a really rough road and she is not making very good choices for her life. I hate to see that.
I talked to Mel last night-for the first time in weeks-literally. We usually text-LOL..Anyway, her moms next appt is Dec 3rd. Mel is going to be there for that. I have checked and I will be going with her-and if its a scheduled day for me to help my parents at the office, we are going to change days I help. Maybe I can just help her out with the kids when she goes to the doc with her mom-and I will be able to take Jon-and him and Clair can play together. They like each other alot. Terry will have to stay home to take care of his dad. So, really hoping the kids get better. Cant take Jon if he is still coughing and such. I dont want anyone to get sick. Please remember Mel and her mom and family in prayer. Thanks.
I asked her about Buttons and the vet said that they would have to take her to Columbia, St. Louis or such-and I asked what the worst thing that would happen IF they didnt take her to get her eyes removed-she would be blind-but she is already pretty much blind, so I think they are just gonna leave her like she is. Lots of dogs go blind. I think it would bother me to see my dog without eyeballs in their eyesockets-I would just leave them as well.
Well, I am gonna wrap this up and get some things done while I wait for the insulation people to get here.
**Jan-yes, you brought my molds back to me. Thank you. Yes, I know the devil is doing his best with us and yes, I rebuke him 100 times a day!
I know I cant let Steph get away with murder because I am scared. My counselor told me that. Its very hard though. Very scary. I wouldnt wish what I have been through with her-on anybody!! It even started to affect MY personality and me as a person. Felt like a really bad mom or why would MY child do that? How did I screw up with one when the other 3 are okay? That sort of thing. Its been a very hard couple of months. Basically harder on myself than I should have been. I do know IF she is going to do it, she is going to no matter what I say or do.
I know about the programs at the hospital-but they will only write off 10 percent because of Mikes income and my spend down is almost 2 grand per month. Its rediculous. Even when I make the spend down, they never get the bills in the computer soon enough to show met and so I have had to pay for every single prescription I have ever gotten, out of my own pocket. It stinks! I cant wait to get my medicare in March! I did try to get Edwards when I first looked into the surgery and he does not take medicaid patients for anything WLS related. I got a call from my PCP yesterday, I had spoken to the surgeons office that is going to be taking out my gb when I find out about my medicaid being reactivated and told them I would call them back WHEN I know something (and still having a bad cough and such, dont want to be under right now anyway) anyhow-the PCP called me last night and said I cannot afford to hold off on this and they want me in right away. I said-well, you will have to call the surgeon AND the hospital and Dr. Jenkins and see if they will both bill me as selfpay-they dont like to do that-and I cant pay for it in advance. They are calling me back today.
Yes, IF OH comes to MO-we should all caravan and split the cost of a motel and have a big old girls weekend or whatever (and any guys if they come too-) and have a big old Pajama party at the motel-that would be soooo much fun! Maybe all of us who go without our hubbys can get connecting rooms and just sit up and talk! I look forward to that. We will have so much fun!!!
Hope this cold weather helps with your allergies. I pray for you and your family daily. I also hope your daughter has a great birthday!
**Bev-am praying for you and good test results from your biopsy. Can you take something like Airborne? That helps a lot of people from getting sick. Preventative, so maybe when they do snuggle up to grandma, she wont get sick too-take care you and I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving as well!!
**Renee-I would go for a drive, but I dont get good gas mileage at all in the old borrowed Suburban I am driving right now! It would cost me a lot to go for a ride until I felt better-think I could make it up to Minnesota-LOL.... I know what your saying though. Maybe cooking and knowing I am helping others tomorrow will make me feel better. I am afraid she will start her crap tomorrow too though. She seems to have episodes when she knows something is important to me-just like at the reunion in September. I know she does it to get back at me-but I sure dont want or need that tomorrow. I am hoping that after she moves out, she wont be so hateful or spiteful with me anymore. She seems to blame me for her dad and all that good stuff. Maybe, I pray, that will all change, Im hoping.
**Brenda-Wow-never heard of an MRI report being anywhere in just an hour-very impressive. I hope that they can do something for you!! Your in my prayers daily, as well as Dennis and the whole family. I pray Sydney is okay as well. Love and miss you.
**Tamatha-WOO HOO and Congrats on the date-great way to start a new year-and a new life. By the next Christmas, you will be able to eat a real dinner again too-just not nearly as much!! Im very happy for you.
**Sheila-I will pray that something comes through to help with those cars! Im sorry your having a rough time. I will pray for you too. Take care.
Everyone else-have a good day. I just got a call from Mikes adopted mom and the insulation people are at grandmas house blowing her insulation right now, said they should be up here in 1/2 hr or so-not too bad-just an hour and a half late! They have to go in Stephs room though to directly get into the breaker box-and that room is a disaster! YIKES....Nothing I can do about it now. Anyway, as always, your in my thoughts and prayers and I hope you all enjoy your loved ones tomorrow. Your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334
I've been working without help this week and have not had a spare second - leaving in 20 minutes to go home and get ready to go to DD's for Thanksgiving. Hope you all have a wonderful day - eat turkey!!!
I had an orthopedic appointment Monday, got an xray first and the doctor says my shoulder has a bone deformity that may be abrading the rotator cuff - didn't think it had cut it yet. The result is that he wants me to have an MRI on Monday afternoon and then see him on Tuesday afternoon to review the results. I thought/think it is bursitis but he doesn't. We'll see.
Sorry so many are having pain and kid problems. I am praying for everyone - love you all so much.
Take care of yourselves and I'll try to get back on the board on Sunday to catch up with you all.
Hugs and many, many loveys,