Glad to see that Chip made it thru surgery well. That is fantastic, Another brother to the fold. Chip we have a spot waiting for you on the losers bench.
Mrsvegg thanks for passing on the info about Chip, from Colette , that is the sort of friends we have here.
Everyone keep putting your ideas in on the post at the top about Missouri and OH coming maybe just maybe we might get them here somewhere. Where ever it is im sure we can get a caravan of a lot of us to go. I know I would .
Sorry I didn’t get to the meeting tonight on the north side of town, I have some upper repertory crud and I have taken meds all day and slept. It is all in my sinus passages and I am trying to keep it there instead of letting it get on down into the lungs. My head feels like that commercial on tv where the head blows up and up lol I thought I had it about beat and yesterday I got out and was raking leaves and Joe was burning them well last night at work it started in and by this morning it was full blown. I guess I am going to have to get me some mask to wear outside , that would be cute huh? One good thing to day tho is that I have drank a lot and I mean a lot of water 150 oz of water, I just couldn’t seem to get enough, but that helps in a lot of things too. I haven’t wanted anything to eat but did get down a protein shake and a protein bar. But Joe came in and made me some chicken broth. So that was good. Wonder why Chicken soup is so good when you have a stuffy head ?
Glenna I am looking forward to the COF meeting next Monday night. I am trying to figure out how to get my combo there to taste as good as possible I think I have got it so it will stay cold and be good…Do we have enough little cups being brought or do we need more?
Joe went over today and had the truck all checked out, new shocks all around , flushed the radiator and brakes and put on computer and checked everything electrical nothing wrong but still cost us 700.00 wow!!! But it could have been more if there had been a lot of stuff wrong I guess. We had decided to keep our truck and not go in debt for another one since we don’t owe anything on this one. So the 700 was a lot cheaper than buy6ing something else. Lol
Am calling the glass place in the morning to get the windshield replaced, we had a tiny spot in it and we kept forgetting to get it fixed , which the insurance would have paid for it all , then one night it got real cold after it being hot all day and it was cracked all the way across the window. Man that is sad, now because our insurance is 500.00 deductable we get to put in the new windshield our selves , or rather pay for it ourselves .
TRACI: HEY I like your new picture. Is that recent? I need to get someone to help me get a newer one on here of me the one I have on is about 4 months after surgery.
So glad you and your hubby are feeling better. Did you get any sleep today? I hate it when I am up all night. I do that pretty often.
JANET: I see you got your post on here just fine. I always do my post in word, cause I usually do my daily stuff thru out the day , that way I can go back and add things to it all the time.
I think it was sunny here all day, I really don’t know but everytime I woke up it was sunny. So hope the day turned better for you.
I was going to start my decorating today too but instead of that I just slept.
Yeah that pain I guess will always be there but the sharp pain that feels like knives stabbing in my knees I hope will be gone forever.
I know we are all joining you and everyone in praying for Theresa, God will take care of her she is one of his own . We don’t always understand why things happen like they do but if we could see the big grand scheme of things as they happen and unfold we would be all knowing and instead that is Gods job not ours. I am praying for her healing, as we all are.
RENEE: you sounds so proud of your kids when you talk about them you can just heard the buttons popping. Lol. The joys of motherhood when things are going well is overpowering isnt it? It does make up for the valleys at times and makes us want to continue .
Looking forward to seeing you again next Monday night.
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
good evening friends have had a LOT of trouble trying to post ..so will try again....now when i went to Dr H for my consult they mentioned me seeing a eternial dr and i told him i didnt need to and that was end of it.... ive had a BAD week both my cars r broke down. 1 with a axle joint going out and the other 1 needs a fuel pump, fuel filter..gonna be over a 150.00 to fix 1 or the other...sighs...and i havent worked due to my surgery till last week and then they ran out of work and i only got 4 hrs in....... NEED HELP..........my blender isnt pureeding food what do i do??? cos im on stage 3 now which is pureed....so HELP
hope every 1 has a GREAT thanksgiving
Hello Missouri Board, I just wanted to pop on and wish everyone a Thankful Thanksgiving!!
I know everyone can find something to be thankful about this week, Some of us may have to dig a little deeper than others but I know we can find one thing. I am going to a Pain Management Center tomorrow to see if they can help me get some relief from my back pain, and all the pain caused from fibromyalgia. They do not use steroids so I told my pcp that I would try it. I would like to ask all the prayer warriors on here to pray for G-Daughter Sydney, She was having a lot of pain over her rib on one side. And she has what feels like a knot on her ribs.
She was referred by PCP to an Orthopedic doctor in Poplar Bluff and when she saw him and he x-rayed her ribs he found a rib that is not laying right it's like if you stood a can on a counter to represent her rib and up right would be the correct position , her rib would be the can laying down. So it is flattened out. That doctor said it very rare to see this but it does happen. That bone doctor didn't wont to try to fix it so he referred her to a bone doctor in St. Louis at Saint Louis University. So I don't know yet if she's facing surgery are not. The doctor in Poplar Bluff that referred her said that the likely treatment would be to remove the rib. Well I will be busy tomorrow trying to get my house ready for all my company coming to dinner Thursday. And Wednesday I will be making pies and marinating my turkey. Everyone have a great holiday!!!!
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Before I get into my post I would like to say CONGRATS to Chip~WOO HOO. Glad to have you on the bench with us buddy! I bet your glad its over with too~I will keep praying, as Im sure others will too, for a speedy and uneventful recovery. Surgery may seem like the hard part, but I say that was the easiest-now the hard stuff begins.
Also-if you could all say some prayers for Bev B. She is my angelette and has had some issues that postponed her testing for her surgery and so on. We are waiting for the results, so please take a moment and pray that it was nothing serious and nothing that will postpone her surgery. I have her on my prayer chain, but have forgotten to post about it-Bev, dont take it personal, honey-have had a lot going on, but trust me, we are praying for good results. Love you!!!
Can I just say, the gloomy weather is getting to me. I am finding it really hard to stop and be happy. I want to. I am feeding 40 needy or homeless people on Thursday, and I know I have a lot to be thankful for-but it sure seems like the devil is coming at this family in full force this week. I am angry, and I am sad. I spent a lot of yesterday on my knees, upset tummy AND crying. Then, I spent last night sick, and with the worst diarrhea I have ever had, until 2 am. I know its nerves, you have me there. No one has to tell me that. I am a fixer, I guess you could say, and I cant fix things going on around me right now. To top off the fantastic day we were having here-the kids brought home their progress report. Stephanie is failing-and I mean BIG FAT 30% to 48% in ALL classes but one. Even her art class-which she kicks butt in-she is failing. There is absolutely NO REASON for it. She hasnt been working now for 2 weeks or more, AND 2 of the teachers said little to no effort in her attitude or class work. Mike grounded her from her phone. She cannot get it bac****il she raises ALL grades and she is not allowed to have ANY extra curricular activities. Now-I agree 100% and stand behind him-but with her emotional problems and her cutting issues, I am now scared to death of what she is going to do. I know I cant worry myself to death over it, but I do. I really feel that she will try to get us back for taking her phone away. She lives for that phone-truly. She even named it-Ruby. I would appreciate any and all prayers you guys can muster up for me and Stephanie right now. Actually, I am getting tired. Really tired. Its always something. I checked to see if there were some kind of support group around here for parents or loved ones of troubled teens and I cant find anything. I wonder why? Heck, I guess I shouldnt-for a town this big-I cant believe that there is nothing for bariatric support groups either. I have wanted to start one for almost a yr now-but its just been one thing after another this whole year!
I am very worried about Mel too right now and her family. Mel withdrew from school yesterday and will start back in Feb. Her sister called her after her moms appt with the surgeon and its CANCER AGAIN. I dont know the extent of it right now, but I know that Theresa, or as I call her too-mom has already been through chemo and all, so I dont know where they are going from here. On top of all of that, Mel is dealing with the issues with those 2 beautiful children and their messed up parents-which I have personally been through-those people are exactly like Darrels biological womb-only I didnt have to listen to the fighting and such on a daily basis-because WHEN she would try to tell me-I would just say I dont care-if it didnt affect Darrel-and it didnt, cause he lived with us-I dont care (but with them trying to get permanent custody, she is keeping track of all of their fights, police being called out and so on so she can show the courts etc). Never wanted her to misunderstand and THINK I cared OR that we were friends-HA! So-she is dealing with that (cause she HAS to), and then her beloved dog, Buttons-may lose BOTH of her eyes. I know Mel is just tore up right now. PLEASE say prayers for her and her mom, and her family. They can use all the prayers we can get them right now. I wish I could go down to her moms with her-but I asked when she is going back and she said Thurs or Fri and I am feeding the needy on Thurs and working on Fri and Sat. Dang it. Maybe I can send down some flowers and a teddy bear to her-I bet she would do that for me. I want to be there in person to hug her though. I feel misplaced right now, really. Out of sorts or whatever you want to call it.
My kids were better for a day or two and POOF, just like that, they got worse. Not sure if its the bad before the good, you know? I sure hope all this is over with before Thursday, or I will be cooking and sending it with my mom and dad. I wont be able to take them like they are today. Today is their last day at school until Monday, which will be nice-I want to get the house somewhat organized and get the Christmas tree up and decorations. I dont feel very festive right now-maybe that will help some. I love to see Jon get so excited about Santa and the thought of what he may get in his stocking and for presents.
To add insult to injury-if I dont have surgery this month, I have officially put my family in debt for another almost 4 grand, due to my spend down. I could almost vomit when I think about it-so I am trying not to. Mike keeps telling me not to worry, its only money. I understand that-but its going to ruin our credit we have just gotten cleaned up. CRAP! We need the good credit to buy this house that we are leasing. We only have 2 yrs to rebuild and get it back to what it used to be. The owners keep saying not to worry about it, but the bank isnt going to say that-or the lenders, you know? I am thinking once my back surgery and knees are done that I HAVE to get back to work. Since what I do is more or less a desk job-which I do have to get up to meet patients once in awhile-and sometimes all day-but when I meet with them, we sit down and talk and go over paperwork-so its not like I am walking all over the hospital and such. Maybe they will release me to work. They have all said no (3 diff surgeons/docs) but I am not taking no for an answer and I believe my God is greater than my injuries/diseases, right?
Well, I suppose I better get this done and get my housework done and get my lists made for our day of cooking and baking tomorrow. Plus the insulation people will be here in the morning-so I need to be organized and get all my pans out etc. My parents are going to get the things I forgot Sunday. I ended up having a really bad gb attack at Dillons grocery store while Steph and I were getting our Thanksgiving stuff-and I forgot celery and butter-stuff like that. Geez. So-they told me to make a list and they will get that stuff for me. I had to go into town last night and work the office for a bit while my parents sat down with the owner. They are trying to get the owner to agree to having an assistant manager in there so my parents can actually get away OR not have to be called at all hours of the night at times because of unruly tenants or such-so I went in and worked for a couple of hours. It was funny-while I was working, 2 van fulls of people (that doesnt sound like its worded right-but?) came into the office-and offered me $30 and a bag of apples for a room. Of course, I had to turn them down, then they came back in with a bag of oranges and grapefruit as well-and said the old managers used to let them stay for the 30 and fruit-and I politely told them that is why the old managers arent here anymore. They demanded the new manager-and I went and got the actual owner, because he doesnt ever realize the crap we go through there-he has no clue-he stood there and said-what does this look like-a barter shop? He said-hit the road-and then amazingly enough, the man in the other van came in with all the money-BUT, they had 12 people they wanted to put in one room-with 2 double beds and we still told them no. This truly happens every week. At LEAST one person will come in and try to get a room for $20 or less than the $39.95 and then they will argue with me about it-like its optional to pay what we are asking. Whatever. The amazing thing is-that most of the time, you can smell alcohol on their breath. If you have money to drink-you have money to pay full price. I dont rent a room to anyone with alcohol on their breath-I dont care if they are a happy drunk or not, we all know that can change in a heartbeat.
**Jan-Glad to hear that the truck is okay. Thats really a small price to pay to know its all healthy-and WAY cheaper than a new one-plus it looks really nice! I think you made a wise choice. I am so sorry your not feeling well again. I agree about the masks. We have them for Jon because when they do the fields or mow outside, that happens to him, so we bought some of those surgical type masks from Home Depot. At first he didnt want to wear them, and when he realized that he had to stay inside unless he put it on, than he did ok. LOL.... I hope to see ya on Monday. I will email you this weekend-already put it on my calender, so you will bring the pictures from the reunion to the group with you. I would love it if OH would come somewhere in MO, close enough for us to get to them. I forgot to put down St. Louis, I would even go there-and when I was there-would see if we could meet up with Chante and Krissy-they both live close to St. Louis and that would be perfect to get to meet with them.
**Brenda-I will be praying for you, for pain relief. I am so sorry. I know exactly how you feel and it stinks-I know that. I will also be praying for Sydney. I hope you have a wonderul Thanksgiving and I miss and love you.
**Tammy-I hope you have a good Thanksgiving too-and congrats on being so excited. I love reading stuff like that. I know...I know people thought I was nutso when I was excited about being able to do the dishes, standing the WHOLE time and not having to take a break. Thats major to us!! I am so proud of you. Congrats and love ya girl.
**Renee-hope to see you on Monday. I will email you soon. Thanks for everything. Love ya.
**Shannon-CONGRATS on the sz 20. I am so happy for you. I am so glad you and Bobbie got to meet.
**Nutti-I will email you in response to your PM. I didnt do it yesterday because I had a bad day and was having trouble posting. We will get together soon.
**Bobbie-I cant wait to be able to meet you-and Im serious, if you need me, email or call me. I am a good listener.
**Mel-not sure if you will get on to see this, but I love you. I am so sorry for all you are going through right now. We will ALL be praying for you and IF I can do anything, let me know, ok? We will get through this. Look at it this way-2008 HAS to be better than this year was or has been so far. Dang. Consider yourself hugged till I can see you in person. Keep your chin up and we will prevail and moms a fighter-thats where you got it-right? She will get through this. She will!!!~~ Im not believing anything but she will be fine. So, dont let the devil take it in any other direction. Ok?
Alright everyone-Im signing off. Have a good Tuesday and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Take care, Janet

Hi Jan and all, Well I don't have anything to report on my biopsy. I went over to marshall today and the doc didn't have my results. I wished he would have called me. I would have saved on gas. He is supposed to call me Wednesday and let me know something. Hope everyone is ready for the cold. Winter is a comin.....I burn pellets so it will keep me nice and toasty. And I don't have to pay those high gas prices..love it.... I tell you the viruses are running amok here in sedalia....since my grandkids are living with me they bring everything home with them. I just got over being sick. horrible cough and sick in bed for 3 days. Today they sent my granddaughter home from school for throwing up and diarrhea. Now I will probably get that. I have a big ole king size waterbed (I know I shouldn't have a waterbed with my back but I have tried sleeping in a regular bed and it hurts my back worse.)and they like to snuggle in my bed everytime they get sick, but how could I tell them no...I am an old softee... So glad chip is on the losers bench..that should relieve some stress. I can imagine that the waiting is very stressful. .
Well guess I will close for now. Blanket prayers for everyone that needs them as I can't remember everyones name.....Happy Thanksgiving to all..... .