Another night at work, and you would have sworn there was a full moon .Oh my go**** was a mad house there. Patients all cranky and fussing at each other, and the staff. Was really bad.
Today before I went to work we got out and cut off all the elephant ears even with the ground also the cannas. Will give them a couple of days to dry out some and then start covering them with straw. It is suppose to start raining Wed tho so will try to get them covered by then. My dog loves this covering things with straw , he things all of the places is his personal bed . lol He doesn’t hurt them by laying on them so I let him lay there. After I uncover them in the spring he quits laying there then , smart dog.
Joe or I one or the other is taking the truck into the dealership in the morning early to have it gone over and thru to see if there is anything wrong with it. We know the shocks all need to be replaced but don’t know if anything else needs it. We want them to put it on the computer and check and see if it is fireing right. We decided that we are going to keep it for some time longer so we want it in tip top shape. We thought about trading it off for a smaller truck but when we checked on the gas mileage we found ours gets better gas mileage than most of the smaller ones , and we give up lots of power and pulling capacity. So we decided to keep what we have.
NUTTI: hey good to hear from you. Sounds like you are being really busy with painting and all for Christmas. Wish I had some special talent like that. Would be great to be able to give handmade gifts.
LOL you sound like me with buying stuff all year long and then not knowing where it all is at Christmas.
Nutti my body was like that when I first started and had some big weight loss, I stumbled all over everywhere. I was like a drunk on Saturday night. Lol But I think I am getting myself lined up now.
TRACI: so sorry that you and hubby both got sick too. Hope you both are feeling better.
Don’t wear yourself out eating all of those Thanksgiving dinners. Lol
BOBBY JO: glad that you are getting to meet
I too think Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I love all the sights and sounds and smells ,
TAMMY: Wow it has been a few days since you posted hasn’t it?
Glad that you are ok. Ive been worried about you and wondered where you were.
Enjoy the peace and quite while miss baby girl is gone cause as soon as she gets back again you all will be overrun with her lol
That is ok tho isnt it? Makes you feel young and alive.
Hope your Thanksgiving dinner turns out great. No matter where you are in your process after surgery you will be able to find stuff to be able to eat You wont be able to eat and eat like you use too but you can take a tiny small bite of anything you want.I even had a small , small slice of pumpkin pie with fat free s.f. whipped topping .You just have to rethink about how you are going to do any thing ….
JANET: Have you heard any more about Melissas mom? That is so sad. But hopefully her mom will be able to get well and get around again
Thanks for believeing that I was ok. I thought so too but wanted confirmation. I want them to send my present pc all of those records too.I think she would love seeing them.
Janet copy and paste is a real simple process. Very easy.
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~
Well, it happened again-I lost my post. 3 days in a row, so I am in word now, trying to see what will happen. Not sure what I will do if I cant copy and paste-LOL...I am hoping this works!
Its an Eeyore day here-gloomy and yucky. Looks like it may rain. I had hoped to get my porch (covered porch, runs the whole length of the house with posts and solid at the bottom) all sparkly clean and get it all decorated with my christmas decorations-and have green and red ribbons I was going to be putting on the posts and so on. Not going to do it today, because taking Jon outside would be like borrowing trouble, which I sure dont need to do-Mike and Mel tell me trouble seems to find me wherever I go-LOL...But, since he is just now starting to feel better, dont want to take chances. Whenever the weather changes as its been-and its windy, both boys get sick real easy with allergies and ear infections. My bones and joints are KILLING me the past 3-4 days-the deep, penetrating pain that nothing helps. I just hate that there is nothing you can do to get rid of it-even the good pain pills dont help with this kind of pain. Ortho doc says its a pain I will have to live with-even after the knees are replaced, its just always going to be there. I have talked to several people who have had knee replacements that say the knees do feel better BUT, they still get that pain when the weather changes-but that overall its much better on the day to day so the occasional pain doesnt bother them as much. Cant wait to find out for myself.
Ok, if your reading this, please stop for a second and say a prayer for Chip, who is having his surgery today. Lets pray for a safe surgery and speedy recovery. Cant wait to hear from Colette that he has joined us on the bench!!
Well, I think the insomnia finally caught up with me. I dont think I would have woke up last night, had a tornado picked me up and tossed me about. I fell asleep about 12:30 and slept straight through until 6 am, had a cup of coffee with Mike and fell back to sleep. Woke up when the kids left for school at 7:30 and went back to sleep until Jon got up at 8. I was still tired! Think I could go back to sleep if given the opportunity!! Those meds I am on, have caused the insomnia and I have only been averaging about 2-3 hrs of sleep now for over a week. Now that I finally got some real sleep-dont feel like I got enough-however, its more than I would normally get anyway!
Yesterday marked the 4 yr anniversary of my grandpas passing. My mom didnt have a very good day. She misses him so much, they were very very close. Stephanie and I went into town. She stayed with my mom and my dad and I went shopping. Holy cow-Walmart was a zoo-horrible. I ran in and got remotes for the motel-between Friday and Saturday there-we had 2 trashed rooms, 3 drunks that got kicked out-and the 2 rooms that got trashed-they stole all the pillows, the remotes, ashtrays, towels and even the bedding!! So-I ran in and got 4 remotes, then we went to the Dollar Tree for some other supplies for the motel, but I found some Disney wrapping paper, and some really nice plates, that had snowflakes on them and were dishwasher and microwave safe. Then we went to Sams and got some more supplies. I found 2 Christmas presents there and saved a buttload of money. My dad thought they were expensive, but since he doesnt go to the mall or whatever, he didnt realize I saved $50 by buying them there! Was having a good day so far-and my dad offered to buy me lunch at Sams. Decided on a hotdog-took 3 bites and it went down good and tasted wonderful-and I knew that it was a HUGE mistake and my gb didnt like that too well. It was the start to a horrible next 2 hours. We went back to their house and I got sick. Stephanie and I went to Dillons to get the turkeys and some other groceries before I headed home and I had one of the worst gb attacks yet. It scared Stephanie-but I kept telling her it was normal and okay, it was just going to take a couple of minutes. I told her that she better go and get her permit-because I would have had her driving home last night, I felt that bad! I am making her get her permit-or at least take the test this week. Enough is enough!! I think she is afraid she wont pass, so she doesnt want to go, but you will never know if you dont go in-right?
I am sitting on pins and needles right now-waiting for word on Mels mom, Theresa. Please continue to pray for her. I love her so much-and I am not even her biological daughter, I know that her kids are even more affected than I am. She has her appt this morning at the surgeons. Mel has a huge test in school today and she was just a bundle of nerves yesterday with worry. I told her that I was like that in the beginning of college too. I was 28 when I went back-and for a month or so-I didnt think I could do it, each test freaked me out, because I didnt think I could retain all the info.My computer lab teacher even tested me without my knowing it-because when I knew we were being tested, I only typed 29 wpm, but when she tested 3 of us one day and we didnt know it-I typed 72, so there was a huge difference!! Told her that she would do great and that I knew she would be fine. To top off that she is worried about her mom, her beloved dog, Ms. B (for Buttons) has really bad cataracts and the vet said she may lose BOTH of her eyes. Mel is so worried about B too. I wish there was something, besides prayers that I could do. I would appreciate any prayers you guys could send their way. She also said that the state wants Mel and Terry to go after the biological parents of the kids they are taking care of-for child support. I know that these people are just like Darrels biological mom, but I know that the parents will snatch those kids back before they will pay child support on them. I am hoping the worker will understand and maybe allow more time on the paperwor****il they can get permanent custody. I hate that they may lose those kids over a few dollars each month. Its really not fair and those people are really unfit and shouldnt have a pet mouse, much less 2 beautiful children!!
Well, I am going to wrap this up and try and post it again. I have laundry to do, need to take something out of the deep freeze for dinner, calls to make and so on...gonna be a busy day-and then waiting for word on Mels mom, need to keep myself as busy as I can. At least Jon has been in a wonderful mood yesterday and today-so its pleasurable around here.
I hope everyone has a wonderul Monday AND the rest of the week. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Take care, Janet