Jan C.
on 11/17/07 1:35 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

I got a call from the Heart clinic tonight at work and everything is great. My heart is healthy and good and strong they said and the labs I had done about my cholesterol is fantastic….so im good to go on my knee surgery.


I am really really tired tonight it was a rough night so this may be extra short tonight just want to answer any questions any one might have had and then let you all post on Sunday. Ok?


Bobby Jo : you will always have days like that I guess, it is a life changing deal we did.

I know I still have days that nothing wants to go down or stay down. I just go along with it and work with what I have. Lol.


Sheila: I wrote you a pm but will answer here too , you can count your crystal light it is only flavored water after all. It doesn’t have to be clear plain water ok? Even decaf tea or anything counts. I have trouble with drinking plain water too., it still taste like metal to me.


Brenda: ouch on the toes. That sounds like it would hurt from you describing it. Hope they get better soon.



Janet: do your post in word first and then you can copy and paste it onto  this site cant you that way you wont lose it in case it doesn’t go thru.

Glad your kids are getting better. Prayer is a great thing isnt it

Im so glad that your married daughter is doing so well. Sounds like her husband has stepped up to the plate and doing well. I know before they married you were really worried that he wouldn’t do good by her.


That is awful about someone stealing Mikes deer stand again. Some people are so mean any more aren’t they? Don’t understand this ole world



Jonada: hope you get those 5 miles ran someday soon. Just keep on trying you will get your water in someway somehow. You just have to take small sips instead of guzzling it like we use to. After several months you will be able to take big swallows. But early on it is only sips.



Renee: yeah our kids have a way of growing up  on us but they will always be our babies wont they.

Glad the mouse is gone and not a problem anymore. Lol






on 11/17/07 4:28 pm

Hellooo Missouri! not much going on around here today. I went and got a ceramic dragon for my son from my MIL....she has LOTS of ceramic stuff I have been painting it and trying to repair the one I made him yrs ago that Miss Pixie Broke when she was learning to walk. I am happy to say that the new Dragon is almost painted and next on my to do list is get Miss Pixie's dollhouse out and start its transformation.  I am going to do some Christmas Frogs for my DIL and a santa for my mom...she likes Santa. also getting ready to finish up my donation house...I enjoy building and funishing a small dollhouse to give away during the season.  I have lots of stuff to wrap....gotta dig it out of all my hiding places....it was much easier when I had ONE box for all of it....but I broke my box and its never been the same....Im one of those weird ones who shop all yr long.  I used to get it all done by October but for the stocking stuffers... but since the box was destroyed I struggle....mainly to find the stuff Ive bought and hidden! This yr I have a bonus! when cleaning out a closet  recently I found several presents I had bought....but never saw again....so now I have them for this yr! isnt that fun!  also have to do some  Tie-Dyeing today....sending my oldest his Christmas Box and I want to make him a shirt.....I do this really neat spider design.....box is going out  tues or wed did my shopping for the few things I am cooking for Thursday. and Jevins box.  I resorted to the buggy and wished I hadnt  the kid made me do it! I had a big list and the last couple of time we went I got grippy at her so we were trying to have a pleasent trip....it was but I still wished I would have stuck it out...I started out walking. and whimped out. my body is freaking out with the weightloss.....it hardly knows what to do or how to act or WALK what will be fine to do one day will not be the next. all steps in getting my life back! the days I struggle are the days I know its gonna be worth it....the harder the fight the sweeter the victory!  glad to see the new WLS Loosers!!  it is the best choice I could have made at the weight I was! I think it was the only one I had to live. good to see all the posters! makes for interesting reading! Have a great day! nutti






Traci K.
on 11/17/07 7:58 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Well hubby and I ended up getting what the kiddos got, so now we're on medicine as well.  I think we're finally feeling better.  Good thing, as today is our Thanksgiving dinner at church and I've got some cooking to do early this morning before church!!  Then tomorrow evening a good friend of mine, that moved to Ohio, is coming back home this week for a visit for Thanksgiving.  So I get to see her!     And of course, Thanksgiving on Thursday - so it's going to be a busy week! Have a great day everyone. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Bobbie Smith
on 11/17/07 10:41 pm - Ashland, MO
Today is a busy busy day first we are off to church,,,,, then at 4 the girls have their dance recital..... then we have to rest up for work we are heading up towards K'ville then we will go on over to Quincy to spend Thansgiving with MIL then we will head back home to prepare for the Thankful dinner we have here at our house with all the kids to put up the tree....cant wait Christmas is my favorite time of the year... going to be slim pickens this year for the kids since DH took 3 weeks off to be with me but hopefully then understand I hope you all ahve a great day  Bobbie

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


Tammy H.
on 11/18/07 12:22 am - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Folks... Wow didn't realize it had been so long since I had been on lol lol... Dropped in and checked the board out a few times but haven't have much time to set and post.... First I wanted to say...Congrats and Welcome to our new bench warmers!!!!! Let me tell you guys it is so awsome seeing all the changes in your self you will see now!!! It don't seem like it's been that long to me but I will be our 6 mo Dec 4th!!! I have lil wow moments all the time and love how I feel now.....Still like a couple more pounds till I hit my 150lb down mark, but I can tell I'm loosing inches cause I'm still seeing progress with my clothes... Best wishes to each of you!!!! Well got a busy week as usual...Got a bit of cleaning to do today....Going to try and hit the grocery store for the last bit of stuff I need for thrusdays dinner and got to finish helping my son pack....His job finally called him back and he is going to Indiana for about 6 weeks before he goes back to N.Carolina....So I want to make sure all his clothes are washed and gathered so he don't forget anything...And of course mom has to pack a goody bag to make sure he dont starve lol lol lol.... My lil Princess had been in N.Carolina with her dad for about 4 days now and it seems like its been a MONTH!! If all goes as planed I should get to meet with him to pick her up a week from monday....The little terd is noisy as all get out but darn if the quiet isn't getting to me lmbo! I guess my week is going to be busy cleaning and trying to keep it done up till Thursday, shopping and cooking. We are having Joes family over this year. His sister usually does it but we offered this year to give her a break...Don't know how many is going to show yet, but he has a big family so I guess I will be cooking my butt off wed & thrus.... Jan...So glad all the test come back good for you!!!  Janet....So sorry things are being delayed for you and your having to deal with all the pain your in! I hope you get an appt and get that dang GB out really soon! Please tell Mike I am so sorry about his friend...I hope all your kids are feeling better and are getting over what yall are passing around. Mel....Haven't heard from you in a bit...Hows school going? Hows the lil angels doing?  Susan...Where you at girl...Been in hopes of hearing from you! I hope all is well your way...Call me soon. Amanda...How you doing sweetie?? Your dates getting closer and closer...How you doing on you pre liquid diet? I know you were going to start working with it early. Brenda...What's up in your neck of the woods? Hows your lil piggies doing? You having a big dinner for Thanksgiving? We need to chat soon...I would like for us to get together soon and work on getting a place worked up for starting us a meeting for this area. I know as big as the Bluff is we can surely find some place to loan us a place at least 1 time a month. I hope to get it on a different day than the COF meeting so we can still go drop in on those guys every 3 mo or so. Maybe when we get ours built up we can bum a van and take our group up to meet everyone one nite! Guess that will be a goal to work on...Talk to ya soon. Lana....Wanted to say Howdy to you too! Hope all is well your way... Well got to run for now...I hope you all have a great week and a wonderful Thanksgiving...Prayers for all of you that are traveling!!! God Bless each of you... Luv & Hugs....Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 11/18/07 1:49 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

Good Morning. Well, it seems that whenever I THINK things are bad or less than desirable for me OR my household-the good Lord shows me that it can ALWAYS be worse, right?  Can I ask for prayer for 2 people that my family and I love very much please? First off, Mels mom had her procedure that Mel posted about. Those of you who have been on the board for any length of time knows that Mels mom (and I call her mom too-she is SOOOO AWESOME, LOVE HER VERY VERY MUCH!) has had cancer. She has gone through her chemo and such-any way, she had her procedure on Weds and Mel and Terry went down on Thurs. They got a call from the surgeon and he wanted Theresa (Mels mom) IN his office Monday. No results by phone and thats not the call that they were hoping to get. Mel says she has a really bad feeling. PLEASE pray for Theresa. Thanks. I believe it was her uterus where they first dx'd or found her cancer. Cant remember, a female part, at any rate-and the procedure that she had on Weds was comparible to a D&C. Please pray for Theresas family as well-for strength and for peace of mind too-ok?  Ok-now, if that didnt weigh on my heart enough, Mikes friend, Bob-all his friends call him Bobby though, 36, married for just a couple of years and FINALLY had a baby boy-he is 9 months old-the doctors told Bobby he would never have kids-at any rate-he is dying of lung cancer and never smoked a day in his life. Mike hadnt seen Bobby in a long time because he was having chemo and such and he quit racing and they moved etc. He just didnt want everyone to see him like that. When he found out that he wasnt going to make it much longer, he got back in touch with everyone and Mike is very upset about this-and so are we. Please pray for Bobby and his family. I appreciate it. My heart is heavy for my family and friends today-I hate that they are going through this-and although I know there is power in prayer-I just want to make this go away and let them be healthy and enjoy their lives. Such wonderful people and I dont want them to be sick or to suffer dammit~WISH I could post that these things happened to those animals like the men that raped and killed that little girl-not post that good, loving people are suffering. Ok I have to stop talking about this. Today, I am going to finish this post, get to town and go shopping with my dad. We are finally going to get to Sams and then we are going to finish shopping for our dinner we are cooking for the needy we are feeding on Thurs. Yesterday, while I was helping my parents out-2 more people came in and asked what they could donate to the dinner on Thurs-WOW...That was awesome! Im pretty happy about that. Anyway-I need to get this post done and get the family ready to go to town. Will be dropping Mike off at the track and heading to shop, shop, shop. Wi**** wasnt groceries-but cool stuff-LOL...Then I need to get home and get some laundry done and all that fun stuff I didnt get done Friday and Saturday. **Jan-I KNEW you would be okay...Glad that was verified though, that ALWAYS gives us a sigh of relief, even if we know in our hearts its all ok, you know? Kinda like when we are waiting to hear about someone joining us on the bench. We know-but its always a relief to see it posted, right? I guess I will have someone show me how to copy and paste from word or however you do it. Im very challenged until someone shows me HOW to do something. I know, I know....

**Renee-I did get it-AFTER I posted to you, LOL...Im so glad you picked Fearing, I think you made a wonderful choice and I KNOW you WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. She rocks! I love her so much! She will do right by you-I promise you that. Tell her and Natalie I say hi when you go~Well, Natalie may be on FMLA cause she is having a baby!! But-tell Fearing I say hi. She would never forget me-I THINK I am the only patient so far with her name tattooed on my body-LOL..I dont think she will ever forget that. I cant wait to hear what you think. IF you decide to fax your info is-as I did-I would fax it TWICE to make sure that they get everything. I did. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks for the compliment about my parenting-thats always been very important to me. I have never spoiled my children with extravagance (SP??) I wanted them to EARN things and know the value of the dollar and that you have to work for what you want. We paid xxx amount towards the first car, towards this or that, but they have ALWAYS had to do their part too-IF they want it bad enough, they will-and if not-they will do without. I will not tolerate them being spoiled ungrateful children. I had to work for everything and I hate it when I see those kids who will wreck their cars or whatever and then just know mom and dad will replace it-cause they are spoiled rotten and dont value anything! Argh! I will email you soon. Love ya too and cant wait to meet you. **Tammy-Yes, its been a long time-too long, your grounded. The baby will be back soon!! Take this time to catch up on your sleep-LOL....I hope you have a good Thanksgiving. Thanks for listening and love ya. (well, texting)...Good job on the weight loss-your gonna pass me up soon!!! **Nutti-we gotta get together so I can get those test tubes to you. I had left a bag of shirts at Mels when Tammy came-did you get them too? Have you gotten the clothes yet? You should have some shirts to get through for a week or so-LOL...I will call or email you and we can see when we can get together. **Brenda-take care of yourself and your little piggies. Wish I lived closer-well, not that I would have been much help to you lately with being sick and all-but I wouldve tried. I agree about living in the country-wouldnt ever trade and move back to town-love my solitude out here WAY TOO MUCH!!! Love and miss ya. **Truday-WOOOO HOOOOOO...your finally on the bench with us. AWESOME....Keep us posted on your progress and we will keep praying for a rapid and uneventful recovery. Love ya. **Chip-your doing great with your daughter and soon-in just a short couple of months, she is going to really enjoy all the stuff you can then do with her that you cant now. We will pray for you and your family and can wait to have you on the bench with us! Keep the faith!! **Lana-Where are you? Are you feeling better? Love ya! **Mel-moms gonna be fine. We are all gonna pray for her. I love you. To everyone else-hope you all have a wonderful Sunday. Enjoy your family and friends and God Bless each and every one of you. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

Shannon C.
on 11/18/07 4:42 am, edited 11/18/07 4:43 am - Kirksville, MO

Spent toooo much at the grocery stores yesterday just getting  the basics for turkey day.  I started out at aldi's, then to walmart  and darn if I didn't have to go to hy-vee.  Went back to walmart  this morning to get potatoes, vitamins and dog food.  Darn if I  didn't forget the sour cream.   Will stop & get it at hy-vee as I  want the  reduced fat kind. Can't wait for tomorrow as I get to meet Bobbie!  Am overstaffed  on call tomorrow so will not know if I work or not. Dad went deer hunting this am and said he was going to cut a  load of wood.  A coffee drinking buddy of his died Friday cutting  wood and when I reminded him to take his cell phone out of his  car and put it in his pocket I did not get the usuall  "I don't need it" this time so I think he is finally realizing how  important it is.   A 78 year old man who goes out alone needs to have his cell  phone on his person not left in the car - right! I am officially in a size 20! Have a great day and stay safe! Shannon        



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