Jan C.
on 11/16/07 12:28 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Today was so pretty still a little windy but nothing too bad, I did stay inside most of the day treating my sniffles and stuffy head. I think I pretty well have it cleared up now. I took Echinacea every 6 hours as well as a Sudafed every 6 hours and used a saline nasal inhaler as I needed too. So it is all but gone now. If I had let it go any longer than what I did without doing anything it would have been too far gone and would have had to run its course with probably doctors intervention.


Didn’t hear anything from the heart clinic today, I would imagine that it would at least be Monday or Tuesday before I hear anything from them. But im not worried because I don’t think there is anything wrong with my heart. After the stress test she said that the highest my blood pressure got was 140/80 so that sure isnt anything to worry about when something like that is going on.


Joe went deer hunting again today but no luck yet. Certainly wish he would get one , then he would quit, I think I have laughed at him too much about not getting a deer that he is really determined to do it this year. I think all the deer now are hid in some cave somewhere playing cards or badmittion waiting out till the season is over. Probably their supply of deer weekly is getting worn out from reading and reading it over and over again

Im sure that they will be glad when it is over so they can go about their dearly lives again.




TRACI: UNhuh now what did you and hubby do all day that the kiddos were in school.


Glad the school got all sanitized and back to normal again.




SHEILA: You said one protein and one water a day, how much is one water? Each day try to get just once ounce more a day of water. And also of protein. You are reaching for 90 grams of protein and at least for the time being 64 oz of water.


I know it isnt easy at first but you have to have it or you wont do well and you wont lose maxium amount of weight , you need the water to stay hydrated and also to flush out the fat. Protein you have to have to feed your muscles and not lose so much muscle mass as you lose fat. Also so you wont lose your hair. Pu**** ….to the max…


Sure sorry you wont get to be at the COF meeting on the 26tth.


How is your friend Mona? Don’t hear you mention her much anymore.




TINA: I wont get to come to the Angels meeting on the 19th but will be at the Cof meeting on the 26th. I cant get to all three of them so I will miss seeing you but if I lived closer I would be there for sure.


The TKD sounds interesting for the kids…Hope you all have loads of fun. And your son comes back a winner.





JANET: I cant imagine you having to do the chemical stress test with all the extra weight on your chest. That was really miserable. At one point it was almost more than I could do to stay conscious. But it was over quickly they said about 4 minutes but it seemed like the longest time in the world to me.


Yeah they said I couldn’t do enough on the treadmill to really get a good test results they didn’t think. I told them that is the last time I ever have that done unless I have some major problem.


That is awful about the hospital and spenddown and all of that stuff. Our wonderful govenernor and his cut backs.


I just don’t understand why they don’t take the rich people in this world to the cleaners like they do the working poor .



I think you are doing a really great job as a mother to instill in your kids the acts of charity. And giving to the ones that are less fortunate than you are.


More parents need to teach their kids about giving rather than all of this I want , you give me, what can I get attitude.



Hope you didn’t have to work to hard.




JONADA1: Keep pushing for the golden amount of both and increase it a small amount every day. Rest when you can if possible , you will still get tired some. Ok?Keep up the good work.




CHIP: 2 more days. Go for it big guy….Is someone going to post on the board that you made it thru the surgery? Do you have an angel? We are waiting for you over by the bench and I see that someone has shined up a spot for you , right there.


How is your mom? Hope well…




RENEE: the great mouse escape. Did you find your mouse today? Boy what a lazy cat you all have lol


Glad you have your paper work done, you have the ball in the air now don’t you?




Congradulations to Bev for getting her surgery date of January 21st and for Beverly B: for getting approval. Both Beverlys are in the news today.












Bobbie Smith
on 11/16/07 1:15 pm - Ashland, MO

Well DH and DS and DS's friend are going to Work on  Wendy's tonight and they will leave here about 1am and be home around 5am.... so its hard to sleep sometimes when he isnt there but you know things you ahve to get use to. Things seem to be gtting better with the protien and all but there are days they it takes alot to keep it down. Looking forward to the holidays will post more tomorrow

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


Sheila H.
on 11/16/07 8:49 pm - Marshfield, MO
good morning friends!!!!Congratsulations on ALL the surgeries approved and for ALL the big weight losses........every one seems to be doing better and that is GOOD news and makes me happy ...   Jan.........today i will push even harder for at least 2 proteins and MORE water....its weird i can drink plenty of crystal light but have trouble with the water and be4 surgery i drinked LOTS of water, glad ur feeling better honey....  Chip not much longer,,, there is a spot by me so come on down


Brenda Minks
on 11/17/07 12:39 am - Silva, MO

Good Morning, Jan I know what you mean about that stress test! I had one before WLS and I thought when they  gave me that medicine that my heart was  going fly right out of my chest!! It was not a good  feeling! I pray your results will show nothing. Sheila you know you can count Crystal Light as water. I am not a water drinker can't stand  the taste of it. I drink decaf tea with splenda in it as my water. Dr. H. said I could do the  tea or crystal light and count them as my fluids. Boy was it ever cold here yesterday morning!! I had to dig out the scarf and gloves! I had an appointment to see my foot doctor. I am still having a problem with my toes swelling. The doctor said they shouldn't be  swelling  as bad as they are this far out from  surgery, so he gave me cortizone shots in my  feet/toes!!! He stuck me right at the top of my toe  and then moved it all around shooting that stuff in there!!!!! My feet are bruised this morning!!!  Can I say OUCH!!!!!! It hurt big time! He sprayed that freezing stuff on them before he stuck me but it still hurt, I think he stuck it in to the bone!! I went to a pain clinic for awhile a few years back and got the steroid shots in my back hip and knees and they used the freezing spray but I could still  feel them sticking me, when they take a big needle  and stick it all the way to the bone there ain't no way not to feel it. My pcp wants me to go to a pain management  center in Farmington which is about 50 miles  from here and see if they can help me. I told him I would not take steroid shots again! That was one of the problems that added to my  weight gain! He said they use other methods and do not give the steroids so I will call them  monday and see if they can stop the back and  hip pain. I did some christmas shopping after my doc visit and have got everybody taken care of except Dennis and 3 of my grandkids, but I know what I am getting them just have to wait for another  payday to get here. I say this every year that I am going to start buying Christmas presents in January and then by Christmas  I will have all my shopping done. We shall see! I am going to my G-daughter's church with her at 1:00 for their Holiday dinner, I promised her  I would come. Then we have been invited to my  sister's house for supper tonight, I think she is  making shrimp stir fry.  This time of year we get exposed to food all around  us! But I will prevail.

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. 
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.




on 11/17/07 1:09 am - Diamond, MO

Good Saturday Morning Jan and OH Peeps~ I have lost my post TWICE now. I am going to make this short and sweet. I have a lot to do today and I have already been here for 45 minutes trying to get this posted. I have SLOW dial up-so if this becomes the norm, I wont be posting much anymore! I want to say-for those who just got approved, who have their dates-whose surgeries are right around the corner, and those new to our bench here-CONGRATS!!! You are ALL in our thoughts and prayers. We ALL can remember the journey and the bundle of nerves that comes along with it! It was this time last year that my surgery was just a couple of days away and I remember being so anxious, excited, nervous, scared, happy and kinda sad really-ALL balled up into one emotion-and that sure was a rollercoaster ride. Happy one second-panic attack the next-LOL. So-I feel for all of you and please know we are all praying for you. For those still in the beginning process-we are always here for all of you-just let us know what we can do to help you-ok? I am pretty excited about how well my daughter and her hubby are doing! She doesnt have to move to Springfield in the spring to take her classes at MSSU. She is able to take those same courses here through Crowder-but it is MSSU professors or whatever you call it-working through a satellite program here. She loves Crowder College and I love the fact that she doesnt have to move away....and she can keep her good paying job too. My SIL gets to keep his good job as well-he is now working 2 jobs (does most of the time anymore, anyway) and gives plasma, which brings in $240 per month as well. They are doing so well and my SIL has improved 100% since Mike and I sat and talked to him about some issues we had with him when they were getting married. We had made our Thanksgiving dinner schedule with family-around his families schedule-well, when his mom FINALLY called him yesterday-she had changed the time its always been since Aaron could remember (they eat at noon). Well, we made ours at 2:30 pm-his mom said they would be eating at 3 and Aaron told her that they would not be coming over, because we had our time for weeks now-around theirs. I felt so proud that they chose us to spend their day with. Im so excited. I get to have ALL my kids with us this Thanksgiving!! It was crazy at the motel last night. Havent seen it that crazy EVER. I only had 2 rooms avail at closing time-and they were both single rooms. Someones busy today (housekeeping). I am helping today too-so I have to wrap this up and get busy here to get ready to go in a bit. I am helping them out today too. Thanks for the prayers for my children. The boys are doing much much better! I didnt hear Jon cough but once or twice all last night and didnt hear Darrel until this morning, but I just gave them their meds-so its a lot better!! The meds I am on right now give me insomnia-so I was up until 3 am, then I got up to have a cup of coffee with Mike at 5-before he left for his big race outside Tulsa today. Then fell back to sleep at 8 and slept till 9:30. Steph still sounds cruddy, but she is always reluctant to take her meds until she is on her death bed! I guess when she is sick of being sick, she will take her meds too-huh? She always says she "forgets"....ok. So anyway, Im going to wrap this up before I lose it again and get ready to go. **Jan-Im so glad your feeling better. I was praying for ya girl~ Yes, the chemical stress test that fat-well, lets just say-I really thought I was going to die. At least the best heart doc was right there when they actually administered the chemical that goes into the IV and makes you feel like your gonna die. He told me right then and there that I was cleared for the surgery-so there was no waiting for me-which I was glad of. I am not worried about you either-your healthier than most people 1/2 your age! I dont think I could come close to keeping up with how active you are!! Thank you for the compliment about my mothering. I do always teach my children to give FIRST. ALWAYS. Doesnt mean they dont WANT and sometimes act selfi****hink thats a part of all teenagers and such at some point in time-but I have even been teaching Jon, at 4, that he needs to give. I always tell them when they are picking the toys to donate to choose something that YOU would want to open on Christmas day, but they do have a spending limit, of course. The thought of a child without a present at Christmas breaks my heart. I cant imagine a reason for it with all the charities and such out there today! Hope Joe finally gets that deer. Wish we lived closer-you could send him to hunt with Mike. Although, Mikes hunting stand was stolen AGAIN this year-second year in a row-and Mike is madder than mad. I hate thiefs. I know that they will get theirs someday and thats what keeps me going. They will get it back, and then some! This year-his conservation number and name and initials were ENGRAVED 40 times between the stand and the ladder-so its not like they will be able to put it up somewhere else. Too much work to sand it all down! This world just sucks sometimes, thats for sure! **Both Bevs-CONGRATS on your dates and your approval! **Renee-fax your paperwork up to MOBAR instead of mailing it. They will get it sooner. Did you get my email and did you pick your surgeon yet? Fearing is AWESOME!! I would take my children to her-thats how much I love her and have faith in her. Heck, I have her name tattooed on my back-between my shoulder blades, in a banner above a set of angel wings-and then below it-my rebirth date-which is coming up the 29th of this month...WOOOOO HOOOO!! My one year surgiversary. One of the most importants dates in my life! Good luck and let me know who you pick. Love ya and thanks for the inspiration and such. It means a lot.

To everyone else-I hope you have a wonderful weekend. As always your in my thoughts and prayers.  If you dont have an angel-please send a post out to get one-so your loved ones can call and give us your update and someone can post it-so all of us prayer warriors will know how you did (Chip?)....Love, Janet

on 11/17/07 8:14 am
Hello everyone. Congrats to all those approved andall those that are still losing. Jan i am never gonna give up i gotta run those 5 miles so i will keep trying to drink plain water. I dont know why it bothers me now.i guess before surgery i drank too much water. about 8-16 oz bottles. what can i say i love water. my new pouch just dont like it.I hope that cold gets better soon. Everyone else have a blessed day and thank you all so much for the prayers and support.
on 11/17/07 10:20 am - Purdy, MO
 Good evening Everyone,  Spent the day with Kala, we went an done a little shopping, and then spent the rest of the day watching old movies. Tiff is off with her boyfriend (it's his birthday). Hard to believe they have been together for a year.  I'm going to make a nice Sunday dinner tomorrow, so maybe I can get them slowed down enough to each sometime with both of them together. It seem's like they are growing up to fast and are going in different direction's. LOL I so wish they would stay little girl's.   Jan glad you are getting over your sniffles. Kala's been fighting them to. Seem's like she's always sick this time of the year. I hope Joe get's his deer, I almost got one on the way home today. Janet I got your email's yesterday, and also emailed you back yesterday. Did you not get it? I have decided to go with Dr. Fearing. She sound's alot like the pcp that I have now. Having a doctor I can talk to and be comfortable with is very important.  I know I have told you before but I just have to say it again. You are doing an amazing job as a mother. Not every mom teaches their children to give, or pay it forward and now a day's it's so important. I'm very pround of you. Love ya girl. OOOOOOOO Yeah!!! Before I forget.  No More Mouse. I hope everyone has a great night...... HUG'S

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
on 11/17/07 1:42 pm - Concordia, MO
Howdy All It's getting close. Colette (mecoswan) is my angel. I am Blessed. Couldn't ask for a Better angel then that! Thanks for shinning my spot. My mother is fine, she's a little nerves. My daughter is the one that's scared. She asked "what if you die dad who is going to take care of me?" It just about broke my hart. She has been very clingy. It's hard for a 11yr old to understand. She's a daddy's girl that's for sure. I just tell her "It's in God's hands. He is the great "I am", and he wouldn't leave her all alone.    I love my little girl and I want to be hear for her. To some day walk her down the ill. She's one of the biggest reasons for all of this (wls)
In Him, Chip<><

on 11/17/07 3:42 pm - Belton, MO
Chip,      My prayers are with you, and your family, especially your daughter. God is the Great Physician. It is hard for a kid. You are doing great and God has brought you on this path to the rest of your life. Your daughters important job is to pray for you and to be there to help you when you feel down. I am only 6 months out, but already my life has changed so much that anyone that asks me how I lost my almost "130 pounds", I tell them that the Lord did it. God is in control and many people are praying for your speedy recovery. God bless you, and has and will continue to bless you. Your sister in Christ, Mrsvegg
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